ActionScript 2.0 :: Develop A Flash Cube That Has Different Images On Each Face As Well As Individual Links For Each?
Feb 27, 2007
I've been trying to develop a Flash Cube that has different images on each face as well as individual links for each, but I'm having trouble coding it - I can either get it with images and one link per cube, or no images and individual links!!(I've seen this elsewhere) I'd like it to freeze its rotation when you hover over each face as well.
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Dec 2, 2011
I know I can make an array if all the buttons would have a unified code executable change, i.e. they would become larger and brighter.
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My question is: is it possible to unify the code if buttons have that much individuality or I have to make each one of them as in the example below.
// makes a hand cursor appear over a mc acting as a button for all the buttons inside the scrollpnaeBckgrnd_mc.scrollpaneBckgrnd_btns_mc.
MovieClip(mc_pane2.content).scrollpaneBckgrnd_mc.scrollpaneBckgrnd_btn s_mc.buttonMode = true;
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Jan 27, 2007
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Nov 28, 2011
I have a question about Papervision3D, or perhaps bitmapData, I am unsure where the problem is. I have constructed a program that takes 4 banners and splits them into pieces and then applies those pieces to cubes so that I can make a banner rotator. So after I run my program I have 10 cubes with a piece of a banner on 4 faces(front, top, back, bottom) of each cube. The problem is that some of the faces are oriented incorrectly(spun 180 degrees).
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Mar 2, 2010
i have been using AS2.0 for quite a long time. And i started using papervision3D too.I am using tutorial made by Lee Brimelow's cube tutorial. but i want different results. So long i am able to move the cube in one direction and that is my requirement. But in his tutorial he as link to urls. what i want is to expand one face of the cube which is clicked to expand to fit in the screen.(i am also using fullscreen and stage resize).
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Jan 12, 2011
I have the 3D rotating cube. Each panel of the cube is an image pulled in through actionscript. When you click on one of the panels, the cube straightens itself to show only the face you've clicked on. This is all great. However, I want to be able to click on that face again and have it link to a URL. This is where I get lost.
I feel like I'm ALMOST there - I've gotten it to work so that I can click the panel and it links to a URL, but right now every panel links to the same link. I haven't figured out how to make each panel link to its own separate URL. Here is the portion of code in my .FLA where I've added the linking action:
setupFaceAction = function (cube) {
for (var i = 0; i<cube.faceArray.length; i++) {
var face = cube.faceArray[i];
face.onPress = function() {
if (!cube.fading) {
[Code] .....
This is the line I added to make it link when you click the panel after it's facing forward:
cube.getURL("[URL]", "_self");}
So I assume I need to set up some sort of array so I can have multiple links that correlate with the appropriate image. To make it clearer, I've attached all of my files, so you can see all the code. You'll find actionscript in the .FLA and two external actionscript files. I think "" may be where I need to do the work.
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<td style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f7f7f7; WIDTH: 585px; HEIGHT: 224px"
align="center"><object classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="609" height="224">
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May 22, 2009
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Jan 8, 2010
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Jan 22, 2005
How I could make a sliding/scrolling menu of images(sideways) with links and those images should dynamically loads from lets say a directory or something like that and can easily control/change image and url in a simple external text file( heres a sample of what it should look like: [URL] the bottom part. How to achieve the sliding menu image that loads dynamically.
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Dec 19, 2010
am working on face detection and able to implement in flash but i want to do it in flex to protect code, the problem am facing is how to convertcameraBitmap to videoDisplay in Flash Builder / Flex as3 (flash) its like thisQuote:
camera = new CameraBitmap(488,366,30,w,h);
camera.addEventListener( Event.RENDER, cameraReadyHandler );
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Apr 8, 2009
I just need some direction or insight as to how others might handle this task. I lack the necessary AS3 skills, but still think it's overly complicated for being such a simple task. I have a set of images (say 10) on stage. I need to loop through this set over and over again... each image fades in... holds for some time... then fades out as the next image fades in. But each image has its own website link when it has focus. So far I've encountered trouble when dealing with alpha & visible settings. It's like you can't have one without the other and vice versa. Visible allows separate links to hold but only alpha allows the tween motion. All of my code is on frame 1.
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Mar 2, 2011
I've made an image gallery and it works great. What I want to do is make the main image a link to a certain part of the site. The first link works great, but then I get[url]...
Basically, I made an invisible button on each main image for the link.[code]...
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Feb 25, 2011
Built a nice Flash page and exported it to use as a web page (didn't export to HTML just exported image to SWF). Plunck it into DW CS5 and test in FF & it looks great. Try it in IE8, only get a white page, same in Chrome & Opera. What gives?
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Mar 5, 2009
i have an swf placed into a html doc - the swf creates thumbnails and links that create a sort of videowall effect - the links come via xml. i am using lightwindow to create an overlay that displays the links/images/video etc... so here is the problem - if i open it with firefox on a mac - and choose say the youtube link - it opens lightwindow brings in the flv briefly - then the flv vanishes leaving a white void where the player should.
but if i add the same link to the html and click it, that works as it should do - ie the youtube flv apprears and you can click and play it etc... Safari on a mac works a treat - and loads and then plays the flv. is this just a bug in FF for the mac - or mac&pc? doesn't FF like flash and youtube together or something? or is there a work around? my tester is here could any pc heads tell me if the lightwindow works at all on their windows browsers? and tell me what versions you are on?
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