ActionScript 2.0 :: Variation To Building "tsunami" Effect?
Aug 18, 2005
shed some light into instead of responding to mouse, have the effect respond to an MC, say a rectangle,[URL] In other words, not interactive and the movements respond to a MC moving over the text.
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Jan 27, 2010
I posted on Kirupa Yesterday trying to get help with a project. I've had no response because the help I need is admittedly a pain in the behind. I'm at the end of my thether here so I thought I try posting here also. I'm in the process of trying to make an "infinite scrolling tsunami accordian". Sounds sweet right.
Its supposed to grow as items are moused over along with accordion functionality. also it is supposed to wrap around the items. Ive gotten very close but I have some problems that I've hit a wall on. I've never seen a 3 in one menu like this and it'd be really cool to get it going.
So far I have the tsunami effect and the wrapping around. The only problem is that when you click on an item, instead of the items below it animating to the bottom bound of the menu and then appearing at the top when they go too far theres a big *** pause and then they just jump to wrap around position.
The accordion aspect is there too but I can't figure out how to handle the spacing when an item is expanded. I've attached a zip file containing the project in the hope that somebody might have the time to try and me flesh this out . The class in question is named infiniteTsunamiAccord.
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Jan 19, 2011
I created a class based on a great tutorial. It works and all that. Then I learned from another tutorial and that works great. The problem is that I'm trying to fuse them together and am just under the comprehension level for this. Could someone take a look and help me out, preferably explaining why I keep getting this error? I'll try and be as clear as possible about my needs and I'll show the code:
Needs: I want to create a button using AS3 that goes into a folder and grabs an image. I want to be able to use this over and over again so I can have, for example, three buttons that are different sizes with different images in them on the stage at the same time. I created (or learned to create) this class called Image in order to do so.
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May 31, 2007
I made a menu by attaching movieclips and specifying the text as a variabel. the main movieclip is called meny, then I attach the movieclips txt and pil (pil is norwegian for arrow) inside it, and specify the y pos. This works on my mac, but when I see it on a PC the text is down by aprox. 5-8 pixels.
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Jan 4, 2009
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Sep 21, 2005
i'm trying to build a tsunami menu but cant figure why it doesn't work i've followed a tutorial from and can't find the problem.
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Feb 2, 2003
im trying to do a variation of the infinitive menu, to try to copy the menu from [URL] im including a file of my test, but im missing something,
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Apr 22, 2010
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May 10, 2010
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May 16, 2011
i have downloaded this flash file [URL] and i'm trying to make my own tsunami menu based on that one. but i have an issue. in the file there is a movie clip called "menuitem". i can only see it in the library and not on the satge. so i don't know where to place it.
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Jan 20, 2010
I have an empty dynamic text field that I attached the UIScroller component to.
Clicking on a button sends text to it, but the scrollbar doesn't register the text to make it scrollable. It just gets cut off at the bottom.
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Dec 8, 2009
this menu is somewhat similar to the infinite scrolling menu that is often used except this one doesn't scroll based on mouse position but rather on which button is clicked in the nav.
i have an mc called 'menu01' in which there is an mc called 'menuslide' containing the series of buttons in the nav. when each button is pressed, i want menuslide to slide to the correct position (with that button flush left) and the button to slide down to highlight what page one is on. when another button is pushed, menuslide should slide to that position while simultaneously sliding up the highlighted button and sliding down the new button.
i 'sort of' have this working, but not quite.. i think the problem lies in how i have to shift the position of menuslide back to _x:0 when it gets to the end so that it looks like an infinitely looping menu. there also seems to be some conflict with the arch01 button as it doesn't slide down to highlight when it moves into position.
i have attached the fla if anyone has the time or inclination to take a look.
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Nov 10, 2008
I've created an MC to control the various sounds throughout my flash file. I'm sure this is an ugly way to do things (in AS 2.0) but barring that, here's what I'm trying to do, and what I got at the moment:I need one of several sound clips to play (1-4) depending on a particular frame that's reached. If, during the sound playback, a user clicks a navigation button, I need the sound to quickly fade out (and I'm assuming have the sound object stopped or destroyed to preserve resources?), so my _root mc targets a frame within my SOUND mc and creates the 'standard' sound object:
VO_mobile = new Sound(mobilesound);
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Dec 4, 2009
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Jun 22, 2010
I'm trying to make a variation on Array for a very specific purpose. When I have the following:
public class TileArray extends Array {
// Intentionally empty - I get the error regardless
Why can't I do this?
var tl:TileArray = [1,2,3];
despite the fact that I can do this
var ar:Array = [1,2,3];
The error I receive is this: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Array to a possibly unrelated type
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Apr 18, 2006
I followed the Random Quote Tutorial, pretty self explanatory really as all the tutorials are. is simple to have a whole bunch of words, load them randomly into a text box and then animate that text box randomly on the stage. So for example I'd have 'BLAH' loaded into a random area on the stage (or a specific set of coords if needs be) and then 'BLAH' would scale up from zero to fade out into _alpha=0 and a massive scale.
The problem I'm having is that whilst I can follow the random quote tutorial that relies on pressing a button to trigger the quote being loaded, thats my first problem. How to load the random word into this text box to then be displayed on the screen, do something with that text box (the animation) then loop back round once its finished. I'm assuming I get this by....if textbox._alpha = 0 then go back to the beginning type thing?!
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Aug 17, 2004
I am in a real distress - trying to make a menu looking like the one shown here:[URL]..That is a sort of "tsunami" if I get it right... On mousover, the elements nearest to the mouse grow - the nearer they are, the more they grow - like in the many examples of tsunami that you can find on the web.The problem I have is that as they grow, the elements should also push one another sideways, so that the menu sort of "walks" or "slides" sideways. Which is exactly what I cannot achieve.
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Jan 4, 2006
i've been trying to code a small variation into the normal roll over roll out animations... i want the animation to stay on the last frame once i click the button. but when i put the code in it dosent even bother playing the rollover/out animations it just goes to the end frame...
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){
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Feb 9, 2009
I'm having a hard time finding a Tsunami menu script in Actionscript 3.0, all the sources and tutorials I can find are in AS2 or 1.
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Jun 14, 2005
check out: [URL] The typewriter effect here is very fast, much faster than when I use onenterframe to produce the effect. Does anyone know how this is done?
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Jun 16, 2003
I really like the text effect Pom used in the footer contest, and would like to use the same grid-type method of creating mc letters but with a different effect. i understand how to change the parameters and shapes of the letters, but can't seem to figure out which piece of code is purely for the explosion effect. basically, i want the letters but with the 'Repel' effect from[URL] here is Pom's AS:
and here is the .fla using the repel effect using pre-made mc:
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Feb 8, 2011
It's a bit of decoration to go behind a logo. When the dMove var is commented out I get the appropriate line of squares fading in and out at random spots along the x = 78 axis, but when introduced nothing appears at all...
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Aug 25, 2010
is there a way to change the code and create attraction effect instead of push effect?i tried but without success...!
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Feb 7, 2006
in a nut shell I have found this wicked piece of open source actionscript.
It responds to the cursor and was wondering if it is posible to modify the x_position and y_position actions and make the action respond to a moving object???? (a movieclip with a variable name)
is this to complicated to attempt or is it doable??
var rows, colm:Number;
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Jan 29, 2004
I want to be able to make a movie clip (that acts as a button) so the roll over effect finishes before the roll off effect is triggered. Like if a marker circles a button, i want the circling animation to stop before the roll off effects happens. Anyone know how to do this.
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Jul 7, 2010
I have implemented some utility classes in Flex that I want to use in multiple AIR projects. I have created a swc which contain these classes. I am working on a Linux machine and do not have FlashBuilder. So I am using the compc and mxmlc command line SDK tools. My problem is that I have not been able to find a way to specify the swc when building the standalone project. A tutorial suggested the following command: mxmlc -load-config /opt/flex/4.1.0/frameworks/air-config.xml -library-path=/path/to/utility.swc hello.mxml. However, using that gives me the error hello.mxml: Error: Unable to locate specified base class 'mx.core.WindowedApplication' for component class 'hello'. Everything works fine if I move all code from the swc to a single monolithic pro ject. The code for the standalone project is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" windowComplete="completeHandler();">
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Nov 25, 2009
I am creating a tool for use at the office. It has, at this point, about a dozen text fileds. From these textfields I want to build an XML document using AS. The way it needs to work is when a user enters text into these fields and hits the submit button that text is put into the propper tags. Each time the user hits the submit button another block of XML code is added to the file.
Here is most of the code. I am building this on another computer which is not online so I am only showing the important stuff here. It works so far but the only output I have seen is a trace. I could have the user manually copy and paste this output to the XML document but I would rather have the document built by the program each time the user hits the submit button. Am I even on the right track here? I have the correct output, now how do I add this output to an existing XML file?
function loadFile(){
var fileName:TextField = docName; //loading an existing XML file.
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.Complete, loadXML);
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Aug 18, 2009
I have no idea what to call it or where to start looking, so I am putting it in the generic and hopefully someone can point me to the right forum or area. Here is my project and I am trying to teach myself how to do these things. I had great help in making buttons on here a while back, now I am trying to build an object right in flash. The easiest thing for most to relate to is a computer that is being built from scratch. So, You start with a base picture of an open sided computer with a list of components underneath. By draggin those components to the box, it snaps them in place. You can also remove them the same way. When done, you click a tally button and it shows a list of all the components you added with product numbers.
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Sep 25, 2009
I have the below actionscript almost working for playing mp3s. This isn't dynamic or anything. Just links to songs (from buttons) that should null each other out when clicked on. The first song loads fine. However, the second song will not load. I must be missing something. Or maybe I took the wrong approach? Any help would be great.
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Oct 16, 2010
I remember reading somewhere how you can add variables building on the fly but can't find any references. What I have is a MovieClip in my library. I will use it to create several Menu Items.
This is what I have written:
LessonButton = new mcLessonBtn(); = "menuLesson"+i;this.addChild(LessonButton);
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