ActionScript 3.0 :: Stuck On Getting A Hit Test Down Part

Jul 29, 2011

im really stuck on getting a hit test down pat ive tried for weeks to get it right but cant seem to get it working. i have a character that i can move up, down, left and right but i would like him not to walk through the walls. see attached if anyone would like to take a look at it

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Stuck On The String.fromCharCode(0) Part

Nov 20, 2009

I've been writing an AS3 app and dealing with weird behavior from Flash Player 10. It seems to ignore certain errors instead of alerting them (compile time or dynamic).

Blank FLA with this: ActionScript Code: trace("Key pressed: " + String.fromCharCode(0) + " (code: " + 0 + ")");

Will output "Key pressed:" and nothing else. It doesn't output the rest of the string. It seems to get stuck on the String.fromCharCode(0) part, but doesn't throw any errors. Anything higher than 0 works of course. That's extremely annoying and hard to debug. It also happened when I was accessing a class member I didn't initialize, I had no idea why it compiled and ran, but had the wrong output.. it took a while to track down. It also happened to me when using addEventListener, when I tried to access the class "this" from inside the inline function, but instead of throwing any errors it just ignored it and broke the app. It acted like it just stops running the code when it encounter that, I would get traces from before the problem code, but none afterward (and it wasn't frozen). Kind of like a thread crashed.

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CS4 :: Test Part Of Movie / Audio?

Apr 22, 2009

I'm using Adobe Flash CS4 for the first time to try and make an animation set to music (like the opening scene of an anime). I need to listen to specific portions of the song so that I can match the timing of my animations.

I know that you can press Enter and it'll Play, but I don't know how to start listening to the music at the frame I want. I also don't know how to stop the music once it starts playing.

I also know I can do Ctrl+Enter to Test Movie, but that always starts playing my animation from the very beginning.

I want to know how to watch/listen to a specific part of the animation, without having to play it stop to finish.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Test The Movie The Trace Part Displays In The Output Without Clicking On My_button?

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For some reason when i test the movie the trace part displays in the output without me even clicking on my_button?

PHP Code:

my_button.onPress = function() {       _root.clicked = true; } if (clicked == true;) {       trace("clicked is true"); } 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Test The Word AFTER The Keystroke Has Become Part Of WriteInOneText.text Without Adding A Separate Button

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I'm trying to make it so that when a user inputs the correct word an event happens. It almost works except that the event doesn't fire until the NEXT keystroke. Is there a way to test for the word AFTER the keystroke has become part of WriteInOneText.text, without adding a separate button or anything? Here's the code:


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Professional :: Stuck On OnRollOver / OnRollOut Stuck?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a movie which is serving as a button.When you rollover the image, it grows, and stops.When you rollOut, it shrinks, and stops.This code works fine. The Problem:When you scroll the mouse over quickly, the animation get stuck and doesn't execute the rollOut code.This is most likely because the first rollOver action hasn't yet completed.Here's my code:

thumb_test_4.onRollOver=function  () {

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Flex :: Test Spark Components In FlexUnits Visual Test Environment

Sep 17, 2011

I'm trying to test a custom Flex 4 skinnable component, using the FlexUnit UIImpersonator class. If I run my tests from a FlashBuilder Spark only project everything works fine. If I try to test from a project with the mx component set on the classpath I get a "getElementIndex not available in non Flex 4 projects" error.Can I unit test spark components in FlexUnits visual test environment while still having the mx component set on the classpath?

UIImpersonator delegates it's method calls to a "testEnvironment".The implementation used for this "testEnvironment" is decided by the VisualTest EnvironmentBuilder class and the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class. If the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class can find the "mx.core.Container" on the classpath it returns a MX environment, else a Spark environment. Only the spark environment has valid implementations for Flex 4 relevant method calls on the UIImpersonator - like the addElement method.

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Professional :: Buttons Don't Work When Test Movie/Test Scene?

Aug 4, 2011

My buttons only work when I click on them on the stage while having the "enable simple buttons" option on. They do not work if I try to "test movie," "test scene" and publish it to a SWF. Nothing responds whenever I am in these modes. I am using Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Actionscript 2.0.
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Works In Flash Test But Not Html Test?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Test Movie Works But Test Scene Does Not

Mar 19, 2009

I have two scenes in my flash file and in scene 1, first button takes you to frame 2 where movie clip is -works

on (release) {
second button takes you to frame 3

but on scene 2 that performs same function as scene 1, the first button


instead of going to frame 2 goes to frame 3. and the second button goes correctly to frame 3.that happens when i test scene! when i test movie all buttons work properly.

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Regex :: If Part Of Substring Is True Then Replace Part Of Substring With Running Var?

Mar 9, 2011

Ok perhaps ive bitten off too much here...I know you are not supposed to parse xml/html to regex but the thing is there just arent many other options.Im using parsing the source of textflowlayout text to a different format.

string to parse :

< fontFamily=Verdana encoding=unicode fontWeight="bold"> some text < fontFamily=Verdana encoding=unicode > some text < fontFamily=Arial encoding=unicode fontStyle="italic"> some text < fontFamily=Arial encoding=unicode fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic"> some text

what i really need is:

< fontname=Verdanabold encoding=unicode> some text < fontname=Verdana encoding=unicode > some text < fontname=Arialitalic encoding=unicode > some text < fontname=Arialbolditalic encoding=unicode > some text

logically i think of it as taking apart the string into substrings

checking if there are fontWeight or fontStyle in the substring

if there is then appending the font name with the weight or style so so that the font name becomes font NameWeightStyle.then rebuilding the string.The font could be any font with variouse styles or far:

pattern = /<(.*?)>/gixsm;
var matches:Object = pattern.exec(str);
var finalstring:String = "";[code]...........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stuck With 'while' Function

Feb 22, 2012

I have four dynamic text fields, each saying 'Left', 'Right', 'Up' and 'Down'. When my main character hits an object, the respective directional text is blanked out (i.e. if the character hit an object on its right, the 'Right' text would display nothing). Here is the function below:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stuck With TLF SetFocus?

Jun 2, 2010

I've been working a few hours on getting my text box to gain focus when i t's added to the stage. I'm having no luck. Here is what I have so far and this code seems to place the cursor in the text box but I cannot type.
var textFlow:TextFlow = si_box.email_txt.textFlow;
textFlow.interactionManager = new SelectionManager();textFlow.interactionManager.selectRange(0, 0);textFlow.interactionManager.setFocus();

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Xml :: First Image In Gallery Is Stuck

Sep 22, 2011

In the tmbLoaded function all I had to do was place the if/else statement after photoBmp and photoBack creation and remove the tween inside the if/else statement. Also, I was advised to not use a global variable for TweenLite because I need not worry about garbage collection using TweenLite.

Original Issue

I'm working with an image gallery and the first image in the transition ends up stuck near the bottom of the file, but the remaining images fly right into place.

I have a sneaking suspicion it may have something to do with my positioning somewhere or with my tweening. I added a global variable thinking it may have something to do with garbage collection causing my tween to partially stop, but that didn't solve the problem. It's just that first image when it transitions onto the stage. After that, everything works perfectly. Even the click transition.

This is part of my final project and given that I get this fixed, everything will finally be working. Everything is built using as3, so you could just copy and paste it, if you'd like. Except, of course, for the xml (which I'll post in a comment), the url button which is imported from the library, and the text format which can be faked with any embedded font and exported as Myriad.

var fileNameArray = new Array();
var urlArray = new Array();
var targetArray:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stuck In A Loop

Dec 15, 2009

I got the code from someone else's flash file and heavily modified it. The MAIN problem is that when the wheel hits zero rotation, the code tells another mc to jump to a frame and do the collisiion check. The problem is this code is in an onEnterFrame so the code has the mc jump to the frame over and over in an endless loop. I need to somehow get that part of the code OUT of the onEnterframe but I cant seem to make it work.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stuck Up With Cache?

Jan 13, 2009

I recently intiated in a project where the user will be scrolling through a slide show and when they click a particular image they will be taken to another frame where they will be able to view the details of the product in the right and in left a 360 degree view of the product will be displayed and the user can view all the products by clicking next and previous button on top everything works perfect for me but i am having a big issue with the 360 degree rotation where when the user enters the first product the he will be able to view the its corresponding product and its details, but when they when they click the next or previous button the details of the product changes but the same product remains there ie the product one remains there it does not change to its corresponding product view each time the user has been forced to reload the page to view the corresponding product I have displayed below the xml code

xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stuck In A Loop

Jan 25, 2009

I have a swf within a html page. There is a function that opens an html page when an object gets to a certain x position. However, when the object gets to that point the new html page (in _self) opens over and over again and get stuck in a loop. Any way to escape this loop and what would be the best way to trigger this new html page to open when the x position of the object is true?[code]

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IDE :: Compiler Getting Stuck And / Or Crashed

Feb 11, 2012

I use flash cs5.5 for mobile. I recently started using flash builder with it. Something wrong with flash cs5.5 mobile compiler. I can't compile for iOS or android anymore, it just hangs and never finishes creating the swf. or crashes. Test movie never pops up the windows, Air debug launcher in this case. Its not my app, its the same with a new blank one. I can test movie and/or compile flash 10.2 swfs.

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IDE :: Converting A Symbol From One To Another- Stuck 1/2 One 1/2 The Other?

Feb 24, 2012

Has anyone else noticed this oddness? example: create something, covert to symbol button. now change it to type Movieclip. (not nested, just change its type) In the library and properties it correctly shows as type Movieclip, however if you double click in to it, it shows as button.

I just noticed now if you add/remove it from stage, it updates correctly.

I have seen this scenario before in previous version of flashIDE as well.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Movieclip Is Stuck After Movement

Apr 27, 2009

I've attached a demo fla so you can see what I'm trying to do. Basically the big circle is a spaceship that will move to wherever you click. The small circle is a resource that the ship can collect, in this case it's called iron. When you click on the iron the ship moves to it and then the small circle disappears, and +1 is added to your inventory, creating the illusion that the ship has collected it. Problem is, after you collect the iron, you can't really move the ship anymore. It's stuck around the position where the iron was. How do I regain control of the ship after I collect the iron?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Stuck On First Frame In Browser

Aug 6, 2009

I have a problem with this line of code:
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
When I put it into a flash file, the resulting swf "sticks" on the first frame.....but only in browsers. Not in the standalone flash player.

Here are the steps:
1. Make a new flash file with two frames.
2. On the first frame make any shape and type this in its action window:
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
You should probably put a stop(); on the second frame.
3. Opening this in any browser and it will stick on the frame with the shape.

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Making Animated Icons And Stuck On One In Particular?

Jan 19, 2010

i have been making some little animated icons and I have gotten stuck on one in particular.I think I have attached an image of it here. What I want to do is start off with a solid red triangle and animate it being sucked or beamed up into the spaceship, as you see in the picture.I want it to look kind of like the triangle is dissolving into little particles which are being sucked into the spaceship

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stuck When Loading Pictures

Mar 8, 2010

Im currently learning AC3.0 (ActionScript 3.0 [flash]) at school, and I was doing some practice. Well, I got stuck on this part.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stuck On 1 Code For A Week

Mar 18, 2010

I've been trying to figure out a code for the last week or so and I have had no luck . I'm trying to make an event.listerner in actionscript 3.0 that detects for a "S" key and then opens a new url with a separate swf. file upon the pressing of the "S".

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Flash OnRollOver / OnRollOut Stuck?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a movie which is serving as a button. When you rollover the image, it grows, and stops. When you rollOut, it shrinks, and stops. This code works fine.The Problem: When you scroll the mouse over quickly, the animation get stuck and doesn't execute the rollOut code.Here's my code:

Actionscript Code:
thumb_test_4.onRollOver=function this.gotoAndPlay(2);}thumb_test_4.onRollOut=function  () {  this.gotoAndPlay(6);}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stuck In Drag And Drop?

Jul 19, 2010

i was doing a drag and drop game. i created 2 drop down function to drop the object. the problem i faced was, when i drag and drop the object to the target, one of my function does not work? WHY? By right my oncomplete function should able to go to and stop at frame 2. here is the code.

var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
var counter:Number = 0;


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