ActionScript 2.0 :: Parsing XML Loaded From Embed Statement?
Jul 7, 2007
I don't know if I'm using the correctly terminology but I've made a movie rater in flash for MySpace. The problem is it doesn't allow script access. The music players on MySpace load xml files through the embed statment.
Now, I've done the same thing using this:
I know how to read xml files in actionscript (variable=moviedata.xml.firstchild.firstchild.node value; ) and all that good stuff. The problem is, I don't know how to read an xml file that has been loaded this way with out the actual load commands being in the swf itself.
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[Embed(source = '../splash.png')]public var splashScr:Class;
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Mar 25, 2009
I am trying to import data from a SVG but as i found out, SVG is essentially XML.I have loaded in the SVG file and managed to output this to the output window:
<svg:path style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1" d="M 53.8125,53.21875 L 52.84375,53.4375 z" id="path2435"/>The information i want to extract from this the M and L values.
d="M 53.8125,53.21875 L 52.84375,53.4375" Firstly im not really sure how to shave off the rest of the garbage to leave me with the above.Then comes the issue of actually finding what i want to work with. I want to end up with an array of Point objects, So in this example, i would have 2 points in my array:
point1 = (53.8125) , (53.2187)
point2 = (52.8437) , (54.4375)
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Apr 25, 2006
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<stillDescriptions><text>Mack Trucks of North America came to us tothem create marketing m
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var bgLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var bg1Req = new URLRequest("bg1.swf");
var bg2Req = new URLRequest("bg2.swf");
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Oct 24, 2011
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Dec 18, 2005
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/stage variables
var sH:Number;
var sW:Number;
var _contentHolder = new Sprite();
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Apr 19, 2004
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Mar 9, 2009
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May 14, 2009
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I can't quite figure out the small problem with the code. It seems to just bypass the first requirement of the if statement when I do type in the proper input and go straight to the else statement.
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Aug 31, 2011
if (variable == 1){
//Execute this code.
} else if (variable == 2) {
I dont want to copy the code from the first into the second and the first and second into the third.
My mind isn't working and there is probably an extremelly simple way to get this working.
I know I could used functions but for some reason it stops the instance referencing working: _root["bullet"+j] doesnt work in a function.
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Oct 10, 2008
The Flash movie contains 2 Text files, one Component button, and 1 component checkbox.The purpose of the application is to load an XML file(works)Populate 2 text fields with information from the XML file(works)Compare the two text fields, if they contain the same information then the checkbox, via AS is told to be selected. (Heres the problem);
Heres the code:
runCode_btn.onPress = function() {
data_xml = new XML();
data_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
data_xml.onLoad = function(success) {
The idea behind this app is that its an electronic form. The user fills it out, the information is then sent to a newly created XML file, months later the open the XML file in flash, and Flash fills out text fields and check and or unchecks Checkboxes based on the XML data.CheckBoxes are mandatory.But I don't see how I'll be able to use them if i can't create and condition statements based on the loaded Data.
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Mar 30, 2011
why this code won't work
I'm sure you can put if statements inside other if statements, seriously I can't figure it out
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Sep 22, 2010
I need to write an if statement inside an if-else statement. But no matter how I write it it keeps giving me a syntax error.The syntax error is "1083: syntax error: else is unexpected".[code]No matter how or where I place the braces, it keeps giving me errors.
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Jul 12, 2010
what I'm trying to do is create an else if argument for each object in an array based on a user set number
for(var i:int=0; i < numberOfElseIfs; i++){
to which I want it to GENERATE THE FOLLOWING CODE:
}else if(baskets[i].used == false){
baskets[i].used = true;
the problem is obviously that the compiler reads this code rather than understanding I'm trying to regenerate the code within the for loop...does that make sense :S? So basically I need as3 to read the code between the for statement as if it is going to echo that out later. Is this even possible?
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Mar 9, 2010
We have a flex application which compiles fine on windows box using mxmlc ant task but when we try to run the same build scripts on linux, it throws the 'Invalid Embed directive in stylesheet' error indicating it is not able to resolve the path to the image files.
Can someone pls. educate me on if there is a difference in the way the image files are looked up, in a CSS file, on windows vs linux.
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Feb 10, 2012
Making a piano/keyboard application and trying to figure out the best way to set this up .I plan on having a directory of sounds for each 'instrument' in my assets folder (piano1/C4.mp3,piano1/D4.mpg,...)Is there a way to import/embed all of these as an array? Also is there a way I can pass a variable to this class to indicate which folder I want to import these from? Something that would be ideal
var type = "piano2"; //passed from class being called by
foreach(notes as note){
[Embed(source = 'assets/sounds/'+type +'/'+note+'.mp3')] private const C3:Class;
public var c3:Sfx = new Sfx(C3);
Or would it be a better idea to have a class for each of these "types" that pulls all notes?
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Jan 30, 2007
I am using the following line before my class declaration .
[Embed(source="C:WINDOWSFontsVERDANA.TTF", fontName="VERDANA", mimeType="application/x-font-truetype", flashType = true)]
But there is no change in the appearance of the Text whatsoever.. I need the text to be crisp and clear.Just like the way it looks when we embed the fonts using the Embed... Button in the Flash IDE.
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Sep 22, 2010
I have a script which is giving me a lot of trouble since I have no idea how to write another "if statement" inside another if-else statement. I keep getting errors, I guess I don't know where to put the braces exactly...
if(bla == bla) {
<------------how would I write another if statement here?
}else if (bla == bla){
View 3 Replies
May 20, 2011
I'm creating a wrapper SWF that needs to embed multiple swf's using the [Embed ] tag in Actionscript 3.How can i embed a custom swf when compiling a as3 project using the flex sdk, E.G:
[Embed(source="/MySWF1.swf", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
However i want to specify the 'source' location at compile time.How can i do this?
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Feb 9, 2011
I've been experimenting with learning game coding and have encountered an issue I'm curious about...
At the moment I have 3 GIFs and 1 sound effect being used, with more to come. Now, is it more recommended to embed these files, which I'm been doing, or is it better to load them externally? To be honest, I really hate the idea of having to load them and would much prefer to embed them directly in to my project. What is the general consensus as to which technique is better?
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Apr 13, 2009
I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can answer. I have this ActionScript that reads the XML file into the flash movie. The poblem is this: The XML is in this format:
<listitem name="TEST" url="rtmp://">
<stream len="-1" name="Test" start="0"/>
<group name="Testing"/>
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Feb 26, 2010
i get a syntax error when everything seems to be in the right place, out..home.swf
PHP Code:
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
View 8 Replies
Oct 5, 2010
I want to get id from this [URL] get this id in as3 and use this id in xml and show the message in text field.
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Sep 26, 2008
This is my first day to try and use XML to display dynamic text in Flash. My skillset is weak with AS3 and Flash, but I found some tutorials online and I have managed to successfully display the first record in mytest.swf. However I also seem to have all records displaying in each dynamic text box as well. My loop isn't stopping after each record. It's reading everything. And dumping the results into each text field.
I need to only display each record individually. Once I accomplish that, I will need to include some form of navigation. Lets say buttons that perform a NEXT, PREVIOUS, LAST, FIRST type function. Then lastly, I'll need to include some type of search navigation option by item number. I assume that I'd have to have a second screen that links to my primary results screen with an input form for the item number.
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Jun 30, 2009
I am accessing an xml document in actionscript, I know flash can see the xml as I am tracing it but when I add the .text() funtion to my trace to strip out the tags by trace doesn't see anything.
function LoadXML(e:Event):void {xmlData = new XML(;ParseXML(xmlData);}function ParseXML(thexmlInput:XML):void {
trace("XML Output");trace("------------------------");trace(;
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