ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag & Drop Out Of A Carousel Xml-loaded Content?

Jan 23, 2011

I have a working xml-loaded carousel, I have (see below in the code) a working drag and drop function for a movieclip on my stage. In this code, since I have this one movieclip with instance name "object1_mc", all works fine, drag and drop with copy function. But I would need to be able to drag and drop/copy out of this xml-loaded carousel, when i'm on item1, i would be able to copy this, when on item 2 i would need to be able to copy this item, etc etc..but since this content is not on my stage , how would i give each item an instance name, so my drag & drop/copy function would work along with the carousel?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop, Print Content?

Oct 14, 2009

I have two files with two different classes: example1 ( and dd_title_list ( is a drag and drop script and I want to basically print (trace) the "label" and "source" whenever an object is dropped on "ddt_sel1" (this object is located on

on dd_title_list:
ActionScript Code:
tl.dataProvider.addItem( );           
for(var i in


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Drag And Drop Works Until Content Added To Movie Clip Using Loadmovie

Apr 21, 2008

I have a blank movie clip on the stage with drag and drop capabilities and it works fine!!

That is, until i call the loadmovie() function and attach an image into the empty movie clip.

why the movie clip is no longer draggable when content is loaded into it?

function downloadImage(file:Object):Void {
var Pic = "./files/" + file;
loadMovie(Pic, "_root.imageLoader");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag Drop Not Working In Loaded Swf

Apr 1, 2010

I have a container which loads an external swf having drag drop functions. when the loaded swf is played separately it works fine. But when it is loaded into the container the dragging doesnt works. My coding for drag drop in the loaded swf is as follows.

on (press){
startDrag(_root.img1, true, 100, 130, 700, 700);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop With Loaded Images?

Nov 19, 2010

I know how to apply a "drag and drop" to a MovieClip calling it by it's instance name, but i have a gallery of 24 images created by a Loader. And when i try to apply the drag and drop to the loaded image i can't. I thought about two possible solutions:1. Converting the loaded image to a MovieClip or putting it inside a MovieClip.2. Making a "drag and drop" that can be applied to loaded images.But i tried to get really hard to that solutions and couldn't make it. I am trully desperate.Here i paste the relevant part of my code:(mcCadenaMontaje is a MovieClip which i have the images loaded in)

ActionScript Code:
import clases.Drag;
function cargar_hueso(q,r,s){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop For Externally Loaded Videos

Oct 29, 2010

My problem is that im trying to click and drag videos externally loaded onto the flash stage. Apparently normal drag-drop methods won't make it work Anyway to work around this error? Here's what i've came up with so far.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Placing Drag And Drop On Dynamically Loaded XML

Feb 22, 2010

How can I place a startdrag correctly on dynamically loaded objects?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fps Drop Removing Loaded AVM1 Content?

Nov 24, 2010

Currently I'm working on a flash application that will be used for presentation purpose. The application loads external swf files which are exported from powerpoint. This way people can make there own powerpoint presentation, export with a plugin as swf files included with animations, video or audio.

The presentation itself is a 3D carousel containing icons which represent chapters. Once a chapter is clicked, a page slider opens and loads all external swf files needed for that chapter.When someone is done with that chapter, you can close the pageslider. To make sure the application keeps it performance, it will remove all event listeners, free display objects hold in arrays and get rid of all what won't be used again. This works fine, the memory use goes back to original state and no problem.

Now when I take a closer look at the fps of the application which is set to 60fps, and load AVM2 content, nothing goes wrong whatever I do or close. As soon as I load AVM1 content and display it, the fps stays steady at 60. But as soon I close the pageslider and free up memory, the fps is stuck at 30. As soon I open a chapter with another AVM1 content, the fps restores to 60.Now I thought maybe it's because I did something wrong when I free some memory, so I turned that function off which gets rid of all the stuff. Then I tried again, but again when I load AVM1 content I got 60fps but when I don't display the content my fps goes back to 30. But this problem doesn't exist when I load AVM2 content or even just png's instead of swf files.But when I turn this free memory function on and not display the AVM1 content and which doesn't exists at all on the background anymore, the fps is still 30.

Now I thought about a fix to just restore the framerate afther the pageslider is closed. But as soon I use "stage.frameRate=60" the player crashes completely. how can AVM1 content on display let the application run 60fps, but when removed from memory and not displayed set the fps to 30 and get to 60 again as soon new AVM1 content is displayed? But AVM2 content it's all just fine.

The reason I load AVM1 content is because the powerpoint -> swf exporter can only export AVM1 content.I also checked if the fps of the exported swf is set to maybe 30, but that's not the issue, and besides that it theoretically would use the main swf it's fps.I could set the main application fps to 30 and no one would notice, but I just can't sleep why i can't figure out the issue.Btw when I set the main fps to 30 it won't be reduced to 15fps.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag Dynamically Loaded Content Beyond Stage Borders

Jul 28, 2010

I have simple file 550 x 450, in it there is one container 400x300, x:75, y:78. In the container I am loading images and there is drag and drop function for them. I also have added mask with size that matches the size of the container because when i load larger images i could move them. Everything is working fine, but If I set scaleX and scaleY to the container image, the drag and drop functionality is not working fine - I can't reach the edges of the picture.

with ( )
beginFill( 0x000000 );


It behaves like there is not enough space to move the image right, left, top or down.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop Movie Doesn't Work When Loaded On Another Movie

Jan 31, 2012

Greetings. I've been doing this tutorial. [URL] And worked pretty well. In order to adapt to my needs i made it a movie with a drag and drop parameter to be loaded in another movie (with loadMovie or loadMovieNum). The problem is than the movie loads, drags but doesnt drops. Even i tried with the example movie and nothing happens.

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Jan 6, 2010

I'm trying to make a simulation where a person can drag 2 different objects to any 4 predefined targets on the stage.  Based on the position of the 2 objects there will be a different output text.  I hope I described that clearly.  I would also like the 2 objects to snap to the 4 targets.  Im very new to AS.  Im starting to be able to read it a bit but still can not wright it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Release To Drop NOT WORKING On Drag And Drop?

Mar 10, 2011

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var origX:Number;
var origY:Number;
for(var i:uint=1; i<6; i++){
this["choice_"+String(i)].buttonMode = true;


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Nov 13, 2010

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stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,makeA Box);
var i:Number = 1; //i will be the total number of boxes
var newBox:myMC = new myMC();[code]....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make A Drag And Drop Game Where Can Drag Words Into A Table Which Then Makes A Tick

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop System Where The User Can Drag A Movie Clip Into An Area (Snap & Overwrite)

May 20, 2011

Im trying to do a drag and drop system where the user can drag a movie clip into an area. Although i would like to make it snap to a target instead of just sitting wherever it lands in the area. Problem Two:

The next thing i am trying to do is when the user has a movie clip on a target already, and trys to put another movie clip in that target area, it will replace the one thats in there and go back to its current position. Here is the script of what i have done so far:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop Mask - Mc Drag In The Same Time

Jan 31, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Put Checkboxes Or Other Content In Carousel

May 10, 2011

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Actionscript 2.0 :: 3d Carousel Movement By Mouse Drag

May 28, 2009

I have builded a 3d carousel following the tutorial and managed to insert it properly in my site. (great great tutroials, really)What i wanted to change though if possible, is that i would like the carousel to spin only when dragged by the mouse. I have searched alot of forums for days but didnt manage to find a script to include or substitute to achieve this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop - Drop Not Always Firing?

Dec 11, 2009

I have added drag and drop to some of my custom components.The drag event is fired on mouse down.If you mouse down and move the component around then drop it repeatedly its fine.But if you mousedown and drag the component around drop it and THEN just click on the component it inits the drag but doesn't fire the drop event.Its almost like you have to move the component for it to fire the drag drop event.This is very annoying as i'm removing the component on drag init and adding it again on drop, so just clicking on it makes it disappear.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Add A Hyperlink To The Content Portion Of The Carousel

Dec 29, 2006

Is there a way to add a hyperlink to the content portion of the carousel so that if you click on the descriptive text you can go to a website. I have found several answers on how to pull the link from the XML , which is working fine, and have seen several post about linking directly to a website when you click on the image icon, but I canâ€â„¢t find a way to make the content text link. I have tried adding a onRelease function for "theText" but when I run I dont even have the ability to click on the text (mouse over only works on the image, not the content)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove The Loader But Its Content Still Playing I Know That From The Sound Of The Content Was Loaded?

Apr 20, 2009

How to remove a loader and its content using removeChild or any other way, I had removed the loader but its content still playing in the background i know that from the sound of the content.this is the my code for removing:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload Externally Loaded Swf Which Contains 3D Carousel?

Aug 17, 2010

I came across a lesson on [URL]titled "Vertical 3D Carousel with AS3 and XML".
I completed the tutorial and all worked fine so I then wanted to load the swf into a existing project. The loading of the swf goes fine and when I unload my loader it is removed but only visually as in my output panel in flash CS5 I get an error as follows
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object carousel_c_fla::MainTimeline/moveCarousel()
this error repeats over and over again slowing my swf movie.
So does this mean my main flash movie trying to still play / find my unloaded 3D Carousel?
If so how do I unload remove all the AS3 that is trying to run from the 3D Carousel?
I have included the AS3 below from the tutorial page and I understand that this is what I have to remove to "break free" from the 3D Carousel swf when it is unloaded. This is where I am stuck as my knowledge of AS3 is limited
//Import TweenMax
import com.greensock.*;
//The path to the XML file (use your own here)


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How To Drag And Drop

Jul 7, 2009

I downloaded a free flash menu component. It's help file said "You can simply drag and drop the menu items wherever you wish".However, I don't know how to drag and drop it in my file. please help me, how to use it?

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Drag And Drop Game

Jun 28, 2009

I am developing a simple drag and drop game..except my draggable items are in a movie clip and my targets are also in a movie clip. My draggable objects work fine, they drag and snap back into place when the mouse is let go, but... they dont snap to their targets.They do snap to their targets when they are directly on the timeline, but inside another movie clip it doesnt work and i can't figure out why.[code]

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Drag And Drop On A Set Scale

Jun 21, 2010

Basically, there will be two images, which participants are to choose between. Below the pairs of images will be a horizontal bar with arrows at both opposite ends. I would like the participant to be able to drag and drop a small rectangle somewhere along the bar to represent their choice (and the degree of their endorsement).Basically, I'm asking how to make an interactive scrollbar on its side (without buttons, just the drag). I would also like it to start in the middle of the bar and be able to be moved in either direction.

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Drag And Drop Without Overlapping?

May 19, 2009

using 'drag and drop' in flash without overlapping?

For example - I have a list of buttons i drag to an area on the stage. I do not want my buttons to overlap.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop From One MC To Another?

Nov 7, 2010

I've dynamically created a bunch of MCs from a single MC in the library.
Inside the MC's timeline, I have written drag and drop code.
The MC's reside in a parent movieclip, that then resides in a scrollpane.
I was wondering if it's possible to write AS3 to drag the clips into another movieclip?
If not the way I have it, is it possible at all to drag MC's from one container MC to another?

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Flex Drag And Drop

May 19, 2009

I am trying to do a flex drag and drop. It is very similar to this first example.url....The problem is that event.currentTarget.mouseX,mouseY is showing the position where I put the mouse down rather than the position where I had finished dragging.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag Drop Won't Go Away

Jun 22, 2009

I am trying to create an elearning exercise and i have a problem with the drag and drop section i have created. The exercise works well but when the user clicks the next button to go to the next frame one of the drag elements from the exercise shows up on the next frame and i just can't work out how to get rid of it?

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