ActionScript 2.0 :: Dragging A Movie Clip Along A Path?

Jan 18, 2009

I am new to action script (using AS2). I have a symbol (a button that looks like an arrowhead). I've used the code below to drag the arrowhead around the stage (where "arrow" is the symbol's instance on the stage)

But, I want the "arrowhead" to only be able to be dragged along a particular path -- picture a curved line that looks like a smile. SO, the user can only drag the symbol along that curved path.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating 'reflection' Of A Movie Clip By Dragging Multiple Movie Clips

Apr 5, 2011

how to imitate a reflection of a movie clip in a "mirror." I don't know if I should have the initial movie clip on custom cursor or have it set to drag... but either way I don't know how to make the second clip the "reflection follow along. Obviously it would need to follow at a slightly offset pattern so that you would be able to see both clips (or majority of them) at the same time. It's for a school project that is due at 9am tomorrow so time is of the essence!!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Restrict Some Area In A Movie Of Dragging A Movie Clip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip Dragging And Dropping ?

Apr 1, 2011

what im doing is the user drags the lego piece from the tray and drops it on the red square and the next piece arrives to do that again and again. The issue is that sometimes it screws up and doesnt go to the next step or goes backwards in steps like its hitting invisible pieces. heres a link to the project in action on my [url]......

The code I am using to drag and drop is attached in a text file to check out if needed.

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IDE :: CLONE Movie Clip When Dragging And Dropping

Oct 19, 2009

i've built a little game, where the user can drag and drop objects on a canvas. there's a button wheren the canvas turns black, and the objetcs (images) become white, like a photographic image. What I'm trying to do without sucess until now, it to make the draggable objects infinit, so the user can drag as many objects as he can.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: OVER/HOVER States When Dragging A Movie Clip?

Jun 30, 2011

I'm working up a flash file that will eventually be controlled by the Kinect. So I've hidden the mouse and put a startDrag on a custom cursor. The problem is that I can't get a reliable result for a hover/over state when the cursor is over a movieclip. It only registers the over state sometimes and when it does, it's very brief, even if you hold the cursor over it for a long time.The problem seems to have something to do with the drag or the enter frame listener. It's like it can't process fast enough to realize when it's over the buttons.

ActionScript Code:
import GlobalClass;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Boundaries For Dragging Movie Clip?

Jul 2, 2009

I have created this swf that allows me to drag my movie clip around with easing effects.However, if I drag it too fast, my movie clip will actually goes out of my "flash".PS: I actually got this script from a user in this forum. Sorry about that. Hence, i left the credits there.)Is there anyway where I can set the boundaries where the movie clip can be dragged to? I've came across a website where the effect of dragging within a specific area is exactly what I desired.Also, I'm using AS2 and here it is.

//Tutorial criado pela Cabana Cro:
//Visite tambm o Cabanoblog:
_root.myMC.ease = 5;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Movie Clip While Dragging Button?

Apr 26, 2004

I was wondering what the best way is to play a movie clip while dragging a button inside a separate movie clip. Example: I'm creating a children's book in Flash form. Some childrens' books have movement using a pull tab on the side of the page. I have created two things for one of these pages:

A) The pull tab movie clip consisting of a button inside of it. Its code is as follows:

on (press) {
startDrag(toggleDrag2,false,596.5,118.0,666.5,118. 0);
on (release) {

This way (and it works), the pull tab cannot be dragged along the y axis, and its movement along the x axis is restricted.

B) A movie clip with a symbol in it that has a motion tween, 75 frames, a stop action and key frame on each of the 75 frames.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dragging A Movie Clip At A 45 Degree Angle

Jan 19, 2005

We all know how to drag a movie clip: my_mc.startDrag(target,[lock, left, top, right, bottom]) But does anyone know how to drag/restrict a movie clip to a 45 degree angle?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use A Mouse To Move A Movie Clip In One Frame Without Dragging?

Feb 4, 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Mouse To Move A Movie Clip In One Frame Without Dragging?

Feb 4, 2004

Does anybody know a way to use a the mouse to move a movie clip in one frame without dragging?

what i'm shooting for is moving a map in the opposite direction of the mouse (mouse moves left, map moves right, mouse moves up, map moves down) and continues to move. not just one jump, but real motion.

i've thought of initializing a getTimer after the mouse moves past a certain point and of moving the map after the mouse rolls over a hidden mc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Movie Clip Rotate In 3D Space By Clicking And Dragging

May 19, 2009

So far my logic seems fine for half of the experiment, however, not the other half:[URL] What I'm trying to accomplish is when a user holds down the mouse and drags it across the stage the movie clip will rotate in 3D space horizontally. That works, however, when the mouse is released the movie continues to rotate along with the mouse position. When the movie clip is clicked again then it will stop rotating, but it cannot be clicked and dragged a second time. The link above explains it the best. Also I want to make it so the movie will start to rotate when the mouse is down anywhere on the stage and not just the mc itself.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ScrollPane Component - Draw A Rectangle On A Movie Clip(board_mc) By Dragging Mouse Over It

Mar 15, 2010

I need t draw a rectangle on a movie clip(board_mc) by dragging mouse over it......It works fine till here but I want to put the movie clip(board_mc) in scrollpane.
but after doing so the code doesnot work....can u plz guide me how to make this code work after placing the movie clip (board_mc) in scrollpane(say board_scp).


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Path From One Movie Clip To Another

May 8, 2003

This is entirely about variables, not controlling the clips. I thoroughly understand the path from level 0 to any clip, but can't seem to figure out a path from one clip to another. _root.myclip1.myclip2 and etc work great, but when I try to address myclip1 from myclip2 it won't work. I have been required to use_global.variable to get variables to show up in one movie clip when it was generated in another clip. Here is an example. If I say that a=3 at level 0, it can easily be addressed in level1 with var a = _root.a but if it is generated in any movie clip, such as myclip2 then I can't get at it in myclip1 without the _global variable. I want to set a = 3 in myclip2 and be able to see it in myclip1 with some sort of path.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Path To Movie Clip?

Dec 18, 2006

Here's the code from a button that controls a movie clip on the main page[code]...

The code works fine when the button is on the main timeline. However, I have a new complicated rollover button which is no longer on the main timeline. How do I change the path to the "container" movie clip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dragging Object Along Straight Path

Mar 16, 2009

How to drag an object along a straight path using AS 3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Constrain Dragging To A Circular Path?

Oct 4, 2004

I am designing an interface where a person will drag a circular measurement tool (called a goniometer) over part of an image, and then rotate two different arms on the tool to measure an angle.The entire tool itself needs to be draggable by its center. So far I have the arms rotating by means of pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard, but it would be more realistic to have the user drag the arms to rotate them. I can't think of how to accomplish that, though.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Path To Movie Clip Element Of A Button?

Jul 16, 2004

I'm trying to figure out how to use AS to access frames of a movie clip within a button symbol (using Flash MX 2004), and I seem to be stuck. I drafted a small test version of the FLA I'm working on, and it is attached to this message.

Specifically, my intention is to have a two-state button that goes into "selected mode" after the first mouse click, and then goes back to normal after a 2nd click. I can already handle the functional aspect of this using a global boolean like the one in the attached file. The problem is that I want to represent the current status of the button with a visual change; in the attached example FLA, the intention was to change the color of the text label on this button from grey to red when the button is in its "selected" state.

In this forum I found a similar question where someone had provided a "menu.fla" that had a row of buttons that acted more or less like a radio set, which is somewhat similar to my need. I've been trying to use the same sort of method, having converted the "up" state of the button text into a movie clip symbol with two frames (one for each state), and then trying to use AS to do a "gotoAndStop()" on the desired frame of the up label animation. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to actually make this work ... no matter what sort of path I try to use to get to the movie clip animation within the button, I cannot seem to set the text animation to jump to the "selected" frame (2).

I think my problem is that I've been unable to glean any understanding from the Flash MX docs about the differences between an object name and a symbol name and an identifier and an instance name and a blah blah blah, or about which of them (if any) actually is an ID that can be accessed via ActionScript. Also, MX 2004 seems to provide almost no compile-time error checking on the validity of a target path either, so I've been reduced to just throwing every combination at it that I can think of. None have worked, so I'm at a loss.

If anyone can explain to me why the attached FLA doesn't cause the text to stay red after a mouse click, no matter which of the commented out lines I try, it would undoubtedly be a big help to me.

(Please note that the button in this FLA uses a basic flashing animation for mouseovers ... it was just something quick to implement to emulate the mouseover animation in my full file, so please don't be distracted by it. Also note that I haven't tried to implement any code to return the button to a non-selected status yet. One thing at a time.)

RESOLVED: It was apparently the nesting of a movieclip inside of a button that prevented the original target path from working (and one of the tutorials at this website seems to support that). Once I knew what the proper path syntax was and didn't have to worry about that part anymore, eventually the rest fell into place pretty easily once I started using a movieclip for the button rather than an actual button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Path To Movie Clip Element Of A Button

Jul 16, 2004

I'm trying to figure out how to use AS to access frames of a movie clip within a button symbol (using Flash MX 2004), and I seem to be stuck. I drafted a small test version of the FLA I'm working on, and it is attached to this message. Specifically, my intention is to have a two-state button that goes into "selected mode" after the first mouse click, and then goes back to normal after a 2nd click. I can already handle the functional aspect of this using a global boolean like the one in the attached file. The problem is that I want to represent the current status of the button with a visual change; in the attached example FLA, the intention was to change the color of the text label on this button from grey to red when the button is in its "selected" state.

In this forum I found a similar question where someone had provided a "menu.fla" that had a row of buttons that acted more or less like a radio set, which is somewhat similar to my need. I've been trying to use the same sort of method, having converted the "up" state of the button text into a movie clip symbol with two frames (one for each state), and then trying to use AS to do a "gotoAndStop()" on the desired frame of the up label animation. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to actually make this work ... no matter what sort of path I try to use to get to the movie clip animation within the button, I cannot seem to set the text animation to jump to the "selected" frame (2).


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control A Movie Clip Which Path Is Contained In A Variable?

Jan 21, 2004

How do i control a movie clip which path is contained in a variable? I.E.: I have a variable called: _root.activeButton The variable has this path as a value: _root.buttons.button1 Q: How do I tell _root.buttons.button1 to go to frame 1? I think it is something like this, but I can't remember exactly: [_root.activeButton].gotoAndStop(1)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Movie Clip Move Dynamically Following A Path Given By A Line?

Jun 25, 2005

How can I make a Movie Clip move dynamically following a path given by a line?? Like.... the user can draw a line and the movlieclip moves following it ? how ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Motion Path For Movie Clip And To Have Speed Of Tween Set As Variable

Oct 22, 2006

Does anyone know whether it would be possible to set a motion path for a movie clip and to have the speed of the tween set as a variable which can be increased or decreased by the user during the movie?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Path - Create An Empty MC And Then Create Another MC Within The First

Mar 21, 2004

OK frame 1 new fla and I type the following code:


I have tried over and over again to get this to work but it won't! I want to create an empty MC and then create anoth MC within the first!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Dragging And Dropping A Duplicate Clip

Sep 19, 2005

I'm creating a drag and drop movieclip to colour a different movieclip. I need to duplicate the first instance so as the original stays in the same place (on the pallette), and then the dragged one can be removed after it has been dropped into the area. This is the script for the dragging and dropping of the original instance, but I can't figure out the duplication/removal part:

on (press) {
this._alpha = 70;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Stop Clip Dragging When Cursor Goes Off Stage

Aug 28, 2010

I have a movieclip I'm dragging and dropping. When I drag the clip outside of the stage, it gets stuck in drag mode and when I bring the cursor back onto the stage it suddenly snaps back onto the cursors position and it continues to drag (basically screwing up my drag and drop sequence). What I'd like is for the clip to stop dragging and snap back to its original X and Y position whenever you drag it outside the SWFs stage. I tried to achieve this by adding a listener to the stage to listen for a MOUSE_UP event when the drag begins. But its not working and I keep getting errors.[code]
Which I don't understand because dropClip isn't a property its a function. If anyone can explain how I need to modify my code to make the clip stop dragging or if I can constrain the drag so you can't drag it outside the stage in the first place that could perhaps work as well.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - The Supplied DisplayObject Must Be A Child Of The Caller When Dragging A Clip?

Feb 21, 2011

all I'm trying to do is set up dragging for my movie clips, but I keep getting this error:The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.This is my code:

projectThumb.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onThumbPress );
projectThumb.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onThumbRelease );
function onThumbPress( e:MouseEvent ):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move Clip Complete Motion Tween Movement After Dragging And Dropping It

Jun 5, 2011

how can i let a move clip complete his motion tween movement after dragging and dropping it
i am using this code and there is a motion tween applies to the movie clip r_mc


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Target Path - Control A Movie Clip Called "nosotrosmc" With A Frame Label Inside Called "historia"?

Oct 5, 2009

i'm trying to control a movie clip called "nosotrosmc" with a frame label inside called "historia" but does not work this is the code:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Targeting A Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip Inside Another Movie Clip With A Twist?

May 9, 2010

Im able to link to a movieclip inside a movieclipUnfortunately one of the movieclips now are a scrollbar and scroll. Now the actionscript isnt working?cal.onPress = function() {gotoAndPlay(2); = unit1;

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