IDE :: Adding Links To Text?

Apr 15, 2009

I'd like to create a bunch of links in a text field.

There's no way to do this in the IDE as nearly as I can tell. One link per field.

I can do it in actionscript by parsing the text in the fields and comparing it to entries in an XML, finding the entries and then adding the links to the htmlText of the field. Is there any way to easily parse words taking punctuation into account? Of course I can use the split function, but that doesn't sort out periods, commas, and such.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Links To A Text Box?

Apr 2, 2004

I am trying to add clickable links to a dynamic text box that is being used by different buttons (every time you click a different button the information in the text field changes). I have the text bos set to render as html and I can add bold, etc. tags, but because of the " mark in an href tag, it's not taking it.

on (release) {
info.htmlText="<b>Marta</b><br><br>Getting to downtown Atlanta can be made easier by using the public transportation system. Georgia State provides discounted monthly MARTA Transcards for students";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Links On "Adding Thumbnails" Tutorial?

Jan 11, 2007

I've stumbled across a very interesting tutorialBut, I've noticed a little detail. When you click on the big image of the finished example on the first page of tutorial, it acts like a link. When I have downloaded finished .fla source, links are nicely written in the images.xml file, but the links in the .fla file don't work.

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Adding Links In A Flash Template?

Mar 21, 2010

I have Flash MX and I'm editing a Flash template that I downloaded. When I roll over what would be the button section in this template it is set up to be a link, but I don't know how to edit it and add the links I want. how I can get links added into this thing? I can send it to you if you want to see what I'm talking about first hand.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Links To Xml Gallery

Apr 21, 2007

I'm trying to modify Scotty's fantastic resizable XML gallery to add links to it. I've read through similar posts on this forum and I'm confused on a couple of issues. Firstly, the xml file provided, which I am using, places all fields in "" marks, whilst all examples given on this forum don't seem to do so.Perhaps more importantly, when i try, as recommended on similar posts, to place the link within CDATA tags the gallery stops showing any thumbnails, pictures or anything! I am confused. My XML file is as below, after editing the first image data to try and accomodate the link:[code]

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IDE :: Adding Links To A XML Flash Gallery (CS4)?

Jan 4, 2010

Ive got an AS3 XML gallery thats all working fine, but I would like to add links to each image. Ideally I need to be able to add fully qualified links to each image individually via the XML document. my actionscript looks like this:

// delay between slides
const TIMER_DELAY:int = 5000;
// fade time between slides
const FADE_TIME:int = 3;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Links To Multiple Buttons

Feb 6, 2011

I made a flash banner + have photo creds on each photo. I want to make it a link to source to the photographer's portfolio.I've got 5 links for 5 buttons, button1, button2, button3, etc, each is named in the library with a matching name for the instance.I got the link working for the first image, but whenever I try and do it for others I keep getting a message of [code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Links To Html Pages?

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catBtmBut.visible = false;
var catBtmmenu_label:Array = new Array("Visit: The Grange Kitchen","Visit: The Bergerie","Visit: Badens ");var catBtmtotal:Number = catBtmmenu_label.length;var catBtmpage:Number;var catBtmmain_menu:MovieClip = new MovieClip();catBtmmain_menu.x = 35;catBtmmain_menu.y = 231;stage.addChild(catBtmmain_menu);for (var catBtmi:int = 0; catBtmi < catBtmtotal; catBtmi++){    var


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Links To Flash Carousel Through XML?

Aug 2, 2009

I have a nice Flash Carousel gallery and it fed from a n xml file. I am trying insert links to give an option to a reader to go an external website to read more about the given subject. I am new to actionscript, and all my trying and all my trying failed so far.Here is the script for this section:

xml.onLoad = function() {
var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
numOfItems = nodes.length;
//this counts the amunt of items listed in the xml document (numOfItems);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Links To XML Photo Gallery?

Apr 17, 2006

I am playing with the xml photo gallery tutorial and wanted to add the ability for users to click on a particular image and have it go to its own url.

This is what I have done so far:

in images.xml I have added a <link> child on the same node or level as <image> and <caption>

images.xml i.e.



It obviously does not work (the rest of the gallery does though) I created a dynamic movie clip and labeled it "link" and placed it on the stage as a bg element however I am pretty sure this is the wrong way to hyperlink the images and description.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Links To Sliding Menu

Jun 28, 2010

I new to flash and I am trying to create a menu similar to the one in this tutorial: [URL] I was able to do so with no problems, but I would like the pages, or rectangles (content 1 movie clip, content 2 movie clip, etc) to also be hyperlinks to different pages. In other words, the user should be able to click on the big rectangles to get to other pages. I tried making them button symbols instead of movie clip symbols, but that broke the sliding menu- the rectangles no longer moved when buttons were clicked. I tried adding a getURL action to onRelease for the movie clips, but I get an error and from what I read, this cannot be done with Actionscript 2.

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Adding Menu With Links On Left And Videos On Middle / Right?

Aug 6, 2009

I am trying to do the following: I have a project file open in CS4. It currently has a background image which is locked. I want to include a menu with links/sublinks on the left side, a corporate video in the middle and another video on the right. The menu on the left (links/sublinks) simultaneously controls the other two videos. If the user clicks the 'stop' link, both videos stop. I would also like to include a scrubber, to control the video (play, pause, rewind, mute).

I am trying to do this in pieces - first get the video imported and playing, then create scrubber/playcontrols, then incorporate second video, and finally add the menu (links/sublinks). I have created sites with Flash, but this project has me baffled. I have spent months on it. As an example - I am struggling just to import the first video. Do I embed it? It seems as though each time I import the video, it does something different. I was told to embed it into the timeline (each frame of video would be on its own frame in the Timeline). This would alleviate AV synch issues, and allow me to control everything at once.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Links To Photos In Slideshow Using XML And Flash?

Aug 14, 2005

many kudos for the xml photo slideshow. [URL]

How would someone go about getting the actionscript to look for another field in the xml file that had a Url link to a webpage for each image that would be activated by clicking on that particular image.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding URL Links To A Horizontal Scrolling Image Banner?

Jul 2, 2010

I want to incorporate a scrolling image banner into my website, and found a great tutorial on youtube which works well.I can't post a link unfortunately.It is a pretty basic image scroller that has a series of images scrolling across the screen in an infinite loop. Direction is controlled by mouse position (extreme left or right), and it will stop when the mouse is positioned over an image in the center area.Here's the code:

var myVar:Boolean;
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
function onEnterFrame(e:Event) :void[code]....

After trying to figure this out through forums such as this for days, it seems that my answer is to use XML (which I do not know, and which I think would require completely starting over).Is there any way to do this in AS3?

Again, I'm a novice user, but understand the basic animation tools of flash to feel comfortable using it as the platform to make this work. I'd like to be able to switch out images/links as necessary, and feel good about my ability to use flash to do that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tree View - Adding Mouse Events To Handle Links

Mar 4, 2010

I'm trying to recreate a UI for an application that my company makes in order to create an in-depth training companion to the application. One of the features is a weird tree view that works quite different from any tree view component I've ever seen, so I decided to create my own version of it as the Flash AS2 Tree Component doesn't have the functionality, and I haven't found any Tree Component for sale or download that works like that either. At first glance it seems like a standard Tree, except that it behaves differently if you click on the icon for each node than if you click on the label.

Some labels are links, some nodes can have 2 different labels, each with their own link, and most nodes have a second label underneath the label next to the icon (these don't have events assigned to them; they're just a quick way to view information). So anyway, I set up an XML file with all the information that I need (the easy part), but populating the whole thing, making sure each subnode can properly exist within each parentnode while allowing me to open and close them has been a real challenge.

Basically, I decided to use a whole bunch of loops to go through the nodes in the XML, but my lack of experience in using them is kicking my rear end. Basically, I need some code that can evaluate all the nodes in the XML and sort them within the proper hierarchies and then create all the clips in the stage to add the mouse events for opening, closing, and handling the links (which do not direct to the same event as when the icon next to that link is clicked).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Adding Alert Boxes To Movie Items With Clickable Links?

Sep 1, 2009

I currently have a movie where I have an icon (image) and a block of text as a clickable button (locked together) the button takes you to a specific urlActionScript

What I need to do is replace the geturl with some script that will add an alert box with 2 options. I would like the box to have a title something like "Where would you like to go from here?" then two text links "Members Excel" (which will take them to members-excel-forum) and "Newsgroup Excel" (which will take them to newsgroup-excel-forum), like I said I have many more to add but once I have the code and a "How to" I should be able to adapt it.I will have to do this for each of the items (I'll have to unlock them first) there are 24 items in my movie (it looks like 12 as there is an icon and text locked together for each category) so I need to do this for 16 of them, I say Alert box as this won't be bothered by a pop up blocker. The Code [URL]

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Flex :: Links - Adding TextFlow Anchor With 'click" Event?

Jul 11, 2011

Given the following:private var errorHtml:String = "<TextFlow xmlns=""><p>Existing account, please <a click="clickHandler(event);">click here</a>.</p></TextFlow>";

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WYSIWYG Text Editor For Hyper-links / Text Formatting That Exports To Swf?

Jun 12, 2009

Anyone know of a good program such as:WYSIWYG text editor for hyperlinks and text formatting that exports to swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll Text Using XML (side Bars, Arrows And Text Links)?

Oct 8, 2007

Can anyone point me in the right direction of any tutorials that th creating a body of text that is from XML, that is scrollable (scroll bars and arrows), and will alllow for HTML links in the text?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text That Will Be Loaded From The Text File To Be Links To Other Pages

Sep 16, 2008

i am desiging a news form that read the news from an external text file. I made it ok and with a typewriter effect and it worked only problem is that i want the text that will be loaded from the text file to be links to other pages.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Text Effect To Random Text Loaded From Exteral Text File

Apr 25, 2011

I am still using flash MX. I'm pulling random text from a textfile (array.txt) into movieclip instance textbox.[code]All is good, but now my question is if I can have a text effect as well. For example having the random quotes typed out as they appear.

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IDE :: How To Apply CSS To XML Text Links

May 11, 2005

I want a xml text loaded in a normal textfield. I want to embedd the font to the textfield (so not in the xml file). I also want to add links to the xml text and change the look of the link with css. I just want a text file with links in it in Flash and want it to be possible to change it outside of flash so in a XML or text or html file i dont care. As long as I can make links in the text file without the ugly link stripe under the text (so it should be changeable with CSS).

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Can't Find Menu Text And Links?

Nov 12, 2010

Here's the link to my flash menu:[URL]how I can adjust the links inside the menu and the menu item text?

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Create Dynamic Text That Contains Links?

Jul 23, 2009

How do I make my email address and URL linkable

This is the copy on my actions layer[code]...

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Flash :: Professional - Text Links In CS5

Oct 12, 2011

I tried searching for an answer but did'nt have much luck. I decided to finally learn how to do a web page in Flash and everything is progressing except for text links. I'm importing a .psd file and I keep the text as editable, the page has 5 text links plus a text logo, the logo text link works when tested (returning to the home page) but the links to the other pages do nothing.

I have tried each one seperately, pointing to both the intended page as well as the home page with no luck, the only one that I can get to work is the logo text. I have also tried grouping the text for links seperate from static text in Photoshop. I'm sure it's something simple and I'm probably over thinking things but whatever the case I can't get it to work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text As Links To Themselves?

Oct 26, 2009

I'm trying to make a twitter application for an assignment I have for uni. It's going to basically be a word association game of sorts, where a user enters a word to search for, and the latest tweet with that word gets displayed; this is where I'm up to: I want to make it so that the user then clicks on one of the other words in that tweet, and then the application searches for that word. I can't figure out how to get the text to refer back to itself so that it, for example, returns a string that I can pass back into the code and re-search for it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text / Links Not Appearing

Jul 2, 2010

I have two layers in my FLA file (called 'tutorials', and 'Layer 2').When I open my library and click on one of my symbols (a movie clip) I can see these two layers:They are both AS layers and in the first one, 'tutorials' I have:[code]Yet when I go online and look at my uploaded movie, I cannot see anything, except under Tutorial I get 'undefined'.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Links In Dynamic Text

Jan 18, 2004

I have a dynamic text box which loads variables from a PHP file (which in turn loads everything from a mySQL database) and there are links in it. When loaded, the links look like links, but they do not act like links. They are not clickable at all. I don't understand what's wrong because I used the same exact technique on another site (actually the predecessor of what I'm working on) and it worked perfectly. If you'd like to see the site in (beta) action, go here. Here is the code I am using to load up the stuff...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Links In Dynamic Text?

Aug 3, 2005

i'm bringing text in from an xml file into a dyn text box. is there anyway to incorporate a hyperlink in that dynamic text? i want to have a paragraph and then have links in it.

the dyn text box text will change depending on user interaction and different links from the xml will appear.

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IDE :: Creating Text Links In Flash?

May 20, 2009

I was wondering what the best practice was for creating text links in flash? I know how to create a button of course, give it an up, over and hit state. What I normally do is copy the text into each frame, and change the colour for each so that the user can tell when they're hovering and hitting the button. For the hit status, I draw a square for the hit.

But this can be time consuming if you have a lot of text links throughout your site. Especially if you want to change the text colour of your over and hit frames.

So I looked into making a better solution using Actionscript, which was having a function for each of the status, where you change the colour of the button.

I was wondering if anyone else had any other thoughts or wanted to share how they do their text links?

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