ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Screwed Up When Flash Movie Inside Another?

Mar 26, 2010

I have the positioning for a movieclip set via _x and _y parameters. It works fine when I publish and test just that flash file with the movieclip in it. Problem is, this flash file is embed inside another. Once I load the main flash file, the _x and _y are relative to that parent file.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash CS5 Screwed Up All Textfields?

May 5, 2010

I have an Actionscript project that I was building using Flash CS4. I embedded a font using the follow: [Embed(source="/bin/assets/fonts/MyriadPro-Regular.otf", fontWeight="normal", fontFamily="Myriad Pro")]

Then throughout my application in my TextFields I would set embedFonts to true antialiastype to advanced and set the thickness property of the text field. And setting the font-family from a stylesheet. This was all working exactly as I expected it would with no issues whatsoever and months of development.

I just upgraded to CS5 and published and none of my text is rendered at all. I was able to resolve this by removing the embedFonts = true from the textfields, but this leaves me with no control over the thickness at all.

I searched everywhere, does anyone know what the proper way to do this in CS5 is now? I've tried embedding my font directly within the CS5 IDE but still no thickness control.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Mc With Loaded Picture Inside?

Apr 9, 2009

This is a webpage, where I use a modified gallery from tutorial (xml galllery with thumbs).This place is where I align picture movieclip in the center of area (which is also a mask).Sometimes, action clip doesn't get image _width and _height and load a picture with it's left upper corner in the center of mask movieclip. When I click again on thumbnail - image loads already perfectly how it should be centered. What can be the problem? maybe I missed something?Here is a modified code of the gallery:

function loadXML(loaded) {


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Dec 28, 2010

Today i tried to attach a movieclip using AS3, but i wanted to make the positioning inside the class.

And i obtained an error: First file(Document class)

PHP Code:

{   import test;
import flash.display.*;


At sequence mc.q=Math.random()*100; in the trace from it displays 'NaN'. How can I modify the value of 'q' (public variable) via instance? If i use a function like mc.setCoords(x,y) the script works fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash With A Grid Snap Function - Positioning Of Movie Clips

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This is my first action script project and I'm having trouble with some positioning of movie clips that I can't work out. I'll post in the parts of the code that I think are relevant in hopes that someone may be able to see what I am missing. The problem is that according to my traces my gridSnap function should be working. The trace shows mc.y to have the correct value while the movie is running yet the mc's in question are appearing in the wrong spot (they appear at GRIDSIZE*gridNumber) in the movie. The problem only manifests itself in case one and case three, both of which should have the same code but I was only testing different approaches in case one. On with the code:


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PHP Code:

myArray = new Array(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5);for (i=0; i<=myArray.length; i++) {_root["m"+i]._x=400;_root["m"+i]._y=Math.floor(Math.random()*300)+20;} 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Child Display Object Index Getting Screwed Up?

May 1, 2009

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this.tweenIn = new Tween(this, "y", Regular.easeOut, stageHeight, stageHeight - this.height, 2, true);
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Movie Clip?

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cliparray = [];
function loadXML(loaded) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: {MX} Positioning A Loaded External Movie

May 30, 2003

I have a flash movie that has an internal movie clip, when the various buttons are pressed I want to load a movie in place of this original so I have put this script one of the buttons:


However, the new movie is not positioned in the correct place ie - instead of it being in the same position as the original MC the top left corner is positioned in the middle of the stage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Movie Loaded In _level1?

Oct 19, 2002

I have tried everything to get my movie loaded in _level1 to be positioned correctly. The movie always jumps back to the top left corner.

Here's my code:

loadMovieNum("1dictate.swf", 1);

Everyone says the code is right, but it doesn't work!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Grid Generation In Movie Clip?

Jan 24, 2007

Here's a chunk of my code:

//This function uses loops to generate the grid from the array below.
function drawIt(theMap)


Basically, it generates a grid from two movie clips which are just different coloured squares. It reads in generateMap function to decide whether it will be a red square or a white square. 0 = white 1 = red. (the reds are going to prevent a sprite from travelling on them)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Photo Gallery - Replaced The Original Thumbs With New Thumbs It Got All Screwed Up?

Jul 24, 2006

I was working with the XML Photo Gallery Thumbnail Tutorial on this site: http:[url]....

And I modified it for my own usage, making it a vertical gallery instead, and had no problems until I came upon the thumbnail images. When I replaced the original thumbs with my new thumbs (that I sized based on width, as it is a vertical gallery) it got all screwed up. The images are of all different shapes. So when it loads up, some of them had huge gaps in between them, and others were even overlapping. So I fixed it by making the heights of all the images the same, resulting in a working thumb gallery, but now half my thumbs are cropped off by the mask. I'm looking for a way to fix it where I still have the same spacing between the images, and that they are all the same width, but can vary in their height. Here's the section of the code I am using:

function thumbNailScroller() {
// thumbnail code!
this.createEmptyMovieClip("tscroller", 1000);[code]....

I'm also trouble figuring something out from the same tutorial, that I want to change. The tutorial uses these "Next" and "Previous" buttons. On the far right hand side, the half-circle buttons are what I assigned this to, but I don't really want them to have that function. I would rather have them function just like how the mouse functions when it rolls over the thumb gallery, except they scroll the thumbs up and down when clicked.

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Linking Buttons Inside A Flash Movie

Aug 31, 2010

I'm currently attempting to link buttons to other frames in the movie. I've tried tutorials and just can't seem to get my code to do what I want. The issue is that the buttons are inside a movieclip, and I'm trying to link them to frames in the main movie (Scene 1).

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Apr 23, 2010

Can I call a java class method from inside a flash movie?

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Flash - Get All Movie Clips Inside A Stage Area?

Oct 12, 2010

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IDE :: Open A Mini Window Inside A Flash Movie?

Dec 10, 2002

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Insert XML Content Inside A Flash Movie?

Jan 29, 2007

I have a flash mp3 player that I want to embed in a page and I need to insert the data of two external .xml files in an action inside the first frame (there are some server limitations that don't allow reading of external xml, txt and js files). The action I have now is:

if (!_root.playlisturl) {
_root.playlisturl = "playlist.xml";
if (!_root.infourl) {
_root.infourl = "info.xml";

so, what I want to do is paste the contents of those two .xml files inside my Flash movie somewhere so the above script accesses them directly and does not have to call outside files. Is there a tutorial somewhere that outlines this procedure? I know that this is the contrary from what .xml is used for but I can't do much now..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling A Function Inside A Flash Movie Via JS?

Aug 7, 2007

I need to call a function inside a Flash Movie via JS (to update a textfield and sum Vars) can someone point me in the right direction???I tried to figure out the external interface api, but i dont understand how it really works ... For example: JS calls function "Fieldupdate" and in the Flash Movie the Fields and Vars Updates

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Flash 8 :: Remove A Movieclip When A Movie Clip Inside It Finishes?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm trying to remove a movieclip when the one inside of it finishes playing.

PHP Code:

onEnterFrame = function(){
if (baddy.bad_die.currentFrame == baddy.bad_die.totalFrames){

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Insert A Website Or A Html Webpage Inside A Flash Movie?

May 15, 2009

how I can insert a website or a html web page inside a flash movie? I don't know, maybe inside a movieclip or a component?

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Import Text - Displayed Inside A Textfield In Flash Movie?

Jun 26, 2009

CS4, AS2 or AS3 (haven't decided which on to use) I have text stored in a Sql Server 2005 database, and this text I want displayed inside a textfield in flash movie.

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Flash :: Load External Image Inside Movie Clip

Mar 26, 2010

I have a flash movie clip and need to load an external image inside the clip that reference to an external URL.. like URL i did something with XML but the image persist on every clip because it loads from actionscript using the x and y cords.

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Flash :: Get Button In Movieclip To Go To Another Frame Inside The Same Movie Clip

Dec 16, 2011

I have several website pages set up on different frames inside the content (which is a movieclip) of the home page - which is on frame 1 of the main timeline. The content movieclip name is contentMc.

My About page is at frame 10. There is a button on this page (called btnAbout_contactpg) that I want to make jump to my Contact page (frame 50) - all of which is nested under the main contentMc movieclip.

This is the pathway on my contentMc (where all of my pages are located), just in case that doesn't make sense: [URL]

I have looked at several different instructions online, but none of them seem to work.


I am also trying to get a button on my gallery page to load an external image, but it is not recognizing where the button is either:

btnGallery_1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, showPic1);
function showPic1 (e:MouseEvent) {
var parent=target.parent;
my_loader.load(new URLRequest("image-0.jpg"));

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Video Play Inside Flash Movie?

Apr 30, 2011

I have a Flash Movie where I need to play a video. I have this video on a folder on the web server.How can I make the video play inside the Flash Movie?I want it to start playing not when the Flash Movie is loaded but then an image inside the Flash Movie is clicked.

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