ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Get The Sound.position To Reset To 0?

Feb 3, 2009

I am trying to call a sound to play whenever the UP key is down. I want the sound to stop and reset to position zero when UP is released. Everything works except the sound will not reset to 0. Here is what isn't working:

if(sound.position == 0){

When ran, the program plays the sound once, and will never play it again because I can't get the sound.position to reset to 0.

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I'm trying to make some manual transitions. Because I don't know AS3, and I'm building this from the help of Google, I've started with a simple "blind" transition just to figure out the works.

The issue is that when I expand the width, it seems as though all my AS3 created sprites seem to reset their x position, and sit on the left. That or 15 of the tweens aren't working.

Here's the code:

ActionScript Code:
function vBlinds(){
var tweens:Array=new Array(16);


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// Create a new Sound object.
var music = new Sound();
// Create a text field to show sound length.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound.position Not Resetting

Oct 25, 2005

Just to start off, this isn't exactly an inquiry to a problem. It is moreso of a posting of a bug (or assumed bug) in the Flash player and how to get around it. Though if anyone else has a better method then share. Ok, well I very rarely ever work with the Sound() object in Flash, and I found myself working with it today. I was having a problem and I could not pinpoint it for the life of me.... my code appeared correct in every aspect.

After tracing many sections of my code to find out where it was going wrong I realized... that for some reason when you use Sound.stop(), the Sound.position doesn't get reset... it instead just increments from where it left off. This is quite annoying. And being that Sound.position is a read only property you can't reset it yourself. The only solution I have found for this is to delete or overwrite your Sound() object with a new Sound() object. Anyone know if this is indeed a bug, or if there was some reason Macromedia did it like this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clearing Sound Position Value

Aug 26, 2006

I am using previous/next buttons to navigate through various screens. Each screen has its own voice over track.If I hit the "Next" button in the middle of the track playing, then try to go back, the audio won't play - most likely because the position is still sitting at wherever it was when the sound was stopped.Is there a way I can reset the position? I am assigning the positiong to a variable (mySoundPosition), and have tried stting it to 0 (mySoundPosition=0), but that doesn't seem to help. I know that the position is read-only, so I was hoping that somehow clearing the value of the variable would work.Basically, I just need a way to start the sound over without having to envoke multiple start(); commands because that causes the sounds to essentially play twice, simultaneously, which doubles the volume.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sound Position And Length On Slider Component?

Sep 11, 2011

I have the following working great:
stop_btn.setStyle("icon", square_mc);player_btn.setStyle("icon", next_mc);
var alreadyDefined:Boolean;volumen.value = 1;

I have another slider component on the movie with instance name PROGRESO

I would like for PROGRESOnto indicate (update) the sounds progress as it plays and be able to scrub through the sound.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Mp3's So The Sound.position Property Resets?

Oct 17, 2006

Basically I have an XML file that contains the paths of a few mp3 files. I have a Play button that plays them and a Next button that plays the next song on the list. These buttons work fine. I actually even am able to obtain and manipulate the songs position using the mySong.position property in order to display the songs position in the form of minutes and seconds.My problem is that when you click Next to go to the next song, the mySong.position property does not reset back to zero, like it should. So if you are 12 seconds into a song and you click NEXT, the next song starts to play fine, but the display keeps counting up from 12 seconds. I realized the .position property is read-only, so I cannot change it. If this is the case, then how does it ever reset, what causes it to reset?

I am loading the songs via the loadSound() method. Which means my only code on the Next button (other than to update some other displays) is:Code:mySound.loadSound("file.mp3", true);I do not need to use mySound.stop() to stop the previous sound, or even mySound.start() to start the new sound playing, it starts automatically. I tried using those commands and got the exact same results, the position property still did not reset.Am i missing something? I sure hope its painfully obvious and I just overlooked something simple cuz im getting a headache

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Working, But When Resumed / Sound Rewinds A Little

May 28, 2008

I have a pause button that pauses a sound playing in a sound channel. It works, but when I resume the sound, it isn't in the correct position, almost like it was rewinded a little.[code]

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Mar 16, 2010

I`ve run in a bit of a problem. I`m trying to make a web player in AS2. It stores some data from player for later usage in a shared object. One of the things i`d like to store is my current playing position, so player can start of where it was playing after page reloads, but i can`t think of how it should be done..


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Duration / Position Of A Sound Object

Aug 4, 2010

I am following this tutorial (Url...) on how to build an audio mixer in Flash. I am trying to display the duration/position of one of the sound objects in the mixer (all sounds in the mixer have the same length). I have tried adding this code to the actions under frame label "ready".[code]I have two dynamic text fields named Text01 and Text02 on the main timeline. Yet, nothing populates.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Soundchannel.position Working, But When Resumed, The Sound Rewinds A Little?

May 28, 2008

I have a pause button that pauses a sound playing in a soundchannel. It works, but when I resume the sound, it isn't in thecorrect position, almost like it was rewinded a little. I'm usingthe code straight from the

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Flash :: Differences Between Sound.length And SoundChannel.position In ActionScript 3?

Jan 20, 2010

I load a song and when I get the length the song never reach this value.Here is issue document by another guy AS3 - SoundChannel.position never reaches Sound.length.And here is my code

import flash.display.Sprite;

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Aug 18, 2010

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Actionscript :: Manipulate The Position Of Multiple Sound Objects Client-side In Flash?

Jan 20, 2011

If you wanted to create a client-side Flash-based sound editor that lets you load more than 1 sound to an interface that allows you to manipulate the individual positions of the sounds, and mix/play them in real time, how would you accomplish this?

I'm looking to create a simple version that can mix 2 mp3s, allowing the user to adjust the positions of each. Sort of a dumbed down version of Aviary's Myna audio editor.

At the end of the mixing, I would also like our server to mix the 2 mp3 files with the proper positioning into 1 mp3 file...

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