ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-scroll Text To A Specific Position?

Jun 6, 2010

I have a text document which is several pages long and will use scrolling capabilities. This text document will be contained in an external swf. There will be 6 buttons on the main timeline which will all load the external swf with the text document but I would like the text to autoscroll to a specific postion/part of document that relates to that topic/button. Also, i would like the scrollbar to move in relation to position/part of document in case the user stays in the external swf and reads and scrolls through the document. Is this possible? I have searched for a tutorial on this but have found nothing. I have tried different things but nothing has worked.

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var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,onLoa ded);
function onLoaded(e:Event):void {


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myTxt_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._x -= 3.5;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Horizontal Auto-scroll Text W/ Region Detection?

Jul 20, 2010

to make a single-line text box auto-scroll a text string horizontally with a way to detect new words on the x-axis.I'm trying to make a rhythm practice game for ESL students at my college, but I'm a linguistics major, not a programmer.I want something that is similar to the vocal part in Rock Band (minus the pitch, for now)So for a simplified, proof-of-concept version I just need it to detect when a new word has collided with a defined region of say "100 < x < 50".I know how to implement the microphone using activityLevel to detect when the user is speaking into the mic, but just not how to use activityLevel alongside the region detect of the new word in the text box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When The Dynamic Text Field Gets To A Certain X Position, The Filter Stalls But The Text Continues To Scroll

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import flash.display.Sprite;import fl.controls.TileList;import fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection;import flash.text.TextFormat;
var tlc:TileList;[code]........

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Here the Code:
ActionScript Code:


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package zoom
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Vertical Auto-scroll On Mouse Over?

Nov 30, 2010

I'm trying to create a vertical auto scroll. The idea is to move up or down the image gallery when the user passes the mouse over a mask movie clip. Problem is I'm not sure how to determine the right coordenates form this movie clip. Let me explain, I can imaginary divide this movie clip in half. Top half let me move the gallery to the bottom and bottom half let me move the gallery to the top. It will be great if some easing could be added in the process.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Auto Scroll For Contents

Sep 4, 2006

I tried to make auto scroll for contents. It works but someting is wrong
function core() {
buttons_height = 566.3; //this is the height of the contents (buttons)
mask_height = 319; //this is the height of the mask (mask)
the_speed = 6;
if (mask.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) {
mousepos = _ymouse;
[Code] .....

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how to make the output window auto scroll? i.e. If I have an enter frame event that increments a number and I trace that number, when the traces fill the output window, I cannot see the current traces. I have to go grab the scroll bar and drag it down and since it is constantly changing it is tough to keep up.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-scroll DataGrid Content When Dragging A Row?

Nov 30, 2007

autoscroll functionality in Flex2's DataGrid while dragging an element row in it. Is there such a functionality or not?

I mean, I have a DataGrid which contains a collection of rows. The collection is longer that the DataGrid could fit, hence there is a vertical scrollbar that allows to get to the rest of rows. I have enabled the functionality of moving-by-draging to be able to change the order of rows in the DataGrid (see the simple code below).

Now, let's say I want to move the first (topmost) row to the last (bottom) position of the collection. When the top row is displayed, the bottom one is not visible (not without moving the scrollbar). So when I drag the top row, I cannot drop it beyond the few currently visible rows. Surely I could drag a bit and then scroll to bottom and then drag a bit more, but that's not the point. The point is - is there a functionality of autoscroll implemented in Flex2 DataGrid, where the collection would scroll itself automatically to allow one to drag beyond the few visible rows?

In Adobe's official PDF document "Flex2 Developer's Guide", section "Using drag-and-drop with list-based controls" I've found this sentence:


If the control has active scroll bars, hovering the mouse pointer over the controls top or bottom scrolls the contents.

Well, it suggests that there should be this functionality I ask about. But it doesn't work for me.

Here's the simple code that builds the DataGrid in Flex2, that fails to autoscroll, if you care to check it:


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Professional :: Scroll Box And Auto-play When Connecting Swfs?

May 17, 2010

I'm building a website made up of different swf pages. After some initial troubles, I have now managed to connect each one and they now all link to each other, however I have a couple of strange problems that I cannot work out.I have one page that contains a non-editable text scroll box, which when previewed in the seperate file works fine, but when it appears in the test for the linked files the scroll box turns into a blank editable text box. I don't understand why this is happening?

My second problem is with my photos page. The page has image thumbnails for the user to click on which displays a larger version of the photo using fade in animation. Again, this works fine when I preview the individual page, however when I test it through the linked files the animation automatically plays and cycles through all the photos. It doesn't do it when previewed individually.

Does anyone have any ideas? I'd be so grateful as I need to have this sorted by the end of the day. I'm using CS4.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic XML Image Slider Auto-scroll?

Sep 28, 2007

I Have a question regarding a dynamic XML driven image slide show.

I want the movie to slide continuessly from the left side automatically when it is loaded. Now it only loads when a mouse movement enters the screen.

The link is: [URL]

Here is the code from the main time line, Frame 2 (Frame 1 loads the XML file:

// Number of items
itemNum = 15;
// Stage Dimentions


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-Fullscreen & Position?

Mar 25, 2010

I have been creating an application for a local museum over the past few weeks. The application is a typical interactive kiosk set up - a touch screen and a larger screen.I have two Flash projectors, one on each screen, communicating through LocalConnection class.My problem is.. I would like both projectors to open in Fullscreen mode utomatically?? Also, upon opening a projector, is there code which will position it in a certain area on the screen??

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Flex :: Auto-detect Position Changes

Jun 23, 2010

I have a custom component Comp that gets its position changed as a result of interactions with other components, etc. I check for changes in its position by constantly checking its position at fixed intervals. I'm looking for a better solution (maybe an event-based solution) to monitor its position so I don't have to check constantly myself.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-move Position Then Repeat?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm trying to make something similar to a news slider where I get content from a TXT file then loop a news ticker. As of right now I have the content working, as well as the automatically moving text. What i'm trying to do now is repeat the text as soon as it goes off screen, so it will be constantly scrolling. Here's what I have so far...
content.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_AnimateHorizontally_2);
function fl_AnimateHorizontally_2(event:Event)
content.x -= 10;

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