What I want to achieve is pretty basic: I have an input text with instance name (contact_date) and I want the information the user enter in this input field to be kept in a variable that I can reuse later on in my movie.
I have 26 buttons in my library named BUTNA, BUTNB, BUTNC, etc. all the way to BUTNZ.
I want the script to pick a random button from the library and place it on the stage.
I am probably doing this wrong, but I am lost.In my script, I need the variable btnp1 in place of BUTNZ in line 8.I don't know how to do this.[code]...
I have a simple math game where the user enters his answer and clicks a button. The problem I am having is that if the answer is wrong, the numbers in the question do not change on the screen but but in the actionscript, the variables being used to check the answer change. How do I get the variables to stay the same when the user's answer is wrong? Not redeclare all of the variables.
Code: var num1:uint = Math.Random()*1000; var num2:uint = Math.Random()*1000; var sum1:uint = num1 + num2;
I want to declare on multiple numerated variables like this:
var myVar1; var myVar2;
But I don't want to do this manually for every variable instance but automatically, so I need a way to instruct the compiler to declare by himself on every variable and to numerate them automatically.
So hopefully I explained myself well, I wanted to know if there is such way to do this?
If you declare an instance of an object with out assigning it a variable, does it stay in memory or does flash automatically garbage collect it? For example if I just keep using new Date().getTime() to update a persons time from his/her system clock with out assigning it a variable will instances of Date() objects just keep piling up in memory or is it ok to do this?
I have a question about assigning instance names. How do I set a Loader's instance name so I can refer to it outside of the function (without using event.target or event.currentTarget or event.target.name)? Here's an example...I'm writing this on the fly...
in as2 you used to be able to just declare a variable on a movieclip something line myMC.newvar= "something". this does not seem to work in as3 I get undefined property. Am I missing something on how to dynamically declare variables to sprites and movieclips?
I have this little flash movie, that goes full screen when you launch it, there's a big button in the middle that says "Press here", when you press it the screen goes black, and a movie starts playing.
When I run this NOT in fullscreen it works like a charm. The problem is though when I run it in fullscreen it freezes a frame before the movie.
Here's the error I get when debugging: ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property ryt on flash.display.Stage.
From what I googled I understood that this was caused because somehow the movie clip is set to private, and flash can not access it.
The solution is to declare this movie clip public.
That's where my AS3 knowledge ends, I tried "public var ryt;" but then it says I have to declare this in some package.
I have several movieclips that I exported to actionscript from the library (c01,c02,c03,...)In the actions I have a conditional that checks a variable and depending on the variable provided I want to create a new instance of that movieclip. For example if cityY==1 then I want to create a new c01.
I tried with conditional and with a switch/case but I get an error declaring the newCity variable more than once.[code]...
I know how to easeIn a movieClips property using something like: this._x+=(Xvalue-this._x)/5 so it gradually slows down. But what would I use to make it start slow then speed up?
I am guessing something like: Code: var speed =20 this.onEnterframe=function(){ this._x+=(Xvalue-this._x)/speed speed-- if(Math.abs(Xvalue-this._x)<1{ this._x=Xvalue speed=20 delete this.onEnterFrame }} But trying this on multiple mcs and it goes wack because speed is constantly changing. How can I declare the speed var for each onEnterFrame?
This will sound odd, but I would like to find a way for Flash to declare one instance of each class inside a package. That is to say, if a package com.rezmason.stuff contains five classes, some code makes an instance of each class in an array; but if, later on, I take out two classes, that same code only makes an instance for each of the three remaining classes within the package. Later still, if I add seven classes, the same code makes an instance fore each of those ten classes.
I doubt that this is possible, but I figured that if anyone would know, it would be you folks. Code with this kind of flexibility would greatly simplify managing the code in a project that frequently has classes being added, removed and swapped. If anyone has an idea, I'd like to hear it.
I was wondering what the rules are for declaring variables which you would increment say in an for loop. I tried to declare a variable outside the for loop, and then increment it within the loop but that didn't work.
What is the difference between declaring a variable like this: variable = 1; and declaring it like this: var variable:Number = 1? Why is it better to use the second way?
Although I have a long experience with AS2, I am just stepping in AS3 now. As should be expected, I have bumped a few issues here and there, that really puzzles me.
One of them is the way to correctly name a variable dynamically. In AS2, as far as I know the only way to do that is with _root, like that:
Code: for (var z=0;z<=5;z++) _root["myvar"+z] = z;
I have used quite the same way to do that in AS3, like that:
Code: for (var z=0;z<=5;z++) root["myvar"+z] = z;
However, it doesnt seem to be too good, because it just allows me to create global variables. What if I want to create local vars into the function? I tried to remove the "root" and use "var" statement but ActionScript doesnt like that (it tells me that there is an identifier missing before the left bracket):
Code: for (var z=0;z<=5;z++) var ["myvar"+z]:Number = z; // Flash yelds when I try that!
What is the trick to do that... or simply THERE IS NOT a way to do that, but always declare dynamic vars as public??
why can't i get a return value from this function because i need those values to reset a image to it's previous position.
PHP Code:
Cam.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,animIn); trace(animIn); // here is where i got a problrm function animIn(evtObj:MouseEvent):Array {[code].......
why i can't do it like that what i mean is why i can't declare this function that way because when i do the fallowing error occur:Ereor #1063
does anyone know if declaring new variables within a switch statement (inside of case: break actually creates new variables inside those switch statements, or are the variable declarations moved to the top of the function when compiled?
i know that when declaring new variables inside a for or while loop, the compiler declares those variables at the beginning of the function. is it the same for if or switch statements?
My project has become rather large from just libraries that i've needed to include in my project in order to do what i need to do. I needed webservices, so i included some flex lib's, and I needed facebook information, so I included the facebook API. Just from those libs and a small game, my swf is about 513k, that seems rather large to me... As soon as I include: var session:FacebookSessionUtil;
into my code, in a function or as a class member, I get the error "You cannot debug this SWF because it contains ActionScript". without that line of code, it compiles and works; thus there is a lot of actionscript in my opinion. If i uncomment that line, then everything works again.
I know that as long as a I declare variables inside a function I can only call them as long as the scope of the function is active. Outside of that function the variables don't exist. Is there any way I can create those variables inside a function and use them outside of it?
I am trying to create a function, wherein depending on the numeric value of a certain variable, a particular movieclip is loaded into a holder movie clip.This is how I would want the code to work...excuse the syntax as I am not very familiar with Actionscript 3.
Here is what I'm trying to do. I have some TextArea objects inside a HGroup, created in the mxml part. I want them to have an id of an element of a bidimensional Array, a matrix. I'm having problems declaring the TextArea objects as Array components. I've tried a lot of formats and google it, but I found nothing relevant.
I wanted to use a couple of stand-alone function/or static methods by declaring them in the external *.as file and import it.
The problem is, when I import it, I had to instantiate a new class from imported class to use any of these functions which is not necessary in my situation, I just wanted to be able call these functions.
It (AS) does not allow me to declare those functions outside of class declaration, (tried with static keyword in front of those functions just like in C++).
I also tried to declare the class itself with static keyword (also just like C++) but AS also does not allow me to do that.
Remember whole points is declare couple of helper functions in external *.as file and use it over and over.