ActionScript 2.0 :: Text / Links Not Appearing

Jul 2, 2010

I have two layers in my FLA file (called 'tutorials', and 'Layer 2').When I open my library and click on one of my symbols (a movie clip) I can see these two layers:They are both AS layers and in the first one, 'tutorials' I have:[code]Yet when I go online and look at my uploaded movie, I cannot see anything, except under Tutorial I get 'undefined'.

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When I view the .swf, I'm noticing that text that fits perfectly in the text areas in the .fla is being pushed down passed the edge of the text area. So when the movie exports, something weird happens and the text gets cut off at the bottom. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem, and does anyone know of a way to fix it?

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private function GameOver():void {


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on (release) {{
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("blank3test", 1);
_root.blank3test._x =134; _root.blank3test._y = 80;
But the external swf "link3" doesnt appear.

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invia_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendData);
function sendData(evtObj:MouseEvent):void{
trace (nome_txt.text);
trace (societa_txt.text);
trace (email_txt.text);
[Code] .....

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I already have the code below that creates 2 regular expressions (one for the level and one for the text) but I was wondering how I could combine these into one. I tried several combinations, but since my regexp skills are non-existing I couldn't get this to work.


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IDE :: How To Apply CSS To XML Text Links

May 11, 2005

I want a xml text loaded in a normal textfield. I want to embedd the font to the textfield (so not in the xml file). I also want to add links to the xml text and change the look of the link with css. I just want a text file with links in it in Flash and want it to be possible to change it outside of flash so in a XML or text or html file i dont care. As long as I can make links in the text file without the ugly link stripe under the text (so it should be changeable with CSS).

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IDE :: Adding Links To Text?

Apr 15, 2009

I'd like to create a bunch of links in a text field.

There's no way to do this in the IDE as nearly as I can tell. One link per field.

I can do it in actionscript by parsing the text in the fields and comparing it to entries in an XML, finding the entries and then adding the links to the htmlText of the field. Is there any way to easily parse words taking punctuation into account? Of course I can use the split function, but that doesn't sort out periods, commas, and such.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. Text=Error #2124: Loaded File Is An Unknown Type Keeps Appearing

May 9, 2011

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Below is my code and xml info for your reference.


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Can't Find Menu Text And Links?

Nov 12, 2010

Here's the link to my flash menu:[URL]how I can adjust the links inside the menu and the menu item text?

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Create Dynamic Text That Contains Links?

Jul 23, 2009

How do I make my email address and URL linkable

This is the copy on my actions layer[code]...

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Flash :: Professional - Text Links In CS5

Oct 12, 2011

I tried searching for an answer but did'nt have much luck. I decided to finally learn how to do a web page in Flash and everything is progressing except for text links. I'm importing a .psd file and I keep the text as editable, the page has 5 text links plus a text logo, the logo text link works when tested (returning to the home page) but the links to the other pages do nothing.

I have tried each one seperately, pointing to both the intended page as well as the home page with no luck, the only one that I can get to work is the logo text. I have also tried grouping the text for links seperate from static text in Photoshop. I'm sure it's something simple and I'm probably over thinking things but whatever the case I can't get it to work.

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