ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Drawing API Shape To Mask Another Movie Clip?
Nov 16, 2006
I have a movieclip that contains code for an API drawing shape. I can use it to mask a movieclip containing an image but not a moviclip that contains a dynamic gradient.
// create empty movieclip
I'm trying to draw a mask that's a pill shape but I can't seem to adjust the linestyle properly. Code: import flash.display.Sprite; var pill:Sprite = new Sprite();,1);,0x000000,1,false,"normal","round","round");,6); [Code] .....
AS3 Movie clip does not have .setMask() method, but it has .mask property. What is the syntax to set a mask on movie clip A (mcA) using movie clip B (mcB) mith .mask parameter in AS3?
mcA.setMask(mcB); // does not work in AS3 (no setMask() method any more) mcA.mask = mcB; //does not do the job either
ive gotten one movie clip to mask another in the actions frame but i cant seem to be able to mask the flames which are a shape with a movieclip in this as file. im not getting any errors but the mask isnt covering anything look near the bottom at s.mask=mask_mc; there are about 20 "s" shapes spawning per second if that has anything to do with it
Code: //this package turns an mc into a flaming button that calls a javascript function package { import flash.display.MovieClip;
maybe point me towards a better way to mask. png file is way too big. I have been using the mask layer option to create my own mask around a jpg image by drawing around it on the mask layer. There has to be a fetter and faster way to do this. Is it possible to maybe have a specific color range have an alpha value of 0. Similar to green screening whereas If I put the item I want to clip on a green background flash will auto take out the green for me. and by auto I mean action script maybe. I think this can be done but im not finding it.
how are these guys clipping these images [URL] they have the movie clips set up where the black background on the 3 layers of shoes is getting masked out. When I go into the shoe movie clips I see there is a black background but it just disappears when I go back to main timeline.
I have Video Screen on my background image. Where I have masked the movie file to fit that screen. But still it is in square shape, because I can't shape my movie file exactly as screen. I tried with free transform tool but it is also not useful. The perspective tool like in Photoshop sure will work. Is there any such tool in flash cs4? Please help me in this regard.
Still there is black right top and right bottom which to be covered by movie.
i have a 2 recangle movie clip with w:500 h:400 named (p1 , bs) ,and a i wanted to Mask those 2 movie clip with action sctrip, with a w:1000 h:1300 Recangle, named(Mask)i can do it if using the layer Masking, but i wanted to use action stricp to mask.
code: p1.mask = Mask bs.mask = Mask
but i cant do it , i cant mask those 2 movie clip at the same time ,it only work on bs.mask = Mask.i intention is to Mask those both movie clip,any idea what is going on ?
I've tried hitTestPoint(x,y,true) but then I realized that it works fine only with vector graphics (for my .png image the resault was tha same as hitTestPoint(x,y,false) - so it was unacceptable). Then I tried hitTest function from a BitmapData class like this:[code]is it possible to get a graphic from a movie clip without drawing it (it is not necessary for me to check colission)?Then, having this bitmap (transparent png file) i tried to use hitTest function:[code]
I have 4 shapes which fit into 4 boxes and would like to modify my code so when a shape is placed in the correct box a movie clip appears e.g. if a triangle is placed into a triangle shape the movieclip for triangle appears. if the shape is placed into the wrong box a message appears saying try again.
I downloaded an Mc Tween Class from [URl] so I can use the ColorTransformTo method. However, the method only works when my movieclip is an image; and I need the method to work when the movie clip is a shape...
I have Flash CS4 and I'm developing an RPG game. My goal is to dynamically change the weapon/armor the main hero has on according to what the player has on. I think the term is paper dolling. Basically I want to be able to set a point in which a graphic (movie clip/w.e) can be place permanently and I can load images to it via actionscript 3. I want the point to stay on the hero becuase I plan to move him and animate him and I want to be able to have it so that all it takes is me loading an image to the hero so it will basically "mask" over him. Hope you guys understand what I'm saying, I'm having a hard time figuring this out.
Is there a way to mask a movie clip in a way that alters the width and height of the object? I have a child movie clip that is larger in width so I'm having issues manipulating the width, height and coordinates proportionally of the parent movie clip.
have added a button in my flash movie to print a scrolled text , but when i press the button , it will just print the visible area of that textfield , and dont print the out of mask area . i want to print the whole of my text in that movie clip
I have a movie clip that is a motion tween with a shape with fade... Now I want to put this mc as a mask .. and showing a part of an image with lot of this mc's I know that I have to use duplicate movie clip, but the mc as mask isn't working
I am drawing a set of connected lines in a MC that is created using createEmptyMovieClip. The lines start at (0,0) within the MC and move into the negative x values when the lines move left. The problem I am having is when repositioning the MC. When I tell the MC to move to _x=0 and _y=0, it doesn't move to the stage's (0,0), it still hangs off the left side of the stage. The following image shows the MC positioned to (0,0) (note: the green is the stage):shouldn't the MC containing the drawn lines use its left-most point when being repositioned so that it doesn't hang off the left side of the stage?
But, What I want is for part of the logo's image to be cut off, while still drawing without squishing. Basically, (from what I've read) I want to crop it's pixel bounds. But, the following doesn't work:
I want to dynically open this movie clip and move it to a specific location (x,y) on the main timeline on top of everything else.Then I want to draw lines on that new movie clip that display on top of the image on that movie clip.I have an idea on how to draw the lines, (well at least I think I do)
I have a textbox that accepts information from the internet, and i turned it into a movie clip. However, when it moves, it goes on top of everything else and ignores the mask i put on it.
Is there a easy way to scale the part of a masked movieclip that the user sees to a specific height? I want to ignore the masked part but scaleX scales using the dimensions of the mask.I'm assuming you can do this using bounds and getting the difference but am having trouble figuring this out.
I've got a 3D tween I would like to apply a mask to but am having a difficult time doing so. I'm guessing this is as a result of the tween that is happening on the Z-axis..?if this is the case then setting a mask movie clip to one increment higher on the Z-axis and setting the mask MC's layer to Mask should work; it's not, however.
I have a duplicated movie clip and that layer is inside a mask. I would like to mask that but it doesn't work. I have uploaded the fla so you can take a look.
I've written a class that iterates through all the frames of a movie clip and draws each one to a different bitmap. When I'm done, I should be able to iterate through the bitmaps and play them like a flipbook animation.If I draw all the clips to the same size bitmapdata, then everything looks great. But this is wasteful because now a lot of the bitmapdata's are bigger than they need to be (takes up more memory), and also causes problems because the hit tests don't look right.
So next I try to crop all the bitmapdata to be the smallest possible sizes. However, when I do this, there are subtle differences in the way the images look - the edges might look slightly darker in one frame than in another. When I line up all the images and play them back to back, it no longer looks the same way it originally did.I have no idea why the images look different, and have no idea how to work around this problem, I have tried many different approaches. I have tried using BitmapData.draw(), BitmapData:copyPixels(), and manually using BitmapData:SetPixel(), and all end up with the same result
By the way i want to make a visualization about a math process to show partial function graph.
I think i can make a scene which in 1000x1000 pixels. I'll start from top of scene and when i press a button i'll move camera to second section which i want to do sketch. I want to make a sketchpad which can draw in a 2 part movieclip. First part is -X section of XY Axis Graph. Second part is +X section of XY Axis Graph. I'll put image of XY Axis Graph to -X and +X section of XY Axis Graph. So it'll be seem like one part. And i'll draw to -X section. After that i'll skip to second sketchpad with camera. And i'll make same thing. But for now i'll draw to +X. And when i press conclusion button camera will skip to bottom of scene and move -X of figure1 and +X of figure2 to bottom. So i can see figure1's -X section and figure2's +X section as merged in bottom. So it'll show to me partial function graph.
But problem is sketchpad is drawing to _root. So i'm unable to move sketch or shapes on XY Axis Graph. But if i can draw that to movie clip i can move it like an object with drawing and merge it like i want.
So i want to make a sketchpad which make drawing in limits of movieclip.
how i can do it ? Also i'm using following code:
Code: import mx.controls.Loader; // 1. SETTING THINGS // ---------------- _root.createEmptyMovieClip("line",1);
I'm trying to mask multiple shape tweens for a slideshow animation I'm working on. (the transition would look just like the main animation on this page url...)
Everything works fine when I'm only masking/tweening one shape. But as soon as I add a few more dquares to the mix everything goes to hell. Can someone tell me the most efficient way to have multiple shapes tweening, while masking an image underneath them?
I'm making an android air application for school, a sketch app.But I'm facing an annoying problem, when I'm drawing I can draw over my bar and my menu, here's some code:
--> so this is the function for drawing a shape on stage the shape is declared as
Actionscript Code: public static var brushDraw:Shape = new Shape();
now the problem is that I can draw over my menu and everything. Putting the setChildIndex of brushDraw to 1 doesn't work, it gives some error...