ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation - Clip Moves Along The Path But Can't See Any Of The Parts Moving?

Nov 16, 2003

I have a lizard movie clip that contains a bunch of moving parts. I have placed this clip on the stage and then did a motion tween along a path. The clip moves along the path but you can't see any of the parts moving.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Menu That Moves On Its Own When The Mouse Moves Around It?

Dec 11, 2009

To start things off, I use Flash CS3.moving menu that moves on its own when the mouse moves around it. Like the menu moves up when the mouse moves down.[URL]i have found similar tutorials for what i wanted.. but they are AS2 or older versions of flash..and what i needed is more along the lines of AS3 as that's what my class is learning and using.Does anyone know of an AS3 or anything that works with Flash CS3 tutorial thats what I'm asking?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Color Transform Parts Of Animation?

Nov 7, 2009

My situation: I have a looping animation that contains multiple keyframes, and each keyframe contains a movieclip symbol I want to apply a color transformation to through actionscript.When I apply the color transformation once to the symbol, it works the first time around. But when the animation loops and plays again, the color transformation is gone.If I apply the color transformation at every keyframe each time in code, I can only display a few instances of the animation before the FPS suffers. Is there an efficient way to apply a color transformation once and have it stick?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop() - Make A Walking Animation For A Character With Customizable Parts

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playerStance defines if the character is idle or walking, in this case walkingchar is a MC containing 2 frames : idle and walk (the frames contain MC:s for the current animation, in this case charwalk)charwalk contains 2 keyframes and the others are filler frames, the keyframes in this case are 1 and 16charwalk contains layers for all of the character parts, for example bottom1 (is located in frame 1)all of the parts contain frames for every variation of that partin every frame of the parts is a code : stop(); to prevent them from playing when I gotoAndPlay charwalkWhen I play this and update the parts after changing parameters, the algorithm returns a right value, but the parts don't go to the correct frames. Instead they are kept in the first frame.

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Professional :: Start And Stop An Animation When The Mouse Moves Over It?

Jan 4, 2010

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Click Through Transparent Parts Of A Movie Clip?

Nov 13, 2009

I found an old post from January that suggested saving the original image as an SWF via Illustrator.  I tried it, but my clip is still registering clicks in transparent areas.

Here's a link.  [URL]
All I'm trying to do is allow the drawing to be dragged around the screen, but I don't want it to be clickable in the transparent areas where the green background shows through.
how to eliminate the pale cast that the transparent areas are making?  The background to the drawing shows totally transparent in Photoshop, but the boundaries of the movie are visible because the supposedly transparent areas of the movie are slightly masking the background.

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I am trying to build a game just for fun and i found something interesting that i really don't know how to do, so any help that you can give me is going to be useful, this is what i need to do, i have a movie clip and i want to subtract another one from just like THIS i can detect the contact but i don't know how to do that.

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May 17, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Parts Of A Movie Clip With TweenMax?

Sep 9, 2011

Suppose a MovieClip in as3 call myClip is 100 frames long and has labels at the following frames:0-start; 25-early; 50-mid; 75-late; 100-endCan someone explain (either using regular AS3 or with Greensock's TweenMax or TimelineMax) how to make my myClip play frames 0 to 25 then back to 0 again, and frames 100 to 75 and back to 100, Ideally would be able to loop over those ranges during a mouse ROLL_OVER event.

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Animate Object Along A Moving Path?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a straight line that converges to a point which makes the line curve. I want an arrow to follow the converging line. Motion guides seem to only work with a defined non moving path. How can I get my arrow to follow the moving curving path?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach Mc While Moving Along A Path?

Feb 26, 2007

i have a mc that moves along a path and i have a mc in my library that does a little falling animation. i used the attach movie function to attach it to the tween ed object on the stage. it attaches it mc but it doesn't play past the first frame. is there a way i can make the attached mc appear as the tween ed object moves along the path.(think of tinker bell as she flies the dust falls behind her)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX2004] Prototype Only Moves One Clip?

Mar 3, 2006

i have this prototype where i send this mc to certain x position. But when i try to send TWO mcs at the same time it only sends the last one. What to do for it to work on two mcs at the same time?

here is the prototype:

MovieClip.prototype.moveOut= function ( mc, endX ){
speed = 5;
this.onEnterFrame = function(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pan Only If The Mouse Moves Over The Panning Clip

Nov 22, 2006


the preceding works exactly as i want it to.. the catch is, it only does so in it's own swf.. meaning, i want to use it as an external swf embedded in another movie... when it's on it's own, the panning will stop if the edge of mc hits the border, when it's called externally the panning won't stop!

i feel like i've tried everything i can (obviously not!).. where you see 521 and 315 there WAS Stage.width/height and that code was on the external swf itself, in an attempt to stop the panning when it should i tried putting the code in the parent movie and changing some variables, which worked the same with no avail.

here's a link if my babbling wasn't clear enough: [URL] also.. i would like for it to pan only if the mouse moves over the panning clip, it currently pans based on where the mouse is over the parent movie.. i've made multiple attempts at changing this as well, with no luck.

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IDE :: Movie Clip To Move When Mouse Moves?

Dec 17, 2009

I am trying to make a flash game for a website. In the game, there is a large interactive map which I created. The map is supposed to scroll just by moving the mouse.

As a placeholder for the map, an ex-coworker created a gradient background, which moves along with the mouse. Here is the AS.

// Width and height of image
var w = Stage.width * 2;
var h = Stage.height * 2;
// Mock up graphic that will be the image


how to make the MC move and pan along with the mouse? Even if it is a completely different code?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween - Moving MovieClips Along Path For Half Second

Apr 30, 2004

I want to move a mc with actionscript, along a path, and this movement to last about half or so of a second (just like tweening in the timeline with frames and all). How can i do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Moving A MovieClip Along A Motion Path

Jan 24, 2011

I need to have a MovieClip/Sprite move along a path (which will likely be a Shape object) which is drawn dynamically and is going to be segments of straight-lines that bounces off the walls/edges of the stage. I now that Flash CS4 itself allows tween animation along a path, but I haven't been able to find an example of doing similar things in code. Most of the examples I see just deal with the x/y values directly. Is there no way to animate a MovieClip along an existing path object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Colorizing Parts Of Walkcycle-movieclip Nexted In Animation Movieclip?

Dec 7, 2009

in a game i am doing i have a class called "player" extending MovieClip.this Player MovieClip has multiple frames with animations in it.for example a MovieClip "Walk-right" on frame 2.this walkcycle clip now contains also some sprites/movieclipsone of these i have to colorize in every frame of the walkcycle according to the players can i achieve this?in as1/as2 i used something like: this.clr.setGRB(_parent._parent.myclr)is there a way or do i have to think differently about the way i have to display the animations?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild() Moves The Child Movie Clip?

Oct 5, 2009

My issue is this: When I call MC1.addChild(MC2), it moves MC2 a few pixels from the location it was originally. I don't want it to move MC2,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Movie Clip Only Moves One Pixel?

Sep 1, 2005

I have a movie clip that I would like to slide to the right or left depending on which button the user clicks. When I test the movie and click on the buttons, the target movie clip only moves one pixel. I want it to slide into place. What am I doing wrong?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip In The Stage That Moves From Left To Right?

Dec 25, 2011

I've a movie clip in the stage that moves from left to right.

And i whant to add more instances from that movie clip

I tried:


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