ActionScript 2.0 :: Object Decomposition Effect?
Mar 19, 2007
i have an object (like square or something) and i need to animate it's decomposition and motion tween parts away. What would be the best approach to do that? My initial idea was something like: if this object is an image, maybe there is a BitmapData method that allows me to cut off a certain part of it so that i can save that part as movie clip and then tween it away?
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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at com.objects::Torret/updateObject()
at com.objects::EngineApi/loop()
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<div id="modal">
<object id="presentation" width="720" height="576" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" align="middle">
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<param name="quality" value="high" />
[Code] ......
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function loadFirstImage():void {
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imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, addFirstImage);
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(myImages[0].url));
currentImage = new MovieClip();
[Code] .....
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import fl.transitions.easing.*;[code].....
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is there any specific code i could use? (newbie at actionscript here, dont know more than just the basics)
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and here is the .fla using the repel effect using pre-made mc:
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Mar 25, 2010
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