ActionScript 2.0 :: Stuck Up With Cache?

Jan 13, 2009

I recently intiated in a project where the user will be scrolling through a slide show and when they click a particular image they will be taken to another frame where they will be able to view the details of the product in the right and in left a 360 degree view of the product will be displayed and the user can view all the products by clicking next and previous button on top everything works perfect for me but i am having a big issue with the 360 degree rotation where when the user enters the first product the he will be able to view the its corresponding product and its details, but when they when they click the next or previous button the details of the product changes but the same product remains there ie the product one remains there it does not change to its corresponding product view each time the user has been forced to reload the page to view the corresponding product I have displayed below the xml code

xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;


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I have a movie which is serving as a button.When you rollover the image, it grows, and stops.When you rollOut, it shrinks, and stops.This code works fine. The Problem:When you scroll the mouse over quickly, the animation get stuck and doesn't execute the rollOut code.This is most likely because the first rollOver action hasn't yet completed.Here's my code:

thumb_test_4.onRollOver=function  () {

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Xml :: First Image In Gallery Is Stuck

Sep 22, 2011

In the tmbLoaded function all I had to do was place the if/else statement after photoBmp and photoBack creation and remove the tween inside the if/else statement. Also, I was advised to not use a global variable for TweenLite because I need not worry about garbage collection using TweenLite.

Original Issue

I'm working with an image gallery and the first image in the transition ends up stuck near the bottom of the file, but the remaining images fly right into place.

I have a sneaking suspicion it may have something to do with my positioning somewhere or with my tweening. I added a global variable thinking it may have something to do with garbage collection causing my tween to partially stop, but that didn't solve the problem. It's just that first image when it transitions onto the stage. After that, everything works perfectly. Even the click transition.

This is part of my final project and given that I get this fixed, everything will finally be working. Everything is built using as3, so you could just copy and paste it, if you'd like. Except, of course, for the xml (which I'll post in a comment), the url button which is imported from the library, and the text format which can be faked with any embedded font and exported as Myriad.

var fileNameArray = new Array();
var urlArray = new Array();
var targetArray:Array = new Array();


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Here are the steps:
1. Make a new flash file with two frames.
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stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
You should probably put a stop(); on the second frame.
3. Opening this in any browser and it will stick on the frame with the shape.

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Actionscript Code:
thumb_test_4.onRollOver=function this.gotoAndPlay(2);}thumb_test_4.onRollOut=function  () {  this.gotoAndPlay(6);}


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var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
var counter:Number = 0;


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Jan 26, 2009

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May 12, 2009

function _tween(_mc:MovieClip, _to:int, _x:int){
var _twx1:Tween = new Tween(_mc, "y", Regular.easeOut ,(_to-80),_to,0.4, true);


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Jul 8, 2009

I am trying to make an educational script and I must use conditionals to detect how my movieclips are gonna act. I have two buttons and if they are clicked their related variable equals to 1. if not pressed their variables are 0. I put a button to see their state (if 1 or 0) and trace the variables. I am sending Fla to check if I am making any mistakes.. even I click different buttons to change the variables, I always get the same trace...

PHP Code:
var released:Number;var pump_situation:Number;serbestbirak.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, serbestbirakma);function serbestbirakma(event:MouseEvent):void (even


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TabIndex Gets Stuck On Sprites

Jul 27, 2010

I'm trying to add tabIndexing to a dynamically-created form, with a SEND button on the end that is constructed from a custom button class that extends Sprite.

For some reason, the tabIndex gets stuck on this button no matter what I do. If I disable it -- and enable it only for the TextFields -- it works fine, cycling through all of the TextFields endlessly. But as soon as I give this custom button Sprite a tabIndex value, it will highlight that button just fine in the order I tell it, but I can no longer tab or shift-tab to get off of the button again; it remains stuck there unless I use the mouse to click somewhere else and start over.

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