ActionScript 3.0 :: Stroke Size Halved For MovieClip Container
May 26, 2010
Is there a way to have the full stroke size (height/width) fully included or excluded in the movieclip symbol?If I'm making a rectangle with size 100, adding dynamically lines of size 20 when certain criteria are reached in game. But I also want to have stroke of size 5-6, problem is that they half their size in included in the rectangle 100 of height, and half are outside.It makes it more tricky to make the formulas to take in consideration the 2.5 for the size and also the effect on x positionning etc. Much easier to just have to do the like of "x += 20" without the assle of calculating the half stroke height.So how to have those stroke included/excluded when converting to symbol?
I have a MovieClip that is just a 100x100 circle with a stroke but no fill. When I change this to 200x200 using as3 the stroke size doubles. How can I increase the diameter of the circle without changing the stroke size?
I've added some movieclips using addChild and it was working perfectly, and then the next day I loaded it back up and now only an outline, which I guess is the stroke part of the movieclip, is loaded and my collision detection using hitTestPoint also quit working on them.If I instead use gotoAndStop in place of stop and use frame 3 or later then it shows the proper frame and the collision detection starts working again.
how to measure the actual size of the container just like the Flex components. I wanna create some containers with my own layout arithmatic, so I must know the size of every child, but sometimes I don't know what's the size which DisplayObject or DisplayObjectContainer that I will add to the container actually is, how can I do?
I wanna know if exist a class in AS3 that allow to intercept the window size of the program in wich sfw is executed. For example the browser window size
I am going to have a situation where i have all sorts of different sizes of graphical data coming at me from XML. The only thing that all of these assets have in common is that they will be sharing a 100px by 100px thumbnail and they are SWFs.My question is, how can i make an object fit into the thumbnail so that:1) Theres no cropping of the item2) Items smaller than 100x100 must be enlarged3) Items larger than 100x100 must be shrunk
Really not enjoying myself with AS3 - it's about as userfriendly as an airplane cockpit. I'm sure Flash the program is quite happy with it, but spending hours into weeks trying to implement pretty ordinary functionality is getting really tiring.
I have a textfield loading in html/CSS file. The textfield is in a container mc. I'm trying to use a scrollbar on the textfield, and I need to set the textfield to newsText.autoSize = "left";. When I do this, the textfield displays the entire contents of the html file in the swf, ignoring the textfield size AND the mc size, displaying all the lines in the file in howover many lines are in the html file.
I'm autocenting my swf in the browser, so this of course throws the whole thing off center.
I'm trying to create a Flex application that can automatically shrink based on the size of the components that it contains, so that a user can shrink it to a minimal view to see more of the HTML page it's embedded in.
I know how to change the size of the whole application using ExternalInterface, but I'm having trouble automatically figuring out how much the size changed when something is hidden or shown.
How can I hide one of the text fields and cause the VBox to shrink? I'm currently setting it to visible = false, but that doesn't seem to affect the parent VBox.
Once the VBox shrinks, how can I detect that the Application no longer needs so much space, and then go about figuring out how much less space it needs?
I've tried using ResizeEvent, but I haven't been able to get them to work, but I could be doing something wrong.
How do I get the size of the content area of Container objects? One non generic solution is checking for styles I suppose but I am looking for some code that works generic for all standard flex Container objects. The controls are Flex 3
I have a video object that dynamically changes. I want to put that inside of a movieclip that is always 320,240 no matter what the video object size is. I want the video object to increase or decrease but I always want to display it at 320,240. How would I write this? I tried:
But the video object still is large (my video object is 480,360 in this case). It seems like it is not nested inside of the the videoDisplay sprite which should only be 320,240.
How can I limit the size of a child container with percentage width/height of 100%?
<mx:HBox id="container" width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:HBox id="scrollContainer" width="100%" height="100%"> <!-- keep this content limited to the size of "container" -->
Apparently I can get the desired behavior if I change HBox to Canvas but I would still like to know how to accomplish this with a HBox and why it differs from Canvas.
The thing is: I have got 5 movieclips which are able to drag and drop. Next to that I've got 20 containers which are all droptargets. The movieclips are able to be dragged and then dropped on a container. So far so good. But what I want is that when I drop a movieclip on a container which already has a movieclip dropped on it, the first movieclip gets removed and the second movieclip is dropped on the container. Or you could also say.. that the second movieclip replaces the first movieclip. This instead of the fact that a container has multiple movieclips dropped on itself.
I create an HBox, fill it with a grid of buttons, and set the scroll policy. When I resize the window, the stage changes size, and so does the HBox ... to a point. Once it reaches the height of the Grid it contains, it stops shrinking, like it has a "min-height". This ruins the scrollbar that I'm trying to establish in this case.
I've set the height to 100%, shouldn't it always take the height of the stage, it's parent?[code]....
I have an empty container MovieClip in which I put a couple of other MovieClips.These inner MovieClips have the ability to expand (kind of accordeon).Everytime a new item gets added/removed or when an item expands/collapses I check if scrolling is needed by checking container.height.The weird thing is that the result is different depending on which item is expanded. Although all the items (and the expanded sections) have equal height and spacing.
I recently had to move to as3 on a project because they wanted some special transition effects but now I can't figure out the parent/child stuff as I am new to as3. Basically this is what I am trying to do.
I have a layout.swf where I load different swf files into a container called content_area. The code I use in the main layout file is this[code]...
This is the third thread I've written for my current project (1st was answered perfectly, 2nd failed [but I still figured it out anyways]) but I'm not sure if there is a solution to this problem. I can't really explain my problem, so once again I've included a helpful animation to show you what I mean. Bear in mind that the pale-blue box represents the movie clip's borders, and those borders are usually changed to include the animation (instead of the borders moving with the animation, the borders get bigger).
For the animation problem, I've already got a solution: create an invisible movie clip that has the exact size and shape of the animated movie clip and make it follow the movie clip as it animates, and make the hitTest check the invisible movie clip instead of the animated one. As for the rotation problem, well, I don't know how to fix it. Is there a way to change that?
I have a movieclip that is loaded into a container movieclip. When I click on it, I want it to goto a particular frame and play. Have tried using the name of the container MC (LiftPlaceHolder.gotoAndPlay(10)) but this has no effect at all.
I'm having problem with regards to getting the name of the inserted images inside the movieclip container.
My movieclip container is named "container", it followed this snippet:
Is it possible to get the exact name of the images instead of "instance147" or "instance175"? So that if i have inserted image with the name of apple.png, it will show:
| 1. name:apple.png type:object [object Loader]
By the way, i use FileReference to insert image to the stage.
Using MovieClipLoader, is it possible for the loaded swfs to access movie clips in the container swf movie? In building a preloader for a previously produced flash app (originally made for CD), I was running across huge problems with some dynamically created masks (created using attachMovie and setMask). My solution (not ideal, I guess) was to move the masks and the masked objects into the preloader ("container") movie. But still need to move them around by code located inside the swf being loaded.
Relevant code from inside the preloader: myMCL.onLoadInit = function() { _root.attachMovie("screenText12", "screenText12", 15) _root.attachMovie("internalMask", "internalMask12", 17) _root.screenText12.setMask("internalMask12"); }
And from inside the swf being loaded: _root.screen12.onMotionFinished = function() { screenText12InY = new Tween(_root.screenText12, "_y",mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 463, 403, .5, true); The red is where I'm not sure of how to get in contact with the movie clip in the preloader.
I've been going through the Transitions Between External SWF tutorials and all is going well except I wish to situate my buttons in a movieclip and not on the main timeline as the tutorial teaches. The tutorial does point out; 'If your buttons are not located on the main timeline, you will have to change the path to the container movieclip. If your buttons are not on the main timeline, you must change container to the appropriate path.'Does anyone know how I'd do that to the below code? (for some reason the code tags were messing up so I've just copy and pasted.)
This seems like a really nooby question to me, but it was a lot easier in AS2. How could I create a blank container movieclip in AS3? I tried stuff like Code: var container:object = new Object(); And using movieclips and stuff instead of objects, but it didn't work. Also, is there a way to loop through the stage to find every movieclip that it contains? My snake game is currently, for lack of a better word (or perhaps attention span in English) un-re-playable.
I have been searching all over for on using ActionScript 3 to load external images onto a movieclip container. I am planing to have a sequence of external "png" images loaded onto the "container" when I clip on a button.
My question is not like the one I read because the context is different: Let's say instead of embedding a flash inside an html page with some flashvars, I want to embed it inside another flash or flex. How to set the flashvars in this case (using ActionScript 3)? So how to embed Flash in another flash and set same variables as it was embedded in html by passing querystring or flashvars.