ActionScript 3.0 :: Scale Inverse To Slider Position?
Nov 15, 2011
I have a var that captures a slider position like this:
var sliderPosition = Math.round((*100);
which outputs a number between 0 and 100 starting on 0. I need to scale an mc from 1 at sliderPosition =0 to .42 at sliderPosition = 100.
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Jan 2, 2011
For a site im working on I want an object to move thats hanging on a piece of wire made with the bone tool to move when my mouse is moved towards it so it would swing when the mouse is placed near.I thought using a simple code to move the movieclip attached to the bone would work but it just moves the movie clip and forgets about the kinematics. this is the code i used:
ActionScript Code:
function followmouse(event:Event):void {
var dx:int = box.x - mouseX;
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Mar 25, 2010
What I have is a map that you can click on points and it will zoom in, you can also click on a "plus/minus" buttons to zoom in and out (I even have the mouse wheel zooming in and out). The client wanted me to add a "zoom slider bar" to it so you know you could move it up and down to scale it. Everything is working except the slider, I can't seem to get it to work with the position of the slider. All of the zoom functionality is there but the slider is killing me.
I am putting up the fla file since there is a lot of code in there and I didn't want to put it all in the forum. if you look in the fla in frame ten on line 726 you can find the function that is supposed to handle the zooming when you move the slider. Up on line 74 you can find the slider onPress and onRelease functions, but those I believe should be fine.
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sldAudioPosition.value = channel.position;
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May 9, 2006
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// Sound
sneaker = new Sound();
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Sep 30, 2010
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Sep 11, 2011
I have the following working great:
stop_btn.setStyle("icon", square_mc);player_btn.setStyle("icon", next_mc);
var alreadyDefined:Boolean;volumen.value = 1;
I have another slider component on the movie with instance name PROGRESO
I would like for PROGRESOnto indicate (update) the sounds progress as it plays and be able to scrub through the sound.
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Oct 8, 2009
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Nov 25, 2011
I am using AS2 and I'm looking for a way to scale an MC from the center meaning that the width will expand equally on both sides.For example .. If the movie clips needs to expand +10 then it would be +5 on the left and +5 on the right.So, in order to simulate the movie clip going forward the position on the left would offset -5 then scale.
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Sep 15, 2010
I have a problem with stage resize.I have a small rectangle on the right bottom of my stage. When I resize the stage, I want my rectangle keep its size (no scale) and position ( always on the right bottom of the stage). Here is my code:
mymc._width = 50
mymc._height = 20
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";[code].......
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Apr 19, 2004
how i could create a function to do the following:- I have a mc and when you click on it i want it to scale too say 150% and move to a different x y position, then when you click on it again i want it to go back to its original size and position.
View 4 Replies
May 15, 2006
imagen I have a movieclip (space_mc) w1000Xh1000 px?
inside the space_mc I have 2 movieclips:
- vlak1_mc (w100xh100px, _x:100,_y:100);
- vlak2_mc (w100xh100px, _x:400,_y:400);
now i put the space_mc on the stage and scale it to 20% the stage (document properties) are w800xh600
Now i want that the USER clicks on vlak1,2_mc and the space_mc scales to 100% But the clicked vlak(1,2)_mc must have the exact coordinates as in the space_mc?
so if clicked on the vlak1_mc!
the space_mc zooms in to 100% and the _x,_y of the vlak1_mc are x100,y100 on the stage(800x600)?
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Jan 22, 2010
I have a MC on the stage and when the user clicks on it I want it to center itself and scale up. Then when the user clicks on it again I want it to return to its original position and scale. Then they can click on the next MC which would do the same thing. Any suggestions on how to handle this? I was thinking of adding the event listener, of course, and inside the handler function I would use an IF to check the x position or scale of the target MC. Is this a "clean" way of doing it?
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Feb 2, 2011
[URL]while in "portfolio" section, if you resize, the content go to the left.I know WHY it does it : while in a MC, an external movieclip lose his stagesize to compress into the movieclip, if resize, it use the size of ALL the content in the SWF to resize. the external fla stage is 1600 x 680, but the content goes out of the stage to the right to make an 1760 x 680 make it LOAD at the right place and right size, i've got a layer with a MC (externalStageSize) in the external SWF that is the size of the Stage, while on frame 1, only this MC(externalStageSize) is active, so when loaded, the _level0 flash can position and scale the external SWF.
BUT, while active content is on, any live resize does not go well..I tried to "connect" the scaling with (externalStageSize) BUT once loaded the size does not change.I wanted to use the math : "new width" = ("allcontent".width / externalStageSize._width)/Stage.width but _level0.ContentMC.externalStageSize._width return the value it have in the flash... like, even if rescale, it will say "1600" is there a way to counter this ? before you ask : AS3 was out of the question because the person who will maintain the site is not that advanced.
some script used when resize :
ContenuMC : the movieclip in witch external swf is loaded
function setContent() {
// content dimensions
ContenuMC._width = Stage.width;
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Sep 14, 2010
I have 4 movieClips on stage named text1, text2 etc. When I RollOver any one of them I have a tween which changes their xscale and yscale. So basically when you rollover they get bigger and when you rollout they go back to 100 scale.
What I want to be able to do is make it so that if I hover over item 3 then item 4's x position is shifted according to the scale of item 3. I ALSO want to be able to move items 1 and 2 to the left to account for the new scale. I can do this but only by moving things to the right, I cannot understand how to make items to the left of that selected update their x position to account for the scale.
the code I'm using is:
The onEnterFrame function is working but only shifting the x position of items that are on the right of that currently selected - it doesn't scale the selected item and shift things left and right accordingly.
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Jul 16, 2009
I animate a DisplayObject with a Motion XML (exported from Flash). The first time I apply a motion to it, everything works fine. The second time I apply a motion, the position / scale is reset to what it was before I first applied a motion. How can I keep the transform of the DisplayObject after a motion is played when I want to play a new motion ? I want the DisplayObject to start from where it was at the end of the first motion.Here's the code I use:
private function animate(motionXML:XML, target:DisplayObject):void
if(!animator)animator = new Animator(motionXML, target);
// Add event listerners
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May 18, 2010
Let me try my best to explain this... On the stage I have a master movieclip, for explanation purposes, let's call this movieclip "body". Nested inside of body are several other movieclips (we'll call them anatomy items like: arm, hair, foot, etc) Now let's say we scaled body to 200% (body.scaleX = body.scaleY = 2.0)
When I run localToGlobal on one of the nested anatomy movieclips (e.g. arm), actionscript is returning the x and y values of the initial state, not reflecting the scale of body and how it actually caused the arm's position to shift globally.
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Mar 21, 2004
The selector mark is suposed to "mark" the selection on the menu after a selection is pressed. But Im having problems with the X and y coordinates and scales of the MC and when I click on the option, the MC gets smaller and then bigger to the size I want. Its suposed change scale and position but its not working like it is suposed to work. Im not sure either if I�m setting the Mc on the initial x and y coordinates.
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Aug 19, 2006
I've recently taken Krilnon's tutorial on interactive image panning, and have a need for more complexity. My image to be panned (relative to user's mouse movement) has several 'hot spot' buttons placed within. Each hot spot, when clicked, is to smoothly zoom and shift within the mask, with pertinent info displayed next to each, once zoom and shift is complete. almost like I'm making a motion tween, where the final position is known, but the start position is wherever the BG image is when the user clicks the nested button. I need to determine the x-position at the moment of click of the button (different for each button), and then, I think, use a simple-math "stagger-step" method of moving and scaling, until I've reached my final dest. here's the link to the tutorial I originally referenced:Url...
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May 2, 2011
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Mar 13, 2009
how to stop on rollover this endless vertical slider in fixed centered position?
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Aug 19, 2006
I've recently taken Krilnon's tutorial on interactive image panning, and have a need for more complexity. My image to be panned (relative to user's mouse movement) has several 'hot spot' buttons placed within. Each hot spot, when clicked, is to smoothly zoom and shift within the mask, with pertinent info displayed next to each, once zoom and shift is complete. almost like I'm making a motion tween, where the final position is known, but the start position is wherever the BG image is when the user clicks the nested button. I need to determine the x-position at the moment of click of the button (different for each button), and then, I think, use a simple-math "stagger-step" method of moving and scaling, until I've reached my final dest. here's the link to the tutorial I originally referenced:If anyone knows of a tutorial or example out there, I'd love directions to it(them). or,
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Apr 19, 2004
how i could create a function to do the following. I have a mc and when you click on it i want it to scale too say 150% and move to a different x y position, then when you click on it again i want it to go back to its original size and position.
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Feb 9, 2012
I would like to know if there is a way to update the position of the thumb on the Slider component when a movie clip plays. Currently I have a movie clip symbol on my stage with the instance name ShapeMC. It has about 10 frames or animation and two actions. the first frame has a stop action as does the last frame. The actions are on their own layer, separate from the actual animation. I also have the slider component in my library, but it is only there so I can reference it through AS3. My AS3 instantiates a variable of type Slider. I then define the properties, like the width, hieght, thumb size, minimum, maximum, as well as enabling livedragging. I did this so the user can drag the slider and move through the Movie Clip symbol. I added a button that allows the user to click it and autoplay the Movie Clip symbol (ShapeMC). All that works. What I would like to do is when I hit the play button, I would like to see the thumb on the slider move along the slider as the Movie Clip symbol (ShapeMC) plays. So if the Movie Clip symbol reaches frame 5, the slider thumb show be seen as being half way through the tread. I tried putting the currentFrame into the .value property of the slider, but that didn't do anything. No errors, but it didn't move the thumb at all.
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xml[0] = xml[8]
1 = 7
2 = 6
so then i could have two versions, xmlA as the regular 0~8, and xmlB is inverted.
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Dec 7, 2009
is it possible to perform inverse trigonometric function using AS3? Actually , i want to calculate the angle of incidence of ball to the wall then reflect back it to angle of reflect.
Sin i=Sin r
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Mar 12, 2009
i am trying to edit a flash template with flash cs4.the problem is that there are some pictures in there that are hidden ( dont ask how is that possible becoz i dont know). to see this pictures i have to use distribute into layers. as i want to change this photos the problem is that after i change them i dont know how to do the invers of distribute into layers.... and as a result the template doesent work as it has to.
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