ActionScript 2.0 :: MyText.textColor Change As Per The XML Data?

Apr 5, 2009

I am getting the data feed from XML in my flash, the values for the dynamic text box are assigned as passing the parameters, but cant figure out how to change the text color which is being passed for each record..

var listEvents:Object=new Object();
listEvents.onSlideshowChange = function(obj:Object, arg, index) {
_root.ldr.contentPath = obj.large;


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<s:RadioButtonGroup id="cover"/>


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Nov 4, 2011

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If the data number(let's use 5) is equal to 5+any number then do something.

Should be pretty simple but I can't seem to figure it out right now, how can I say "any number" with code?

ActionScript Code:
if(myVar == myVar+1){
//do something;

Thing is the + number is uknown... so + 1 may not work cause the number may be higher than 1.

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PS: The audio sample data [More audio samples available there] I'm using is Peceptive Development's 'How to talk to Tin Can' [More info on reading audio as data there]. The audio sample provided in the archive is 'Low speed', which means the data is being sent at 100 baud (100 baud / 1000 ms = 10 bits per second)

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CS3 Dynamic Text - Change Colors Based On Data

Aug 25, 2009

I'm building a project for a gaming website and i have an interesting dilemma. How do i make the font color change based on the data loaded from the external .txt file.


In text files i could have... yes yes yes no no maybe yes no. If the text says yes i would like for the font to change to green, if no to red, or maybe to orange/yellowish.

So basically if i went in and changed the No to a Yes on a .txt file, the next time i viewed that flash section the yes text would be in green instead of the default set by the flash core itself.

I hope i am making sense. I don't even know how to go about starting and i stared at the actionscript list for awhile to no avail.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Array Data From Main Timeline?

Apr 7, 2011

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Data Integration :: SetSelectedIndex Not Firing Change Handler

Sep 12, 2006

Is the Change handler supposed to fire when setSelectedIndex() is called?

After adding a line of code to the Bike Trips example I found this problem. I added a button and the line to it:

on (click) {

My Example and

I want the bound data to change but it doesn't.

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Data Integration :: Any Way To Change Image Sizes (From XML) In Flash?

Sep 7, 2006

I am creating a slideshow within Flash that uses XML data pulled from a database. Is there any way to manipulate the image size from within Flash? I am going to use the slideshow for a plasma display, and have clients uploading image files at random, which are then added to our database. I need each image to be 16:9. I know the easy way to control this would be to give the clients size requirements - we will do this in the future - but unfortunately there are hundreds of images already in the database that are already odd sizes. While it's clearly possible to change the size of the movie itself, is there a way to force each image that is imported from the XML to be a particular size - say 800 x 450 or 1200x 675 or 1600 x 900? (i.e. -- can I force the XML generated image to fill up the whole screen/browser window, regardless of what size it is?) It does not matter if the image gets distorted or stretched.

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Media Server :: Notify FMS Of External Data Change?

Jan 23, 2012

We have an application that so far uses AS3/AMFPHP, but we are finding this "request-response" model limited and feel we could make better use of sockets to deliver a more streamlined experience.The application is primarily a data-application containing no media streams.We want to open a socket to FMIS and use this as a pipe in which to stream data to and from the application.Consider this situation however, when values can be adapted externally outside of the FMS application: Example:A user who connects with $0.00 at the start of a Flash Client session, may topup money, via paypal externally. At this successful point, the users database value has $10.00, but FMS is still $0.00.How can FMS be informed of an external event such as this and update the client accordingly in real time?

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Flex :: Respond To Change Of Data Inside A Component?

Feb 17, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade And Change Data For Each Duplicate Movieclip

Aug 3, 2009

mySQL called by PHP writes info to my xml file for feeding into flash. The movie displays x number of randomly called bits of info - an image, name and link - this is all handled by the sql query and php commands. It forms a nice wee xml file - good so far. In flash, I am using the duplicate movieclip function to display my info in a grid style and all encapsulated in a scrollable window. What I want to move on to do is have these "tiles" in the grid then fading out after x number of seconds and fading back in with a different set of results pulled from the xml file. I have made a few attempts but just can't seem to get my head around the arrays and ways I need to manipulate my existing code (below) to my requirements!


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Flex :: Change The Data Of Line Chart On Datagrid Itemclick?

Jun 22, 2010

I have created a line chart and another datagrid.based on dataitem clicked nthe chart should be changed. For example I have datagrid for stocks with 3 stocks GOOGL,Yahoo and ADBE .On clicking upon the GOOGL the google data should be loaded in to line chart.

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Flex :: Datagrid - AdvancedDatagrid Editable But Not Allowed To Change Data?

Jul 3, 2011

I have an advanced datagrid, but I want users to allow to copy some lines they want. when I use the property editable they are allowed to select the text they need, but they also are allowed to edit this. How can I prevent that?

I want users to be able to select any text in the datagrid, but they are not allowed to change the value of the grid. They should only be allowed to select and copy (ctrl + c).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: - Change Variable Kolko[i] To Equals Combobox Name

Dec 5, 2009

i have online game and i have to know how to do this easy thing i have inventory and under things like first aid is number of objects and its combobox and after change i want to change variable kolko[i] to equals combobox name : "co"+i and that selecteditem data , i have this


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Flex :: Change Starting And Ending The LineChart Of JSON Data With Slider?

Feb 28, 2011

My JSON Data file ise data.txt



and my aim ise to create a Slider which can change starting and ending of the graphic, it is like what is showing in figure 6 in this website and here the MXML codes;

jsonDataArray = JSON.decode(;


The problem is "dataProvider" definition in LineChart, I wrote this code but it is still not working,

dataProvider="{dgg(sayim>=daySlider.values[0] && sayim<=daySlider.values[1])}"

what is the right code to control the LineChart with the Slider.

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Flash Datagrid Change Cell Color Depending Upon Updated Data

Apr 27, 2011

I have a datagrid in my Flash app whose data keeps updating quite frequently.On every update, I need to change the cell color of only those cells whose data has changed.That too, if the updated value is less than the older value then the cell color should change to RED else, GREEN.I have tried using labelFunction, cellrenderer, etc. But to no avail.By no means, I am able to access the present data in the cells to compare it with the new data.

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Data Integration :: The Order Of Swf Sliding Images Change Once The Html Page Is Reloaded?

Apr 4, 2007

I do have a set of images (lets say 1,2,3,4 and 5) in an html page. what I want is once the html page is reloaded, the order of the sliding should change randomly (from 1,2,3,4 and 5) to (4,5,3,4,5...)for example.

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