ActionScript 3.0 :: Sound Position And Length On Slider Component?

Sep 11, 2011

I have the following working great:
stop_btn.setStyle("icon", square_mc);player_btn.setStyle("icon", next_mc);
var alreadyDefined:Boolean;volumen.value = 1;

I have another slider component on the movie with instance name PROGRESO

I would like for PROGRESOnto indicate (update) the sounds progress as it plays and be able to scrub through the sound.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX] Mp3 Sound Position / Sound Length?

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// Create a new Sound object.
var music = new Sound();
// Create a text field to show sound length.


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var mysong = new music();
var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var myTransform = new SoundTransform();
myChannel =,10);


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// Sound
sneaker = new Sound();


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wholeProject[i].studentName = "Billy Bob";

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public function getStudentYears():void

when the application loads, the alert message simply does not appear. If I change the alert to something like this:"This is just a test.");

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var bitrate = Math.floor( 8*_snd.bytesTotal/_snd.length);

but unfortunately I can not retrieve valid value for _snd.length before all the song is loaded. Is there any other way to achieve that value?

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May 25, 2011

I've got what to small problems when using my slider component.I'm building a small quiz and I am using the slider component to let the user rate their opinion. It'd be great if I could make the slider play the movieclip (to the next quiz questio) when the user has cast their opinion -on mouse up. Is this possible.Also I'm using a 'score' uint variable to collect the polling results but I need this variable to reside on the root of my flash file so that I can add to it from various diffrent movieclips. How can I target the variable from a movieclip.Heres my code:

voteSlider.value = 5;
voteSlider.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, voteCast);[code].....

This is what i would like to target in the root

var score:uint = 0;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Updating Slider Thumb Position As Movie Clip Symbol Plays?

Feb 9, 2012

I would like to know if there is a way to update the position of the thumb on the Slider component when a movie clip plays. Currently I have a movie clip symbol on my stage with the instance name ShapeMC. It has about 10 frames or animation and two actions. the first frame has a stop action as does the last frame. The actions are on their own layer, separate from the actual animation. I also have the slider component in my library, but it is only there so I can reference it through AS3. My AS3 instantiates a variable of type Slider. I then define the properties, like the width, hieght, thumb size, minimum, maximum, as well as enabling livedragging. I did this so the user can drag the slider and move through the Movie Clip symbol. I added a button that allows the user to click it and autoplay the Movie Clip symbol (ShapeMC). All that works. What I would like to do is when I hit the play button, I would like to see the thumb on the slider move along the slider as the Movie Clip symbol (ShapeMC) plays. So if the Movie Clip symbol reaches frame 5, the slider thumb show be seen as being half way through the tread. I tried putting the currentFrame into the .value property of the slider, but that didn't do anything. No errors, but it didn't move the thumb at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Slider Component Height?

May 6, 2010

Is there anyway to change the height of the slider in AS3? (CS3), I've tried changing the actual graphic (of the bar) in the library and no matter how big I make it it's always locked to 13 pixels high.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Needs To Disable Slider Component Temporary

Aug 11, 2009

I have an application that uses all four direction keyboard keys (up, down, left, right), but when I hit the slider on the application with my mouse, I can't use the left and right keys, at least not on the stage, 'cause the slider moves when I hit those keys. I know that this is default with all sliders...but must you remove this with a keyboardEventListener.removeDefault? If so, how do I do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Slider Component Values?

Jul 16, 2010

First, is this even possible? Inside a function, I want to change the min and max values that the slider component will use. Say for instance, the slider by default has the min set to 100 and the max to 200. Using the slider to scale a graphic, I want to increase the min/mal values.
Can this be done? I've been searching the web for things like ".min.value" and the sort, but can't seem to find anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Volume Using Slider Component

Sep 19, 2011

I am trying to use the slider component (aSlider) to control the volume of mySound which is a class called PlaySound. Created an addEventListener for aSlider with a SlideEvent.CHANGE executing a function called changeVolume. Everything else works but I can't seem to get the slider to control the volume of mySound.

import;import fl.controls.Slider;import;import fl.controls.Label;
var mySound:PlaySound = new PlaySound  ;


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