ActionScript 2.0 :: Can Put Images AND Text Into Drop Down
Jan 20, 2009
Just wondering if anyone knows of anyway i can put images AND text into the drop down section of a combo box. An example of what I'm trying to achieve is in the attached jpeg.
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I know how to apply a "drag and drop" to a MovieClip calling it by it's instance name, but i have a gallery of 24 images created by a Loader. And when i try to apply the drag and drop to the loaded image i can't. I thought about two possible solutions:1. Converting the loaded image to a MovieClip or putting it inside a MovieClip.2. Making a "drag and drop" that can be applied to loaded images.But i tried to get really hard to that solutions and couldn't make it. I am trully desperate.Here i paste the relevant part of my code:(mcCadenaMontaje is a MovieClip which i have the images loaded in)
ActionScript Code:
import clases.Drag;
function cargar_hueso(q,r,s){
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Jan 18, 2012
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this is the data in my XML File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<IMAGE url="assets/pic1.png"/>
I think my "MouseEvent.CLICK" is conflict with "MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN or MOUSE_UP"
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var menuButtons:Array = ["Skin Tone"];
var subMenu1:Array = ["White", "Brown", "Tan", "Olive"];
var chosenMenu:Array = new Array();
var subMenuOpened:Boolean = false;
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Now I know this is possible, I have seen it (in flash) already... but I have absolutely no clue how to go about coding it myself. What I find particularly difficult is having a drop zone in a middle of a text. How do you use the hitTestObject function with just text??
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on (press) {
StartDrag (this) ;
on (release) {
StopDrag ();
for text .. but then i cant change the text again ..
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May 13, 2009
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Oct 18, 2011
I've developed an drag/drop interaction which works well, the issue is with the behavior of the submit reset buttons.If the "correct" drag objects are on the "correct" target - no issuesThe problem is if an "incorrect" drag/drop combination is selected, the "incorrect" feedback text displays and the reset button moves all drag object to the start position, but once the "correct" drag drop combination is submitted, the "incorrect" feedback EFF0AFBF5%21114#
ActionScript Code:
function dragSetup(clip, targ) { clip.onPress = function() { startDrag(this); this.beingDragged=true; }; clip.onRelease = clip.onReleaseOutside=function () { stopDrag();
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Oct 20, 2009
I have 20 squares, each one has a different number(1, 2, 3, etc.) The number is in a dynamic text box which is centered above the square( the square is a Sprite object called "MySquare".) I would like to make the squares drag and droppable. When I test the movie, the arrow cursor becomes a vertical line when over the number. I can click on the edge of the square but then the cursor automatically goes to the center and the compiler returns the error: property StopDrag not found on flash.text.textField.
Here is ActionScript Code:
var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
var m1:MySquare = new MySquare();
[Code] .....
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Oct 18, 2011
I've developed an drag/drop interaction which works well, the issue is with the behavior of the submit reset buttons. If the "correct" drag objects are on the "correct" target - no issues
The problem is if an "incorrect" drag/drop combination is selected, the "incorrect" feedback text displays and the reset button moves all drag object to the start position, but once the "correct" drag drop combination is submitted, the "incorrect" feedback text displays.The fla can be viewed here: [url].....The relevant code is:
On Frame 1:
ActionScript Code:
function dragSetup(clip, targ) {
clip.onPress = function() {[code].....
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Aug 24, 2010
So Im working on a very simple drag and drop flash game using AS3. Everything is complete but I'm having an issue with the dynamic text. For some reason when you drop the item onto its target and accompanying dynamic text is all effed up.. for example when it should say "Try Again!" it says "r ain!".. I've been banging my head for the last few hours with no luck..And here is my code:
var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
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May 13, 2010
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Jan 9, 2012
it is possible using Action Script 3.0 to allow a user to drop in videos / manipulate a text file to add or change videos/ text that feed to a media player, without doing it directly through the flash studio actions page. Ideally I would like to have a folder with the swf/fla file, all the video files, and perhaps a text file that alowed the user to manipulate the text of the video i.e. title/description Would it be easier to instead give that user a youtube like solution where they simply had the ability to upload/describe videos, through the webserver, rather than do it through a pc?
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Aug 12, 2009
I'm really new to AS3 and could use some help. I have a movieClip with a drag and drop functionality that's working fine but then inside this movieClip is a dynamic text field and it won't let me click over the text field to start dragging and if I click off to the side I can drag but the movieClip is automatically centered and then I can't drop because now the text field is under the mouse and it keeps saying:
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property stopDrag not found on flash.text.TextField and there is no default value. at MethodInfo-10()
Why is AS3 so finicky? I'm clicking on the MC for the love of $(*%@ not the text field. Errr..
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