ActionScript 2.0 :: Quiz Game Where Answer Revealed After 3 Attempts

Apr 11, 2010

Basically I want to create 6 questions with input boxes next to them for the user to inset their answer. I want them to try three times and then if not correct the answer is displayed for them. In the box with a little description next to it.

Question: How many sides as a square
(answer in the box) = 4
(desc to side of box says) = A square has four equal sides.

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Professional :: Multiple Choice Quiz - How To Set Correct Answer

Jul 1, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Choice Questions Quiz - Conditional Answer Checking

Jun 7, 2010

I'm working on a quiz-style piece right now and in short it's several pages of multi choice questions, each rewarding a certain point amount that is added up at the end and given specific results based on the point range scored. (i.e. 10-20 = good, 21-30 = great... etc)

For code I've stopped here:
if (answercheck == 40 - 52){
trace("Feedback: Range 40 - 52");
form.AnswerTotal.Number = answercheck;

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" What does FPS stand for?"Below it, I have three potential answers:

A) Felt Pen Stimulator,
B)Fries Pickles Saurkraut,
C)Frames Per Second.
As you all (Hopefully!) know, the last answer is the correct one.What would I type in the Actions box so that when you click the right answer, it takes you to the next question,but when you click the wrong answer, it takes you to a game over screen? (Please, PLEASE make sure your code works before you tell me!)

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What i want to happen is that when the user has linked the boxes from b1 to (b2 - b5), i want to disable b1, since the user has made all the selections.

How would i go about doing this? I tried using true false statements and adding numbers each time one of the buttons was clicked. But it all went horribly wrong. It must be a simple answer, but im just to baffled at the moment to figure it out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Text Input Quiz Game?

May 28, 2009

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answer = "";

On my stage I have a graphic symbol which contains a question. I have my blank input box, set to Single Line, Lower case Only. Variable is answer and maximum characters is 18. NO instance name.An Enter button , No instance name, with the attached code:

on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
if (answer eq "sun" or answer eq "the sun") {


Everytime I enter the words sun or the sun, I get sent to the "wrong" frame instead of my "win" frame.

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Jul 8, 2010

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//I have a confirm button here
confirm_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ConfirmFunction);
//I have a correct answer as a String here
var correctans:String = "July";


This will check if correct answer contains words in the answer from input text field.But that will result on if I key in "July is great", it will still link to the correct answer frame instead of wrong answer frame.I want the answer to be exact same as the correct answer.

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Mar 13, 2006

I searched and found one that seems like it will fit the bill. I've since lost the link, but I'm still digging and can hopefully find and post if it winds up being necessary.There's a function in the gallery that calls and moves both a mask/transition for the images and thumbs AND for the preloader bar. I love the fade in and out, but cringe at them moving.I've tried replacing values in the code, but I'm obviously doing something wrong, because I either break it (nothing loads) or the movement remains.

Here's the script:


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Mar 9, 2005

have this method within a class. It loads in an XML file, then attempts to call another function. For some reason however, the loadXML() does not execute. If I put a trace right before it, the trace executes. If I take that function out of the onload, it executes.

private function openXML (URL:String) {
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;


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Jul 22, 2009

Eventually I would like it to show our projects along a horizontal axis, when the user clicks an image additional images and text is revealed. At the moment I have got the horizontal axis working with images loading in and separating into each project. Now I am trying to code it so that for every project a mask is loaded in with the height of the mask equaling the length of the pictures (which I think may need me to restructure my code). So that only the first image is shown.

The important code for this is:
function processXML(e:Event):void{
var myXML:XML = new XML(;
xPos = 0;
thumbWidth = myXML.@WIDTH;
thumbHeight = myXML.@HEIGHT;
[Code] .....

I'm not sure if i need to restructure the code so that for every project in the xml file it inserts the images of that project into a new movieclip, not sure how to do that though.

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Feb 2, 2009

I have a snippet as the following:

private function clickHandler3(event:ItemClickEvent):void {
case "0":


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Answer To Remain On The Screen?

Sep 2, 2010

I have 12 movieclip buttons which each contain a question. When you click on one, the answer appears. I need the answer to remain on the screen. On that same frame, there's a button for "more information".When that is selected, it goes to another frame within the mc, and more info appears. However, it is covered up by the other 11 buttons from the main screen

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Best Keep Track Of Answer Count

Sep 17, 2010

I have a quiz created in Flex using Spark forms, with a series of questions which are a group of radio buttons. When the user clicks "next", I get the value of the selected radio button in the group. What I need to do is keep track of these values; at the end of the quiz I will need to see which value was chosen the most. So if the user mostly picked the questions with a "3" value, I can display a summary based on that, e.g. "You mostly chose type 3 answers". I was thinking about having an int variable for every choice (there are 5), and incrementing the appropriate variable when the user clicks "next", as in

private function enterScore(i:int):void {
switch (i){
case 1:

But this seems unwieldy. I also will need to compare the 5 tallies for which one was chosen the most...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Need To Play Animation On Right Answer

Sep 9, 2009

I have 2 swf animations (one of a happy bear and one of a sad bear), I want to load them into actionscript. When the player gets it wrong I want the sad animation to play and happy one to play when the player gets it right.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statement To Check Answer?

Jun 29, 2004

The user needs to submit a dollar amount answer. They could write is several ways. I'm trying to accomodate it with the code below. It always evaluates it as the wrong answer (the else).


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Multiple Choice Answer To An Object?

Oct 18, 2009

I have declared an array which holds an object such as:

var myArr:Array = new Array({Question: 'Primary Colors Are?'});

How can I add the multiple choices to the object These are the choices:
red, green, blue
orange, red, white,
purple, yellow, green,
white, black, blue
I certainly can create the Answers as:

var myArr:Array = new Array({ Question: 'Primary Colors Are?', Answer1: 'red, green, blue',
, Answer2: 'orange, red, white, Answer3: 'purple, yellow, green', Answer4: 'white, black, blue' });

What I would like to do is to be able to store all the answer choices within an array called AnsArr. Can I declare a new array within the same obejct such as AnsArr and push these choices to it? 

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Jun 27, 2010

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