ActionScript 3.0 :: Modify Object X Position Slowly - Shrinking Effect
Jun 8, 2011
I want to modify an object's x position slowly (e.g. 4 pixels per frame) from actionscript. How do I go about doing this? It would be simple if AS3 had Sleep() and DoEvents() functions - are there equivalents?
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Aug 2, 2007
Today I tried deploying for the first time a swf movie into a new wordpress blog I am customizing. It looks great in Firefox, but for some reason, the object seems to shrink in Internet Explorer, and there is a strange white border around it. Since I have never placed a flash object in any of my pages before, I might not know what I did wrong, or if this is a common hacking problem. Check it out here: [URL] It is the picture menu in the top middle.. If you can check it in firefox and IE, you'll notice the dramatic difference. Also, I noticed in IE it doesn't allow rollOver functions until you click on the object.
Let me know if I should post any relevant code. The size of the swf is 500w-200h.. And i double checked the height/width i put in the html page.
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm trying to make a dynamic image gallery from and xml. From my tutorials, right now i've got it so it will constantly add the next thumbnail below the other, which is fine, but I'm trying to figure out how to make it that once it reaches a certain y coordinate, it will move the x coordinate over and stack them again. So that rather one long list of thumbs, it will be a side by side stack. For some reason, I can't get it in my head how something like this would work. My goal is to have a side by side stack that I will end up putting in a movie clip that will be masked to show only 2 stacks at a time. Then when clicking a button will slide it over. I was planning to use the "movieclip.length" to calculate how far over to move it, but i haven't gotten that far yet. This is what I got:
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Feb 6, 2009
I am trying to modify a fla i got from flash den. [URL]
It works by clicking on menu items, and or using your mouse wheel.
I am trying to make it so that it responds to mouse movement. So if you mouse up, the menu moves up, and if you mouse down, it moves down.
The file populates the menu using xml, and below is the primary code that makes it work.
Every mouseposition functionality that I've worked on required that the content be in an MC, but this is all xml generated content, and I don't know how to target or control it.
package net.flashden.lydian {
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Jan 27, 2010
I have an object that points in the direction of another object (i.e. it rotates to the direction that the second objects x and y coordinates are at) below is the code I use.
var distx = target.x - x;
var disty = target.y - y;
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(disty, distx);
as you can see. Not only does it rotate towards the target object, but it also moves towards it too. When I play the movie, the object instantly points to the targeted object and moves towards it. I would like for it to slowly turn towards the object instead of instantly turning towards it.
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Jun 17, 2009
I have a swf file that loads into my main movie, and within that swf there is a masked image that i would like to scale using zoom in and out buttons and also by using a slider bar.However i cant find any tutorials that will allow me to combine the two.I have used the following code for the buttons. Which seems to work ok but i would like it to be a little smoother. (using speed or some sort of easing??)
ActionScript Code:
zoomPlus.onRelease = function(zoomIn) {
if (test_shirt.shirt._xscale == 400 && test_shirt.shirt._yscale == 400) {[code]....
but for this code it keeps shrinking my initial object down to 10 pixels by 10 pixels..
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I have a preloader using a mask, set to slowly reveal the target object from the bottom up as the movie loads. But there is something off with the code and I'm not a programmer.
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Apr 1, 2006
I'm trying to call a function that will slowly move/fade an object and it doesn't seem to want to work.
Here is the code
mypos = 1;
position = function () {
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if not is there a conversion tool which can make the process easier?
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for (i=2;i<8;i++){
var ac:b1 = new b1();
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Feb 7, 2006
in a nut shell I have found this wicked piece of open source actionscript.
It responds to the cursor and was wondering if it is posible to modify the x_position and y_position actions and make the action respond to a moving object???? (a movieclip with a variable name)
is this to complicated to attempt or is it doable??
var rows, colm:Number;
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Oct 26, 2010
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Feb 16, 2011
I'm trying to trace the path of an object by using setPixel on the object's position every frame in a BitmapData/Bitmap pairing. These pixels aren't showing up normally and I suspect I have a fundamental misunderstanding of the BitmapData class. Here's what I'm doing:
public var contrailBase:BitmapData;
public var contrail:Bitmap;
private var contrailColor:uint;[code].....
Using this code, the red pixels don't show up. If I initialize contrailBase to 0xFF000000 instead then I get a black screen on which the red pixels DO draw, but I need the bitmap to be transparent except for the contrail. What am I doing wrong?
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Feb 9, 2011
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ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween; // import Tween animation class
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Mar 6, 2007
I have a movie clip with a dynamic text box inside of it. This box is 160 pixels wide and has a font size of 14.I am dynamically loading car names into this box. Something like "2006 Ford Taurus" just fits perfectly in there with the font I am using... another name, such as "2006 Ford Econoline" is too long and the text is cut off... I won't have anything much longer than about 25 characters, but I cannot go over the 160 pixels I have and I cannot multiline it... is there any way I can switch the text size, or "squish" the letters together so that everything will fit?
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Jan 25, 2012
Iam having an issue with a flash site. Keep in mind Im a complete noob in AS. So here's the problem.I have a website made in flash using AS3. Now im using the gallery made in a 3rd party software. Its 3d papervision stuff. It running fine when i publish. But when it gets online the gallery loads but its shrinks. I have tried all that I can but still no useHere's the code that I used.
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Loader;
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May 2, 2011
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Aug 28, 2009
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Jun 11, 2010
I'm stuck thinking about the best way to go about setting a line segment's position, I have a class Line(length, angle, previous) being called from a class Polygon. Right now I have:
public class Line extends Sprite {
public function Line(length:Number, angle:Number, previous:Line = null) {
if (previous != null) {
this.x = previous.end.x;
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Sep 12, 2008
I have a button that shrinks an icon on my screen. The problem I am having is that its shrinking to the movicelips upper left corner and need to shrink to its centerpoint. Here is a portion of my code if that helps:
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Feb 5, 2011
I have the following code:
The problem I'm facing is not with loading the content of the Movie Clip, (though I might experience issues with that later when I try to load dynamic swfs) because as for now I just have placeholders on frames.
What I want to know is why my red squares on the left navigation keep getting smaller as I repeat the MouseOver and MouseOut events. It doesn't seem that these squares follow the logic of the code the way I have written it. Some of the code was generated from a previous post with the help of contributors.
Now I have again hit a slight snag with coding the math properly. Initially when I tested the code it worked fine without any "shrinking" going on. However, now with more code added the red navigation squares don't bounce back to their original states, they just keep getting smaller.
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Apr 19, 2009
hey guys i have 6 moveable objects, what i want is to be able to click a button and a text field appears that displays the x and y co-oridinates off each object, is this possible and if so is there a way also i could have another button where the user inputs the numbers he wants from x and y and the objects will go to that posisition
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Oct 29, 2009
I am wondering about the x, y position of objects. I place a shape at a the bottom of the stage, but then when i check its x, y coords its at 0, 0. Is this correct? so when i start to move it it starts from where i want it on the stage (at the bottom) but the x,y coords are starting at 0,0 also.
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Mar 19, 2007
i have an object (like square or something) and i need to animate it's decomposition and motion tween parts away. What would be the best approach to do that? My initial idea was something like: if this object is an image, maybe there is a BitmapData method that allows me to cut off a certain part of it so that i can save that part as movie clip and then tween it away?
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