ActionScript 2.0 :: Using External Editor - Why Better Than The Native Editor In Flash

Apr 24, 2007

Does anyone have any experience using external actionscript editors? I've given a brief look at SE|PY, but not sure why it's any better than the native editor in Flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Getters And Setters From The Editor Without Using Static On The Editor?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Using FlexBuilder As An External Editor?

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Recently I switched to using Flex as an external ActionScript editor for my Flash projects. My problem is this:

I created a symbol called MyBox in the Library, which I don't place on the stage in Flash, just instatiating runtime from Actionscipt. The FLA compiles and everything works ok, my symbol (referenced as MyBox in the Library) appears when I run the project.

But when editing the document class AS code using FlexBuilder, the following line throws an error.

var MyBox1: MyBox = new MyBox();
"Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant"

I guess it is because the FlexBuilder environment do not see the library item reference MyBox) in the FLA. However, I can build run the project from Flash.

How can we let the FlexBuilder environment know about the Library refrences we place in the FLA file?

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IDE :: Flash Text Editor?

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Flash 10 :: Script Editor In CS3 Is All Messed Up

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This isn't actually related directly to the AS programming language, but to the AS editor in Adobe Flash CS3 Professional. I think it happened after pressing a certain combination of keys by accident. I haven't been able to solve the issue since.

There seems to be lots of arrows (where tabs are) and the letter P facing the opposite direction at the end of each line.

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Flash Motion Editor - Rotation Y Property

Jun 24, 2009

I recently installed Flash CS4. As I attempt to learn from different tutorials I've run into a problem I can't figure out. I've watched the video tutorial at: [URL] several times to try to emulate the rotating logo. The problem I run into is when he says to open the Motion Editor and to edit the Rotation Y and Rotation Z properties. When I open my Motion Editor there is no Rotation Y or Rotation X. There is only a Rotation Z property. I've played it over and over to try to discover what setting I've missed but don't see it. How do I see a Rotation Y property to be able to edit it?

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Making A Video Editor Application In Flash?

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Change Default Editor In Flash Builder?

Jan 10, 2012

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Can't seem to find this in preferences.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash To PHP Web Based Text Editor?

Jan 14, 2011

i got a working flash text editor. It loads up a text file from a database and displays it in a dynamic textbox and allows you to edit it however you want and save it by sending variables to a php script which than saves the changes to the text file. It works great and when i download the tect file from the database it displays what i/anyone has saved. Only issue is when i refresh the page the text box is displaying what the text file used to say. i checked the database and thats not what the text file contains. =/ I have NO idea what would be causing this, as it loads the text file directly when the page is refreshed so it SHOULD display what the text files most recent contents are. any ideas? test it out at Simmpole(dot)com/flips/testtextsaver/tophp.swf

edit : i also tried making a button that forced flash to reload the text file and no luck.i also tried throwing the code that loads the text file in a ENTER_FRAME event and still no luck.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Editor In Flash That Looks Similar?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Editor Made In Flash?

Apr 16, 2005

I've been trying to find a text editor/word processor style app made in flash. I've also been trying to build one but I figure it can't hurt to search as well.

I'm specifically looking for an fla that allows a user to change font, size, colour, bold, italic etc. and allow the user to select parts of the text to change. ie. like how Word or any text editor works.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looking For A Text Editor Made In Flash.

Apr 16, 2005

I've been trying to find a text editor/word processor style app made in flash. I've also been trying to build one but I figure it can't hurt to search as well.I'm specifically looking for an fla that allows a user to change font, size, colour, bold, italic etc. and allow the user to select parts of the text to change. ie. like how Word or any text editor works.

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Professional :: Using The Motion Editor In Flash CS5 Crashes The Program?

Sep 24, 2011

Everytime I try to make a change by scrubbing a number in the motion editor, the program crashes with no explanation as to what went wrong.  How do I stop this from happening?  I was viewing an online video tutorial when it happened.  If it helps, here is some information about my computer:


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Editor Slows Down More Code Write

Jan 19, 2010

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Flash :: - Ajax Rich Text Editor - Input A File

May 6, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stuck On Designing A Rich Text Editor In Flash

Jun 22, 2006

Firstly, I am using a TextField object of type input as the text input area of the text editor. So I am wondering, in your opinion, what would work best for formatting the text in this field?[code]...

Remember the text will always be changing at the user's whim in the movie, and I am looking for simplicity in applying certain styles to only selected portions of the input text and also setting styles for all future text that is input beyond what is already input (Could be a different style than that of the text already input)

Secondly, I am having a little trouble with the TextFormat Object option. I have a textfield, and a toolbar movieclip (with buttons such as bold, underline, italics, etc) on my stage. I am writing an actionscript class for the toolbar. I want to be able to capture the start index and end index of highlighted text in the textbox, so that say when I press the bold button, the text is bolded or unbolded. I have tried using Selection.getStartIndex() and Selection.getEndIndex() but they have not yet worked for me, as the selection loses focus when I click on the toolbar in the movie. I was hoping there was some sort of onHighlightText handler for the Selection class, so that I can capture the start and end indices whenever text is highlighted. However, there appears to be nothing with that functionality.

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Flash :: Professional - CS5 UIcomponent Code Hint Not Come In Built In Actionscript Editor

Oct 24, 2011

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ActionScript 3 :: Load Data From HTTPs Without Valid Certificate In Flash Editor

Sep 21, 2011

I'm trying to load some data from a https-server that when you visit via a browser returns "The security certificate presented by this website has expired or is not yet valid.". But when I accept anyway, the flash on the page page load data.

But when loading from the Flash Editor it return a:
[IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: https://{url}"]

This is what is returned when loading data in Flash Editor from a https server without a valid certificate? Or could there be another problem? The url to the https-server is "changed" via the hosts-file in Windows. Could this cause any error? I have tried changing the hosts pointing to my local webserver, which works fine, but that isn't via https.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Flash WYSIWYG Text Editor From <font> Tags To CSS?

Sep 5, 2011

I have WYSIWYG text editor for flash. Works great. Allows me to edit text, save it as a text file and then load it either back into flash or alternatively into HTML. Problem is that Flash uses the <font> tag which is deprecated in HTML4 and will be removed in HTML5 due to CSS. So given that flash can use CSS I wonder:Is there a way to build a WYSIWYG text editor in Flash that uses CSS ?Has anyone heard of this being done? or even done it them selves I'm after any information at all even if it's just a reason why it won't work or assurance that it will.

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Eclipse :: Flash Builder - Disable Highlighting Of All Instances Of A Word In Code Editor?

May 27, 2011

In Flash Builder, for objects, properties, variables and such where your cursor is on it, the editor highlights all instances of that name in the code with a grey box. This can be very distracting and I was wondering if there was a way to turn it off or if there is a hot key to disable it.Another things that is very distracting are the mouse hover popups, although apparently there's no way to disable those :

Flash Builder + Eclipse: disable mouse hover popup?

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Professional :: Where Download Last Flash Player Package For Flash Pro CS3 (editor)

Sep 28, 2010

I want the last update in V 9.0.280 (or 283?) of this Flash players(s!) for Flash pro CS3 in this page url...Actually on this good page and good old package, exit only file V (46 Mo) to 02/11/2010.Where is the same package in last version (september 2010) V 9.0.280 (or 283?)?Only this package (for Flash pro CS... editor) in more 40 Mo (and normally in "ZIP" format) is the good! package.Not the pages with file Flash Player (for navigator) to +/- 3 Mo or other stranges Flash player packages of +/- 20 Mo (for developpers? or old system?)and not containing the good files for Flash Pro.

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CS4 Motion Editor Never Available

Nov 4, 2009

I recently migrated from CS3 to CS4, and have a question about the "Motion Editor". In principle it sounds fantastic, but I can never get it to work on any of my fla files. The tab is there, but when I select a tween span in any of my files, the Motion Editor continues to say "to edit properties, select a tween span in the timeline or a tweened object in the document." Nothing I do can get the Motion Editor to show anything but this.

Is this because the Motion Editor works only on tweens in new fla files created in CS4? (My existing files were all created in CS3.) Very frustrating, as I would like to use this new feature. I tried to get it to work in a new CS4 file, creating a tween and going to the Motion Editor tab, but.

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XML Editor UI In Flex?

Apr 27, 2011

I want to create an xml editor UI in flex.Basically I want to present the xml in a textarea.Users can then edit the xml and save it in database.Also,based on logged in user's privilege,the level of editing allowed varies.A normal user can edit the attribute values as well as node values,but not attribute names and node names.


Normal user can only edit id values('1','2','3'),country values('aaaa','aaaa6','aaaa4') and user names('XASD','XASQWED','XASDRQQ').But not node names('users','user') and attribute names('id','country').

I prefer to present the XML to the user as in an editor like interface and restrict editing there,rather than using a grid interface in which attribute names and values are listed in separate columns and enable editing for value column only.

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CS4 / New Tweens / Motion Editor

Apr 28, 2010

I'm struggling through trying to learn the new tween system. Is it just me or did they completely NUKE workflow with this new system? Is there any way to copy and paste the property keyframes?I often have animations where things loop, so the last frame of the motion tween needs to be the same as the first frame. In the old days I would just select and copy multiple keyframes from frame 1 and paste them at the end. Done in 5 seconds. The only way I can find to do this now is to hand set every freaking property on every freaking keyframe of every freaking object.

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CS3 The Motion Editor Is Not Working

Sep 2, 2010

"How do I get the motion editor to show easing controls"?

I've just made my first flash movie in flash cs4 and I wanted to add easing to the (classic) tweens I created. I tried selecting the first graphic, then I tried selecting the (classic) tween span, but each time I go into the motion editor it just says "To edit properties, select a tween span in the timeline or a tweened object in the document".

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