ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll Text Position RESET?

Oct 21, 2005

I know this is a dumb question, but it would've taken me forever to search through all the rest of the posts regarding Scrolling Text boxes. So I have text scrolling in a dynamic text box. Buttons control it's movement, up and down with (scroll --) and (scroll ++). Let's say I read to the bottom of this text, and then load a new file into this same box. When I do this, the new text is scrolled to the bottom. My Question: How do I reset the scrolled position back to the top for each new file that I load??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Scroller - Reset Scroll Position?

May 29, 2007

I'm using the dynamic scroller found on the kiropa site found here [URL]..In the action script on the ScrollBar, I can't find what variable to change to reset the position of the bar to the top of the scroller when I use the same dynamic text area for other content. It loads just fine, but if the scroller was left at the bottom, it stays there on the new text until you move it a bit, then the text catches up.

I'm hoping to find the variable and reset it when the new text loads.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When The Dynamic Text Field Gets To A Certain X Position, The Filter Stalls But The Text Continues To Scroll

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Text _Y Position - Make The Textfield Scroll Automatically?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scroll The List Of Pics According To The Position Of The Mouse With Out Actually Moving The Scroll Bar?

Apr 20, 2009

I wrote a short AS program to create a tileList and it functions fine, but I need to be able to scroll the list of pics according to the position of the mouse with out actually moving the scroll bar.... example of what I mean: the farther to the right mouseX is on stage, the faster my tileList scrolls to the right, if mouseX moves to the left of the stage, so does the scroll bar...Here`s my code so far:

import flash.display.Sprite;import fl.controls.TileList;import fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection;import flash.text.TextFormat;
var tlc:TileList;[code]........

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get And Set The Scroll Bars Position (pixel Position)

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IDE :: Can't Reset ScrollBar Position

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ok - i'm totally confused here... this is probably a stupid noob question... just recently got flash 8 - upgrading from mx2004, but had previously been using flash 6 components and AS1, due to files that had already been written in mx... my problem is this - i have a dynamic text field, populated with data from a LoadVars object. When a button is pressed, different data is loaded into the text field, and the scrollBar is supposed to reset to the top (position=0)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Textfield Reset Horizontal Scroll?

Nov 20, 2009

I have (yet another...) TextField issue. I have an input textfield that is used both for capturing user input and displaying messages. It's around ten characters wide, single line and not resizable. I have a method that allows you to flash a brief message into the textfield for a couple of seconds before returning it to the state it was in:

ActionScript Code:
public function flashDisplay(alert:String):void
tempText = textField.text;


Usually this works fine, but when the user types a long word into the textfield, the text scrolls left and the first letters of the word scroll out of view. This isn't a problem until you try to show an alert and the alert is also scrolled out of view at the beginning - even if it's a short word.

How can I reset the horizontal scroll that the user has created when updating textField.text?

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if(sound.position == 0){

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May 12, 2011

I'm trying to make some manual transitions. Because I don't know AS3, and I'm building this from the help of Google, I've started with a simple "blind" transition just to figure out the works.

The issue is that when I expand the width, it seems as though all my AS3 created sprites seem to reset their x position, and sit on the left. That or 15 of the tweens aren't working.

Here's the code:

ActionScript Code:
function vBlinds(){
var tweens:Array=new Array(16);


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I've got 3 pages each with their own portfolio loaded dynamically from an XML file. Everything is working great with the thumbnails i added using the "adding thumbnail" tutorial. There's only one quirk I can't figure out. If you've scrolled to the end of the thumbnails on the first portfolio, the scroller stays in the same place when you go to the next portfolio rather than reloading back at the beginning. I hope that makes sense because it's hard to explain, but the site is [URL] here's the partial code for the thumbnails...


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Jul 30, 2007

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fscommand("allowscale", "false");
bar.useHandCursor = dragger.useHandCursor=false;
space = 5;[code].....

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buttonSize = 0;[code]..........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Scroll A Text Field With Buttons AND A Custom Scroll Bar?

Feb 24, 2011

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how to create an AS3 text scrollBar WITH buttons? how to create a nice scroll effect with buttons(if creating the scroll bar and buttons apart then linking them to the same text field is not possible or a faulty way to accomplish this).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The Mouse Scroll To Scroll Up And Down In A Dynamic Text Field

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how to use the mouse scroll to scroll up and down in a dynamic text field.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Scroll Bar Position To End?

Jul 29, 2010

How do you set Scroll bar position to end. I have tried these methods with no sucess

Chat.scrollH = Chat.maxScrollH;
Chat.setSelection(0, Chat.length);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: "reset" Movie Clip To Its Original Position

Jan 6, 2010

I'm working on a project for my class using flash as2. I want it to be able to, when you click on a button, it drops a movie clip down the screen, essentially just adding _y to it, but then when it reaches 300y coordinate it resets the movieclip to its original position so that you can click the button and replay the same function. I'm not sure if this would be create empty movie clip each time you release button. I'm quite lost in this area so i dont have any actionscript to show, I really dont know where to begin. <3

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scroll The Text When Mouseover Scroll On The Button

Jul 18, 2009

im new to actionscript 3. I have some problems in creating mouseover scroll. wat i want to do is to scroll the text (which was created as movie clip) when i mouse over on the button. and stop the scrolling when i mouse out. thou i have some examples on how to make it work with actionscript 1 and 2, i dunno how to change it to actionscript 3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll Text With Image In Scroll Panel?

May 29, 2004

I m trying scroll pannnel to show image and dynamic text both in scroll panne but when i select dymanic text in text option it comes outer from scroll pannel but static text is coming.

show dynamic text also in scroll pannel.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll Text With Image In Scroll Panel ?

May 29, 2004

I m trying scroll pannnel to show image and dynamic text both in scroll panne but when i select dymanic text in text option it comes outer from scroll pannel but static text is coming.

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Flex :: Get Container To Scroll To Last Position?

Aug 12, 2009

URL...Whenever a chat is added, I want it to completely show the last message. I'm using maxVerticalScrollPosition to set the scroll position on the list, but it is always wrong (see the example). It undershoots it by a row or so. I've tried this with a regular container and it does the same thing. If I do maxVerticalScrollPosition+1, it sort of works, but if the last message is particularly long, it will be cut off (only show the top). How can I get it to scroll to the actual bottom of the container??[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ScrollPane Scroll Position?

Jun 7, 2009

I have a scrollpane with the source set to ImageMovieClip. ImageMocieClip is long in length with 50 images stacked vertically. Because of the size of the scrollpane only 15 are visible at a time.I have a button, navBtn, that I want to jump the scrollpane's scroll position to half way down. Is it possible? What scrollpane property do I need to use?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll To An Object Position?

Sep 24, 2009

i made a full flash site and ill be adding new stuff, so my plan is to make a button that sends you to a determined position, for example a menu; when you click in "About" section the whole page scrolls along with the scroller (vertical) to where "About" section is, i dont know if i can give an instance name to a movieclip or any object so when clicking the button the stage scrolls where the object or movieclip is, is this posible ?

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