ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound Fade On Frame Variation?

Nov 10, 2008

I've created an MC to control the various sounds throughout my flash file. I'm sure this is an ugly way to do things (in AS 2.0) but barring that, here's what I'm trying to do, and what I got at the moment:I need one of several sound clips to play (1-4) depending on a particular frame that's reached. If, during the sound playback, a user clicks a navigation button, I need the sound to quickly fade out (and I'm assuming have the sound object stopped or destroyed to preserve resources?), so my _root mc targets a frame within my SOUND mc and creates the 'standard' sound object:

VO_mobile = new Sound(mobilesound);


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var soundFadeInTimer:Timer = new Timer(100,50);
soundFadeInTimer.addEventListener("timer", soundFadeIn);
var fadeInIncr = 5;
function soundFadeIn(e:TimerEvent){

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var sndintChannel:SoundChannel;
myintSnd = new introSound;


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dispatchEvent(new CustomEventSound(CustomEventSound.PLAY_SOUND, Main.SOUND_AMBIENT, false, true, false, 999999, 0, 0, setSoundVolume));

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[Code] .....

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