ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading External Files?
May 29, 2008
I'm an audiovisual interactive design student on a school that's screwed up. We work projectbased and this particular project requires a lot of flashstuff. But, we don't get taught anything by our teachers and we're supposed to find out ourselves once we need something with google and the likes. I wonder what I'm paying my schoolfunds for..Anyway! I'm working on my last project this year and it's an interactive DVD for our yearbook. On this dvd, several projects of students is displayed.
I've made a root.exe projector file that's small on size and only displays a picture, some audio and a button that activates another .swf with an animation to the next screen. I load this one with the loadMovieNum command. After this animation, it will load a new .swf (again loadMovieNum, and in the new one unloading the layer below it) with many active buttons and animations.. it's the biggest .swf I have and I don't think I can split it up.Locally.. everything works just fine with hardly any pauses between the files loading.When I test it on a dvd though, the wait time is about 5 seconds and flash seems to be freezing. This is because of the lack of a preloader and reading speeds of a dvdr driveI've been looking around for preloading external files and I've read alot about them.. and tried alot too, but I can't seem to get it to work. I believe it's because I'm using loadMovieNum instead of loadMovie. I tried changing the way it's reading containers to levels, but that doesn't seem to work.
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Dec 18, 2002
I have been playing around with this for few days and I am about to give up.. I want to be able to preload anythything thats being loaded to a certain MC. but I dont want to have to set any VARS in the file thats being loaded to indicate its done loading. I could make each swf thats being loaded give a var stating its done loading and make the loader gone.. but I want to be able to preload any swf.. mp3.. jpg almost anything that I load into the target.. Let me know if anyone has created something like that before..
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Apr 19, 2007
I'm working in Flash MX
I made a site completly in flash.
But to lower file size I made the each section a different swf file
when you click a link you will have to wait for that section to load, it would be good if peoples can see the loading progress while they r waiting.
And i hav added a preloader in each of the external swf file.. and then i realise that if i wanna change or modify the preloader, i will have to change all the preloader too.. this is really kicking axx..
is there a way where on the main page there is only 1 preloader needed to show all the external swf files loading progress? i am using an empty mc as container to load thoose external swf files..
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Jan 14, 2009
how im trying to preload external swf files:[code]i am loading first four swf files from swf directory (page1.swf, page2.swf, page3.swf, page4.swf) - However, I WOULD LIKE THEM TO BE INVISIBLE WHEN THEY ARE PRELOADED TO THE STAGE.. how should i do that.. "fileLoad._visible = false;" does not work-
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May 12, 2011
I've a function to check the preloading of external SWF files. The code is below.
function checkStat (){
tracker.onEnterFrame = function() {
loadingStatus._visible = true;
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Feb 12, 2010
Can't get this to work, and it only sends out an output error. The zombies.swf file is in the same directory so I'm clueless
import com.greensock.TweenLite;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
var loadBox:Sprite = new Sprite();
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Sep 17, 2010
I've built loads of preloaders in AS2 before. However I never ecountered so many problems as now. I'm confused about many things with preloading in AS3. This is my layout:I have a single frame on the first scene of my movie. The main content is inside a movieClip called container, placed on frame 1 of my next scene, which inherits from the class that holds the main code to initialize the game.(I read that this way my code will not try to access any movieClips, or sprites before they have been loaded... as they are not actually referenced from a document class).However my 1st frame where I have my preloader takes ages to load... My first question is... Does this happen because the loading procedure is different now? Or has it always worked like this... so that would mean that as I have many heavy assets in my library that are meant to load on frame 1. (Exported for actionscript in properties).I have a blank movie for a while. I'm using a simple code:
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PRO GRESS, Loading);
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Jun 29, 2006
my site pretty much work like a slide show. the navigation (6 buttons) takes you from one place to another, moving the content back and forward. The problem with this, is that pretty much all content have to be loaded from start, sometimes when the page loads slow or you are on a bad connection, you get transported to a blank page, since that swf haven't been loaded yet.I'll give you my structure also.[code]If i could combine these two scripts, i think i could get the solution i'm looking for.
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Nov 4, 2009
I have a site at , and when you enter the site, it says its loading 23 files. Inside my site swf there is around 12 videos on the main timeline, and each of them are flv components. Also my external swf files are being preloaded with:[code]If you go to the work section and check out a work, it doesn't start to preload right away. This leads me to believe that the content is having trouble starting because its trying to load so many files. Does anyone know a code that stops all loading at a certain frame? Once my site loads, it just stops all cache entrees, and when you select a work it preloads as it should?
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Dec 25, 2009
I have only one FLVPlayback in the stage but i need to load more than one flv files and collect them with an Array. Then switch one video to another.
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Sep 7, 2004
I am trying to preload dynamic swf files from an asset folder into a blank movie clip within my main swf file. Some of the files are 2+ mb and need to preload.
I am dynamically importing the swf files from an external asset folder into a blank movHolder movie clip on the stage of my main movie. I have this working fine. I am having a hard time knowing where to place the preload script (in the asset swf or in the movHolder clip), and whether or not my script is accurate for this procedure.
Inside of the movieHolder clip, I placed the preload script script on frame 1:
totalBytes = Math.round(getBytesTotal() / 1024);
loadedBytes = Math.round(getBytesLoaded() / 1024);
percentDone = Math.round ((loadedBytes / tatalBytes) * 100);
framesloaded >=100) {
On frame 15 I have a looping action that tells flash to gotoAndPlay(5); as it loads the asset to frame 100.
On frame 20 I have inserted the label "start".
Obviously my approach is flawed and does not control the dynamically loaded asset. I am assuming that the asset swf if loading on frame 1 and ignoring my code.
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Sep 7, 2004
I am trying to preload dynamic swf files from an asset folder into a blank movie clip within my main swf file. Some of the files are 2+ mb and need to preload. Let me tell you what I have done so far, and hopefully someone can put me on the right path.
I am dynamically importing the swf files from an external asset folder into a blank movHolder movie clip on the stage of my main movie. I have this working fine. I am having a hard time knowing where to place the preload script (in the asset swf or in the movHolder clip), and whether or not my script is accurate for this procedure. Inside of the movieHolder clip, I placed the preload script script on frame 1:
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Jul 15, 2006
I wrote this script a while ago and it's worked extremely well for me ever since. I use it in nearly every project I do. But the other day I was asked to do a project where I could only use Flash 7.
This is a class I made to easily handle multiple file preloading by passing it an array of files to load. It only has two useful methods. One gets you the current total progress (total of all the files 0-100%) and an onLoadComplete. The actual usage is in the top of the file. It works great under Flash 8, so go ahead and use it.
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Feb 6, 2005
Movie 1 > click nav button to load movie 2 into movie 1. No problem. Preloader displays load progress of movie 2. No problem. Movie 2 contains external .jpg file. Oops! Preloader does not take this into account. What's a fella to do?
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Oct 5, 2009
I have 3 external SWF containing FLV movies loading into a movie clip on the main.swf via the code below (AS3) when the corresponding button is pressed. The main SWF is a simple timeline with a voice over and minor animation which loads instantly. How can I load the other 3 swfs in the backgrond while the main is playing? I just want to have them in the cache so they can be called on instantly,
function loaddiscovery(e:MouseEvent):void
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
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Jun 5, 2009
It is run through classes document.How can I add a preloader to this code?[code]
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Jun 28, 2004
I have the following file partially completed URL... The idea is I want to make a full flash site so that I can preload everything at once. Is there anyway of preloading those externally loaded buttons at the same time as what will eventually be the rest of the site? Either that or does anyone know a way of making buttons from Dreamweaver work in flash... when I import them they dont work and thats why I'm loading them externally.
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Jun 28, 2004
I have the following file partially completed (just to show you what I mean..) The idea is I want to make a full flash site so that I can preload everything at once. Is there anyway of preloading those externally loaded buttons at the same time as what will eventually be the rest of the site? Either that or does anyone know a way of making buttons from Dreamweaver work in flash... when I import them they dont work and thats why I'm loading them externally... meah... someone please help!
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May 1, 2010
How to preloader all my external .swf website pages at once, so when I hit a button the external .swf don't need seperate preloaders *and so the visitor only needs to wait once time*.
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Sep 12, 2010
I am trying to use the External SWF Preloading Tutorial. Its a great tutorial, but when i try and load the swfs inside the holder it loses some of its functionality. The rollover states of the buttons work but when one clicks on the calender it does not work and some other things dont work also.
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Apr 15, 2011
I've found this bit of code and it works for preloading my single 'Q1.swf' in an old AS2 project I did a while back. How do I adapt it to preload 5 swf's? Can I load them all to the same target mc or do I have to load them on separate levels or to different targets.I don't want to change the project to AS3 as the budget doesn't allow. Also will this work when the project is viewed from a CD as well as online?[code]
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Jul 9, 2009
i have a preloader working. except i want to be able to load external images fully first, before the preloader stops. currently the preloader loads everything except the external images, and then everything else starts (but behind the scenes the external images haven't loaded yet and this is annoying!)... how can have the preloader continue until all assets, internal and external, are fully loaded?
ps, i don't want to give each image an individual preloader! i need them all there when the thing starts.
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Jun 1, 2010
I need to preload an external swf in my file - but I don't want a preloader bar or count or anything - I simply want it to perform in the background - and if done proceed to a certain frame. I've been googling preloaders for a bit now and they all have the bars and percentage count - and I couldn't seem to customize it.
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Jul 17, 2008
I'm having a problem preloading external images from an XML file in AS3. It's a scrolling image gallery and everything loads fine, but I can't figure out how to preload the images (all I've been able to do is preload the actual .xml file, which is useless to preload a 10k file). The thumbs skip, the big pics pause, etc.
I'm moderate in AS2 and decided to do this project in AS3(doh), and it's been painful;
Here's my code:
Code: Select allimport flash.display.*;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
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Mar 27, 2009
I am trying to use the External SWF Preloading Tutorial. Its a great tutorial, but when i try and load the swfs inside the holder it loses some of its functionality. The rollover states of the buttons work but when one clicks on the calender it does not work and some other things dont work also. I would really like to implement this in my site. Does anyone know why this might be or if it has been answered before.
I got it to work by using loadMovieNum but then lost placement of the swf it keeps going to the top left. I would really like to use loadClip it seems alot more customizable.
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Aug 25, 2004
I want to import a couple of swf in my flashmovie and several of them is just text and the other is large pictures.
The movie is divided into pages that showes one imported text swf and one picture.
I want the text swf to be imported before the picture so you could read the text while the picture is loading so you dont have to wait so much. You could still read the text, ok?
So how could I preloading external swf in a certain order?
I want the code to say : First import the text and then the picture with minimum coding of course.
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Jan 22, 2006
how can i make a preloader in my main movie that preloads external movies
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Aug 15, 2006
I need to pre-load multiple external MP3s. I have a preloader on my flash piece that preloads the SWF file and shows a progress bar and all that jazz. I am using the Sound class to load all the MP3 files when I need them (they are voice overs).
Is there a way to hook the preloading of those sound files into the preloader that I already have and then just call them up when needed?
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Jan 25, 2007
I'm having a problem preloading xml loaded content. I'm using the usual this.getbytesloaded at the start of my timeline. The problem is this is getting the total bytes for the container swf before the xml has loaded up all the images and content so my preloader is running short.
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Apr 5, 2007
In AS3 i am using the Loader class to load in multiple external SWFs (AVM1), each of which has a short animation which automatically plays when the swf is I obviously cannot control the timeline of these (i can't use local connection etc) but would like to load in the *.swf files, so they're in memory then add them to the stage when requested. the problem is that if i load them enmass. then use addChild
when they are called, they have already played through and animated pre the addChild command.
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