ActionScript 2.0 :: Fullscreen Flash Site - Fills The Screen Without Extra Spaces/

Nov 2, 2009

I am really tired of searching a solution to make my site to a fullscreen flash site..What i want to make is a site that fills the screen without extra spaces and all..The funny thing is it is working fine in swf but not in html..When viewed in html there is a big white space to the right..I have tried several solutions for this line making the html "width and height to 100 %" and scale mode to " noscale" It didnt work I tried changing the html code itself like this:-

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

It also didnt work.

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Php :: Extra Spaces Inserted With CKeditor's EnterMode?

Mar 11, 2011

I am using CKEditor in my website's CMS, which spits out an XML file of CDATA enclosed content to be read by flash. The problem is that CKEditor, when its enterMode is set to <p> tags, creates a line break and a tab in the source which, when read by flash, enters space, even though I have ignoreWhiteSpace set to true. Any way to prevent ckeditor from using this behavior?


I still want to keep any <p> tags entered from within the editor - I just don't want all the extra space / tabs that get added in the actual source. If I use the above method, my actual code will be modified. What I'm getting if I view the source is this:

Donec at erat nec tortor sodales tempus.</p>

(an enter, and either a tab or a bunch of space after first <p> tag, instead of:

<p>Donec at erat nec tortor sodales tempus.</p>

(no spaces or breaks after <p> tag in source and I believe this is affecting the presentation of the XML.

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Professional :: .swf File Causing Breaks/extra Spaces In Html Page?

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One note: It seems to only ad space when viewing from Mozilla. Havent' tested it on a pc yet either.[URL]

Below is code for the left hand speaker:

<td colspan="3" rowspan="4"><object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="246" height="378">          <param name="movie" value="index_images/speaker_left.swf">          <param name="quality" value="high">          <param name="wmode" value="opaque">          <param name="swfversion" value="">          <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE


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[URL] Here is the code:


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-Let scrollbars take care of it : If the screen is 14 inch screen with 800x600 resolution it appears zoomed in. So that's a problem
-Get screen resolution and resize using scaleX and scaleY : The graphic components will get resized but fonts give problem.

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this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);


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Sep 8, 2010

How to create a fluid / liquid / fit to screen flash site with scrollBar. I am pretty much new to AS3 and flash. I have been looking for a way. To have, a background image contained in a MovieClip. Let's say: bg_mc and have it scaling automatically to fit the different user's Internet browser screens size. In other hand, have another MovieClip that handles and holds the site. Let's say: content_mc without being affected by the scaling of the bg_mc. And last, in the case... the content_mc height does not fit in the user's internet browser. Have the internet browser with its scrollBar so the user can scroll down and see the rest of the site. (right now my content_mc is being cut off the screen).

Examples Flash sites with this layout: [URL]. The Next Code: it does generate a full browser's background image but there is no scroll bar for IE or FireFox and in some cases stretch my content_mc if i play too much with StageScaleMode.
// -----> AS3.0
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
var myStage:Stage = this.stage;
myStage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
[Code] .....

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bg3._x = Stage.width/2;
bg3._y = Stage.height/2;[code]...

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function volumeScrubberClicked(e:MouseEvent):void
olVolumeScrub = true;


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