ActionScript 3.0 :: Only Stroke Or Outline Of Movieclip Being Loaded?

Dec 9, 2009

I've added some movieclips using addChild and it was working perfectly, and then the next day I loaded it back up and now only an outline, which I guess is the stroke part of the movieclip, is loaded and my collision detection using hitTestPoint also quit working on them.If I instead use gotoAndStop in place of stop and use frame 3 or later then it shows the proper frame and the collision detection starts working again.

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ActionScript Code:
//floor color1
var cityPic:Dictionary = new Dictionary();


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//Dynamically assign external movies to load from
//the dynamic buttons
for (j=1; j<holderArray.length; j++) {


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var boxColor_color = new Color(box_mc);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Draw Out An Outline Of A Shape?

Jun 20, 2005

drawing out line that will serve as a mask im tryin to animate a drawing out of a line, but the line wont be an animation itself, itll be used as a mask that will reveal outline of a rectangle i'm starting right now and im on this stage so far, the problem is i dont understand why this line is not drawing out horizontally, while it should variables xpos and ypos are coordinates of the position i want to start drawing it from, xcor and ycor are the cooridnates that will be used to stop drawing once it reaches this point, then jump is how fast i want the line to draw(amount of pixels) ps:the type is there because i will also make another case for vertical line.


lineDraw = function(type, xpos, ypos, xcor, ycor, jump){
this.createEmptyMovieClip("temp", this.getNextHighestDepth());
this.temp.lineStyle(5, 0x003300,100);


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