ActionScript 2.0 :: Stretching Or Shrinking The Length Traversed By Object?
Apr 11, 2006
If L be the original length of linear path (horizontal or vertical) traversed by an object, how can I make Flash change the length according to equation y = L/x where x is an dynamic value generated?
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Aug 2, 2007
Today I tried deploying for the first time a swf movie into a new wordpress blog I am customizing. It looks great in Firefox, but for some reason, the object seems to shrink in Internet Explorer, and there is a strange white border around it. Since I have never placed a flash object in any of my pages before, I might not know what I did wrong, or if this is a common hacking problem. Check it out here: [URL] It is the picture menu in the top middle.. If you can check it in firefox and IE, you'll notice the dramatic difference. Also, I noticed in IE it doesn't allow rollOver functions until you click on the object.
Let me know if I should post any relevant code. The size of the swf is 500w-200h.. And i double checked the height/width i put in the html page.
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Jun 8, 2011
I want to modify an object's x position slowly (e.g. 4 pixels per frame) from actionscript. How do I go about doing this? It would be simple if AS3 had Sleep() and DoEvents() functions - are there equivalents?
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Jun 17, 2009
I have a swf file that loads into my main movie, and within that swf there is a masked image that i would like to scale using zoom in and out buttons and also by using a slider bar.However i cant find any tutorials that will allow me to combine the two.I have used the following code for the buttons. Which seems to work ok but i would like it to be a little smoother. (using speed or some sort of easing??)
ActionScript Code:
zoomPlus.onRelease = function(zoomIn) {
if (test_shirt.shirt._xscale == 400 && test_shirt.shirt._yscale == 400) {[code]....
but for this code it keeps shrinking my initial object down to 10 pixels by 10 pixels..
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Apr 13, 2011
There doesn't seem to be any documentation on the static method "init()" and the static constant "length" of the Object class. Does anyone have any more insight into these?
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Jun 8, 2011
I have an object using as a map in actionscript
var map:Object = new Object();
map[1] = "one";
map[2] = "one";
Is there any easy way to get length of map without iterating?
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Mar 30, 2009
I have an xml file (attached). And what I need to do is find out the number of clients in the list
gallery_xml = new XML(;
var list:XMLList =;
trace("the list length is" + list.length());
This is what I have so far but it always returns 0.
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Feb 24, 2012
I'm using an AS3 class that is:
package {
public class PeopleInfo {
public var elements:int;
I'm getting a run-time error: Error #1009: Cannot access a property of method of a null object reference referring to the for loop's first line dataWriteToDB.PeopleName since it is NULL. I'm guessing the problem here is that while dataWriteToDB is declared initially, the array lengths for the arrays in PeopleInfo class have not been set yet. Or, not sure otherwise why it's NULL.
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Mar 9, 2011
Let's say I have array foo and a positive integer y, where foo.length > y.I want to remove elements from foo so that foo.length becomes y (or very close to it).Also, I need to preserve the first and last element of foo. The indices of the removed elements must be spaced apart as equally as possible. Foo can be sliced, or it can be used to create a new array.
Example: if foo = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,1,2,3,4,5] and y = 6, then trimmedfoo could be [a,c,e,g,2,4,5] or maybe [a,c,e,2,4,5], but not [a,c,e,g,2,4] because the last element of foo is missing.
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Dec 22, 2011
how to do this
function foo(x:*, ...args):* {
function bar(x:*, ...args):* {[code].....
how to expand args ? when I call bar(1,2,3), I wish it call foo(1,2,3), but it call foo(1,[2,3])
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Feb 2, 2012
how I can count the B point's coordinates (see attached image... or not as I am a new!). I know the arrow's rotation - so the angle (let's say it is -120), A's coordinates (0, 0) - A is the middle point of the arrow, and that the distance between A and B is 50 px.
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Dec 16, 2004
I am trying to get the length of arrays within an array, here is my example (MX 2004):
I get an output of of 3. the number of variables within the first array, this is not what I had expedted.
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Dec 2, 2010
Does anyone know a fix to prevent a flash file from shrinking in IE? I'm only having problems with IE, all other browsers are fine.[code]...
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Feb 9, 2011
I have a small swf that loads 3-5 thumbnails using UILoader. When each thumbnail is clicked a scalex/scaley function is called to grow the images, in this function I also add a new listener to listener for a 2nd click which will shrink the thumbnail. This all works fine. The problem is that if a user clicks on a another thumbnail, I want to shrink any open thumbnails to avoid two being open at one time. This is working, but for some reason after the 'forced shrink" happens the image needs like two clicks to enlarge again. I attached the actionscript at the bottom.
ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween; // import Tween animation class
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Mar 6, 2007
I have a movie clip with a dynamic text box inside of it. This box is 160 pixels wide and has a font size of 14.I am dynamically loading car names into this box. Something like "2006 Ford Taurus" just fits perfectly in there with the font I am using... another name, such as "2006 Ford Econoline" is too long and the text is cut off... I won't have anything much longer than about 25 characters, but I cannot go over the 160 pixels I have and I cannot multiline it... is there any way I can switch the text size, or "squish" the letters together so that everything will fit?
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Jan 25, 2012
Iam having an issue with a flash site. Keep in mind Im a complete noob in AS. So here's the problem.I have a website made in flash using AS3. Now im using the gallery made in a 3rd party software. Its 3d papervision stuff. It running fine when i publish. But when it gets online the gallery loads but its shrinks. I have tried all that I can but still no useHere's the code that I used.
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Loader;
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Aug 28, 2009
The bug is where when I shrink a simple circle, it appears to have somehow been altered to the point where the curves are no longer completely circular. Object becomes jagged, then when I bring the the object back to its original shape using the scale tool there the shape is no long a perfect circle.
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Sep 12, 2008
I have a button that shrinks an icon on my screen. The problem I am having is that its shrinking to the movicelips upper left corner and need to shrink to its centerpoint. Here is a portion of my code if that helps:
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Feb 5, 2011
I have the following code:
The problem I'm facing is not with loading the content of the Movie Clip, (though I might experience issues with that later when I try to load dynamic swfs) because as for now I just have placeholders on frames.
What I want to know is why my red squares on the left navigation keep getting smaller as I repeat the MouseOver and MouseOut events. It doesn't seem that these squares follow the logic of the code the way I have written it. Some of the code was generated from a previous post with the help of contributors.
Now I have again hit a slight snag with coding the math properly. Initially when I tested the code it worked fine without any "shrinking" going on. However, now with more code added the red navigation squares don't bounce back to their original states, they just keep getting smaller.
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Feb 5, 2010
do anyone know how to script the dynamic text length to the amount of text in the text file instead of manually drag it to the length?
myLoadVars_lv = new LoadVars();
myLoadVars_lv.onLoad = function(success) {
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Oct 21, 2009
Here is an example of a template I am trying to copy:[URL]..In particular, I am interested in making a background with scrolling movie clips, like the clouds, that will allow everything to remain the same scale, but allow the background to scale and the clouds to either have a shorter or longer distance to travel. Now I also mentioned resizing ActionScript, because I almost have things working, but my ActionScript is not quite right yet.Here is my AS3 code:
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Oct 25, 2011
I am using Flash cs5 on iMAC OS 10.6 When the SWF file opens on my screen, I try to enlarge it by draging the corner, but only the background color enlarges. Is there a way that I can get the whole SWF file to enlarge when I drag the corner? Is there a setting in the publishing setting?
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Apr 12, 2010
I'm trying to replicate this function from the Allegro graphics library:
void stretch_blit(BITMAP *source, BITMAP *dest, int source_x,
int source_y, int source_width, int source_height,
int dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height);
This is somewhat difficult in Flash, because of the overlapping functionality between the Rectangle and Matrix arguments of AS3's BitmapData.draw() method. This is what I have so far. It only works most of the time, and is incredibly inefficient (due to having to sample pixels twice).
function stretch_blit(src:BitmapData, dest:BitmapData, source_x:int, source_y:int,
source_width:int, source_height:int, dest_x:int, dest_y:int,
dest_width:int, dest_height:int):void {[code].....
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Sep 30, 2004
ive seen in a few places were pressing a button drops down a menu, which extends outside the size of the flash movie. So that it goes over whatever text is actually underneath the movie. Ive tried to do the same by just making the menu go below the movie, but that just gets cut off
View 8 Replies
Sep 30, 2004
ive seen in a few places were pressing a button drops down a menu, which extends outside the size of the flash movie. So that it goes over whatever text is actually underneath the movie. Ive tried to do the same by just making the menu go below the movie, but that just gets cut off
View 7 Replies
Mar 1, 2011
i'm trying to publish my website that I made entirely in flash CS5. Everything works perfectly when I publish the site in Flash, then upload the files to my server. I created the site on my 23' monitor, and when I view it on that computer, everything looks perfect, and works. However, I viewed the site from my laptop, and the site gets cutoff and the browser doesn't create a scroll bar so you cannot see everything.
To remedy this, I tried to use Dreamweaver to publish my site. Once again, it worked great on my 23' monitor, no problems what so ever. Viewed on my laptop once again, and now the browser creates the scroll bar. GREAT! However, now the entire site is stretched for some reason (but only when viewing it on the laptop). It seems to be a problem in Dreamweaver since when I viewed the Flash Plublished file, it didn't stretch the site.
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Feb 14, 2009
i have a movie that is using a listener to align the items in the movie according the the size of the screen. However, in one instance I want say a 200h 200w box centered on the screen to stay 200 height but stretch to the width of the screen, animated over say 12 frames. I know how to set the box._width = Stage.width; which will give me the available stage width but it automatically sets it there before the animation takes place. is there a way to make a movie clip where the box starts at 200h 200w and ends with 200h Stage.width
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Aug 23, 2009
I am working on a project with video player in it using Video object that plays flv files or FMS streams. The user can switch to fullscreen browser mode. And here is my problem - most of the time the aspect ratio of the video is different from the screen ratio so it looks stretched. I want to put black spaces left and right or top and bottom (depending on the current video and screen ratios) so that it looks normal without stretching.
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Nov 25, 2009
I have a container movieclip and i am attaching thumbnail images to it to form a slideshow.
The problem i have is i need the container to scale to the stage width, and then add the images, but if i scale the container it also stretches the attached images.
Is there anyway i can change the width of the container without effecting the attached images?
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