ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Works Once, Won't Work If Clicked Again?

Dec 22, 2005

i have an issue with a button that, when clicked should make a loader component with a flashpaper object unload its movie and then set that loader's visibility to false.the button works fine if clicked once, however if you click it again it doesn't seem to be doing anything.. i have a feeling it has something to do with the flashpaper object (which is still buggy as hell... try editing _xscale on one of those things in a function call and watch it dance) cannot figure out why the on (release) event can't be called twice.. do i need to do something like reset the button state or something?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code Does Not Work When Button Is Clicked To AttachMovie

Jul 5, 2004

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Actionscript :: Getting All Of The Variables To Work, Once One Is Clicked?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Tween Doesn't Work First Time, Works After That?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a box ("bg_box") that I resize and move up and down using the tween class based on what button you select. Once it is resized the text ("textBox") for that box fades on. It works fine on all the other buttons except for one! I added in a scrollpane with a strip of photos ("gross_scroll") on the button that doesn't seem to want to work. It is just a basic _alpha tween so I am not sure why that would cause a problem.

The weirdest thing is that it only has an issue the first time the button is clicked. It skips the tween and just jumps right to the size and position it should be. Once you click on another button and click on the troublemaker again, it works just fine.

Here is my code:

easeType = mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut;
var box_start = bg_box._yscale;
var box_end = 100;


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index.swf (224.8 K) (3.2 K)

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I have a presentation with two set of buttons.Clicking on the set which is on the Frame (2) Should redirect to the set of buttons Frame (3),(4),(5),(6),(7)As you can see in the image, the (2) gives the order to go to the next (3) and it works.But when it goes from (2) to (5) or (6) or (7) then the second set of buttons don't work anymore.[URL]

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// About and smile1 button scripts
_root.smile1.onPress = function() {
if (mouse_over_smile1) {


i have given 3 functions as onEnterFrame,onPress,onRelease. i tried all these but didnt get the result.smile1,smile2,smile3 are button instances which are declared on the monie main thing is i hav a button, when i click on that button it should go the next frame which i have declared in "gotoAndPlay(6)" method.

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on (rollOver) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fullscreen Doesn't Work - Fscommand Works Only When Debug Fla

Aug 23, 2011

I prepared a footer for a website and have the following issue:There are two buttons on footer bar that interests us. One is fullscreen - clicked activates fscommand function. But fscommand works only when I debug my fla. Otherwise, nothing happens. There's an additional variable that shows if fullscreen is active - nothing happens.There's also a "coder" info. I wanted to use navigateToURL function for "mailto:..." adress, but nothing happens, even if if changed it to [URL] adress. Also debugger doesn't activate it.I tested it in browser, completely nothing happens. There's the code, works without any "addons":


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Professional :: Make A Button Active If Another Button Is Clicked?

Dec 13, 2010

I want to make a button (or graphic) active and visible if another button is clicked. But it must be invisible and unclickable before the other button is clicked. (this is a "find the differences between the 2 pictures game" and I want circles to appear over the differences that the user finds but only after he clicks it)

The button (or graphic) I want to become active has instance name of "sockcircle_btn" The button you click to make it appear is called "sock_btn"

In the first frame of the sockcircle_btn layer, this is my code

function sockcircledisable(evt:MouseEvent):void{
sockcircle_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
In the sock_btn frame (frame 3) this is my code

function sockcircleenable(evt:MouseEvent):void{
sockcircle_btn.mouseEnabled = true;

The file is setup to loop between frames 2-3. But the sockcircle_btn never enables even when sock_btn is clicked.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Button Out Label When Another Button Clicked?

May 2, 2006

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XML Gallery Works Fine Offline But Doesnt Work When Uploaded To Server?

Sep 1, 2009

I have decided to attempt making my sisters website. I have used an XML gallery in the website and all works well when viewing the website just in flash, .fla or the .swf file. My problem is, when i come to put it into dreamweaver ready to upload and I preview it in Firefox, or any other broswer, all the pages work but no the XML gallery? Im gettin very stressed out now as all my file routesetc are correct?I have googled the problem and all I have found out is that it could be something to do with security?Does anybody know how to resolve this problem

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Container Mc Works As Button Instead Of Button Inside

Sep 23, 2009

I have flip_mc which contains listSide_mc and videoInfoSide_mc both of the above mc's contain a button name spin_btn.My flip_mc should rotate around the y axis and swapping whichever of the 2 (listSide_mc and videoInfoSide_mc) should be visible.All the rotating and adding a child stuff works fine.BUT the whole flip_mc seems to be a button, the spinIt function runs when I click anywhere on the mc, it should only happen when I click the spin_btn buttons.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Gallery Works Fine Offline But Doesnt Work When Uploaded To Server?

Sep 1, 2009

Im in my first year studying a web design course, over the summer I have decided to attempt making my sisters website. I have used an XML gallery in the website and all works well when viewing the website just in flash, .fla or the .swf file. My problem is, when i come to put it into dreamweaver ready to upload and I preview it in Firefox, or any other broswer, all the pages work but no the XML gallery? Im gettin very stressed out now as all my file routesetc are correct?I have googled the problem and all I have found out is that it could be something to do with security?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Font/Text Resize Function Works On Local Machine, Does Not Work On Others?

Apr 6, 2010

I have the fonts embedded (Yet it still prompts me saying missing fonts every time I open flash, but not the fonts that aren't resizing correctly)
I have a function that takes in a textfield, resizes the font to fit the text box, works fine on my local machine, does NOT work on other machines.
why this doesn't work? here is the function
function fontSizeChanger(dtb,myWidth)
dtb.embedFonts = true;    
var myFormat:TextFormat = dtb.getTextFormat();


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Professional :: Adobe Flash Player 10 Works With Chrome But Will Not Work With Internet Explorer?

Dec 24, 2010

Adobe Flash playaer 10 works with Chrome but when I try to use it in Internet Explorer it says I do not have it installed but I do.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Character Selection Screen Works Fine On PC Doesn't Work On Internet T_T

Apr 1, 2012

trying to create a character selection screen type thing works fine on my computer but when i load it to internet characters dont load up dont understand why characters and profile images are external image files so i think that reason why its not working is because the swf is trying to display the image before its properly loaded up

so im thinking perhaps if i add some sort of bytes total/bytes loaded script where its trying to load up and display the image it will check if the image is fully loaded before it tries to display the image think that will work ... if that's what the issue is
but not certain.

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Professional :: Motion Tween Works Fine In The Time Line But Does Not Work On Stage Preview?

Jun 7, 2010

I am new at flash CS4. (Upgraded to Flash CS 5 but this gives other problems in the meantime I continue with CS4)I have created  webpage. Within the web page I have created Motion Tween with Motion editor and once previewed, it works fine. Going back to the stage and previewing the result shows the initial position of the Motion tween but it doesn't move and behave the way it shoud. What's missing? Where am I going wrong?

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Media Server :: 'Connection Error' Sample RTMP Video Used To Work, Now No Longer Works?

Sep 12, 2010

I had FMS 3.5 developer package installed on my server installed about a month ago. I used to be able to go to the /webroot/ page to see the sample RTMP video play and it worked great. Today, I go to view that page and find that it no longer plays. I get "Connection Error. Please preee Play to try again."

Pressing the play button does nothing, so I click the RTMP thumbnail and it reloads ony to give me that same error again. I can click the HTTP thumbnail and see the video play just fine. But, I want RTMP and after over an hour on the phone with my managed hosting tech, we can't find anything wrong.

Here's the thing: I haven't done anything, I have not changed anything, I have not manipulated the server software whatsoever. It just stopped working and gives me "Connection Error."


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Character Selection Screen - Works Fine On PC Doesnt Work On Internet?

Apr 1, 2012

trying to create a character selection screen type thing works fine on my computer but when i load it to internet characters dont load up dont understand why? characters and profile images are external image files so i think that reason why its not working is because the swf is trying to display the image before its properly loaded up

im thinking perhaps if i add some sort of bytes total/bytes loaded script where its trying to load up and display the image it will check if the image is fully loaded before it tries to display the image.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Only See A Button After Another Button Is Clicked?

Apr 8, 2010

I have created a flash project all in the 1st frame of my main timeline, so i can only do this via action scripting as i dont want to go back into my sub timelines, i just dont know how to write the coding! this is what i want to do: button2.visible=false but if button1 is click then button2.visible=true

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