ActionScript 2.0 :: Cant Load Image Transitions Using This Xml?

Jun 23, 2008

var thumb_spacing = 40;
// load variables object to handle loading of text
var description_lv = new LoadVars();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Masking Image While Using Transitions

Jun 6, 2009

I've just created a sliding transition, see code below, which masks an image however when I run the swf it doesn't work and just displays the whole image without a mask.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Movie Transitions?

Jun 5, 2006

The transition when you for example are in the HOMEPAGE then when clicking on the OTHER menu LINKS for example ("GALLERY") a transition either moves away or fades 1st the homepage then the SECOND page which in this case would be the GALLERY for example... fades in or appears in.. How can i find a way sooo that i can do that in actionscript.nsitions like that?? And be able to do it with the rest of the links.. u know how if i go to "contact" then it will 1st fade out the page i was looking at then the other appears in or fades in.?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External SWF's With Transitions?

Apr 1, 2004

I've been using Claudio's tutorial titled "Preloader & Transitions for Dynamic Files" and everything is working okay except for one minor detail.

First off, what i am doing is loading external SWF headers on my site. Each of these headers are animated.

Once the Transition Shutter Mask closes and loads the next header, it starts playing the external header animation immediately rather than waiting for the Transition Shutter Mask to fully open and then start playing the animation.

So as a result, users are missing the beginning parts of each animation.

Also, I noticed that after I uploaded it to test the preloading, I missed more of the Header Animations due to the loading time difference. This means that I can not just insert the exact amount of blank frames, in which the shutter takes to close, to the beginning of each header animation.

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Flash :: Professional - Make Image Transitions In CS4?

Mar 10, 2010

does anybody know a easy way to make image transitions in Flash CS4? without using the timeline and without to much programming. Why invet the wheel again if somebody already has the answer? This is what i want to do:Put images/photos in a folder or import to the Flash libary and then let flash view the pictures with a pre-setted transition. The transitions could be: fade in/ fade out, blur in/blur out, pixel in/pixel out, zoom in/zoom out and so on (with a nice look) I want to select the pictures to be used and then select a transition for each image.

For an example if i wanna do a image header lets say 900x400px and then víew my images in the folder with the selected transitíon. I tried to use the slide presentation feature but the transition looked like PowerPoint, boring and not so smooth. Somebody has a simple and free solution? I know this is not to hard for a experienced Flash user, but im a beginner =).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Add Crossfade Transitions To Image Gallery?

Aug 23, 2010

I have an XML image gallery that works great, but I'm not satisfied with how the images transition. I'd like the old image to fade out while the new one is fading in whenever the viewer hits the previous or next button, so that way there's no blank background space between the transitions while the new image is being loaded. Below is my code[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Buttons To Work With Image Transitions Through Xml

Sep 28, 2009

I have been trying to figure out this problem for a couple days. I made an animation using actionscript 3.0 and the GreenSock TweenLite to load images in through XML in flash. When you click the button (btn1) to go to the next image, it animates in perfectly, but since I am multiplying 140 each time, if I click btn1 while the image is transitioning in, it adds another 140 to that value and the next image goes off the screen. Think of it as a slot machine effect, witch is pretty much what it looks like. The images load in as if they're on a reel, vertically. I would like to know how to set a limit so that instead of adding 140 to the value, it goes to the next image instead, and centers it perfectly in the mask I have set up. Do you guys get what I am trying to do? If not, I can zip the folder up and attach it here, but it's a project for a client so I'm a bit weary.

Again, quick summary: btn1, if clicked more than once during the span of the image transitioning in (through XML and gs.tweenlite), the image gets 140 added to its positional value and goes off the screen.

import gs.TweenLite;
var id:int=0;
var list:XMLList;
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Can't Load Class 'mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX'?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a flash piece that I programmed last year in CS4 and now I had to change a little bit of the content, nothing code related, just modify an image. Now I'm using CS5 but when I try to publish the movie, I get an error: Can't load class or interface mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX' (I'm translating fom spanish)I have reduced the fla to the minimal expression. just a frame with the following AS:import mx.transitions.Tween;import mx.transitions.easing.*;new Tween(MCcore, "_y", None.easeNone, MCcore._y, 0, 2, true);stop();Where MCcore is just a square in the bottom of the screen that should move to the top.I've checked that BroadcasterMX is in the correct path of the hard drive and is not corrupted.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Effective Slideshow - Fading Image Transitions

Apr 5, 2009

I'm trying to create a simple yet effective image slideshow for my homepage. It'll be a bar, 600 pixels wide, by 300 pixels high. There will be 4 buttons that will line the bottom, numbered 1 through 4, that will control 4 separate slides that'll appear in that window. If you don't click anything, the images will fade in and out after x amount of seconds. Clicking on the numbered buttons will load the appropriate slide, and each slide when clicked will take you to a certain part of the website.

I wish to do this in actionscript... not using the timeline as I prefer to do all transitions in actionscript. Can anyone shed light on how to set this up? I've been trying to use the TransitionManager function... however I'm getting mixed results. Here's a screenshot:

import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
ss1_mc.alpha = 1;
ss2_mc.alpha = 0;
ss3_mc.alpha = 0;
ss4_mc.alpha = 0;
var currentImage:MovieClip = ss1_mc;
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Cannot Load Fl.transitions.Tween And Other Similar In Project?

Jan 24, 2012

I am using flex sdk 4.5 to develop my project. I need to use the generic Tweening packages in As3 but when I import these packages

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;

while compilation the sdk tell, it cannot find the upper packages.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load / Unload External SWFs With Transitions?

Nov 3, 2009

I'm trying to load & unload external SWFs with transitions in Actionscript 3.I was able to do this in AS2 on the timeline but can't figure it out in AS3. Or if I can do it with straight Actionscript.[url]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons And Transitions - Load External Swf Files Into An Empty Movie Clip?

Jan 11, 2004

I have a problem with buttons and transitions.I have two buttons onstage (they're inside a movie clip) inside the movie, on the button one I have the following code:

on (release) {
if (_root.externaltwo._currentframe == 7) {

I have similar code on button two and this does indeed make the buttons move into place as required. My problem is this, I need to load in external swf files into an empty movie clip on the main stage called container. These External SWF files have transitions and this is where my problem is. If I place a normal button on the stage it works but not if the button is inside a movie clip and has actions applied as above. The code next is what I have believe should also be placed on the button to make swf transition one load in.

on (release) {
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = "externalone";[code].....

Obviously a similar code would be placed on button two so the transitions could take place.I am uploading my file so you can see exactly what I am talking about. Also in this file will be a folder containg a version that works but without the buttons moving up and down which is the effect I wish to have

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons And Transitions - Load In External Swf Files Into An Empty Movie Clip On The Main Stage Called Container

Jan 11, 2004

I have a problem with buttons and transitions and it is similar to a problem I had a couple of days ago that I posted and that was sorted out. I have two buttons onstage (they're inside a movie clip) inside the movie, on the button one I have the following


I have similar code on button two and this does indeed make the buttons move into place as required. My problem is this, I need to load in external swf files into an empty movie clip on the main stage called container. These External SWF files have transitions and this is where my problem is. If I place a normal button on the stage it works but not if the button is inside a movie clip and has actions applied as above. The code next is what I have believe should also be placed on the button to make swf transition one load in.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Masking - Load A Colour Image And Then It Is Changed To Black And White Image

Oct 14, 2009

I am trying to load a colour image and then it is changed to black and white image. Here I am using a mask. But it is not getting worked. The code that i am using for this purpose is attached following: import


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images OnClipEvent(load) - First Image Has To Cycle Through Before The Second Image Loads

Aug 17, 2009

I developing a site where on the homepage, there are about 6 images that rotate, but if you click on a sub link, a different image loads. But the problem is that, the first image has to cycle through before the second image loads. I want the second image to load immediately.


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Actionscript 3 :: SwfLoader Vs Mx Image - Spark Image Doesn't Load Swf Files

Sep 29, 2011

I have an application that I'm migrating from flex 3 to flex 4.5. In this application, there is some mx Image components that load a simple swf file (image). Spark image doesn't load swf files, so I was wondering, should I keep the mx Image, or should I change it to SWFLoader? Is there any advantages to using one or the other?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Buttons When Pressed Load Image In Image Area Within Same Flash Document?

Jan 13, 2004

What would you use to create buttons which when pressed load an image in an image area within the same flash document?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load An External Image And Image Disappear When The Users Mouse Hovers Off The Button

Oct 8, 2009

This shouldn't be too difficult, but what I have is a button, which in the 'over' state I want to load an external image, and then have the image disappear when the users mouse hovers off the button

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Load An Image Onto The Stage By Pressing A Thumb Of The Image In A Menu Item

Mar 20, 2012

I'm creating a moodboard application where the user can dynamically load an image onto the stage by pressing a thumb of the image in a menu item. I have most of that working but what I would like to know is that, if there is a way the user can interactively scale/transform the image when it is on the stage in the swf file?

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Swf Load An Image File In An Image Container Within The Swf From The Querystring

Jul 24, 2010

I want to have an swf load an image file in an image container within the swf from the querystring. 1. In the query string I'd like the extension of the image file to not show:

2. In the swf I might have more then one place where the same howdy.jpg loads, but in different sizes. Which method would keep the aspect ratio of original and resize to fit varying container sizes?

3. I have some javascript parsing code with an swf example that I got from this page. [URL] But when I tried to alter the fla for my use it didn't work. I wasn't able to find 1 line of actionscript in the query.fla.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cant View Image And Load An Image From A Class?

Oct 18, 2010

I cant load an image from a class.I have which calls  Classplayer calls ClassMisiile.I cant load an image from ClassMissile .I can load the image in Classplayer and dont know why the image in ClassMissile doesnt appear and it is spelt right and in the correct directory.I dont get an error and the functions work but no image.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Gallery: Replacing Xml To Load New Image Set?

Oct 7, 2010

I would like to be able to add the functionality of being able to load different galleries from a menu without loading a new mc with gallery inside it. I managed to botch the file up pretty good on my own, and was wondering if there is a ready answer nearby.So I'm thinking have but1, but2 and but3, with a seperate xml file for each. What would you recommend for a smooth way to swap the the xml files to the gallery, and load the first image of the new xml file? Also, can it be done with one big ol' xml file while keeping the galleries seperate? It's not necessary, but could be handy, and save some loading.It would also be interesting to apply the same principle to the resizing script that Scotty has in that big Resizing thread, just a thought.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Image Gallery: Replacing Xml To Load New Image Set?

Feb 23, 2005

Second, I'm struggling a bit on xml and hoping for a hand. Your xml image gallery is a sweet piece of work, and I would like to be able to add the functionality of being able to load different galleries from a menu without loading a new mc with gallery inside it. I managed to botch the file up pretty good on my own, and was wondering if there is a ready answer nearby.So I'm thinking have but1, but2 and but3, with a seperate xml file for each. What would you recommend for a smooth way to swap the the xml files to the gallery, and load the first image of the new xml file? Also, can it be done with one big ol' xml file while keeping the galleries seperate? It's not necessary, but could be handy, and save some loading.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Image Via Asp - Getting Security Error When I Tried To Load?

Jul 2, 2009

I am requesting an image via an ASP script: http:[url].....Shows up in browser but doesnt show up in flash when I use the moviecliploader to load it.I had a security error when I tried to load it earlier, but that warning doesnt show up anymore in the output window.

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Actionscript 3 :: Image Load With Site Load?

Jan 2, 2012

I make simple site but I have a little trouble with loading images. As you can see with new category there is new image. There is a problem, beacause only then img is loading, and I want to load all images when my site is loading. sample code how I operate with those img.

var k3:Boolean=false;


How can I load all img with site.?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions - When Click "servicios" It Loads But When Click After That "portafolio" It Does Not Load?

Feb 9, 2004

I dont know what Im doing wrong, I have this for my servicios buttom:

on (release) {
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = "servicios";[code]....

and the same AS for my "portafolio" buttom, of course I changed the swf name.When I clic for example "servicios" it loads ok but when I clic after that "portafolio" it doesnt load, and viceversa, if I clic "portafolio" loads ok but after that if I clic "servicios" doesnt load,

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Load A Different Image On Reload?

Aug 17, 2009

I am trying to load a different image on my banner on reload.....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load An Image But NOT An SWF?

Feb 23, 2010

We are moving from as2 to as3.In as2 we were able to load an image file (from a 3rd party website) and quickly dump it if it turned out to actually be an SWF.In as3 it seems you can't dump the a loaded SWF before it has started running.The sites we are loading images from DO NOT have a crossdomain.xml (eg so we can't use the fancy features of URLStream.We have tried Flash 10's unloadAndStop but that seems to run too late and the loaded SWF has allready done mischief.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Load In It Without XML?

May 13, 2010

I want to load image wihout using XML.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Get XML Image To Load In SWF

Nov 13, 2010

// drop shadow filter class import
import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
// transitions imports
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
[Code] .....

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