how to unload xml correctly. I need to unload an xml file on release of a button, then load new XML. Currently I am unLoading the initial xml by unLoading the target clip. However, when I do this not all of the assets (jpgs) that where loaded with the xml delete form the screen. The following is the code I am currently great.
I have a blank container mc into which I am loading JPGs after you click on a button. There are 10 buttons in the movie, each associated with a different JPG.This container_mc is part of a function called on the main Timeline.The Flash movie is 1 frame on the main Timeline. This code works correctly on the first JPG when I click on a button for the first time), but then when you click on a different button I believe it just uses the dimensions and coordinates of the first JPG. How can I reset or refresh (unload, reload) this function so it works correctly every time I load a new JPG?
//after full size image loads into detailthumb_mc, //resize image so that neither width nor height is > 150, tben recenter onClipEvent(load) { var maxWidth = 150;
I am working on a school project that requires me to load external .swf or .jpg files. I currently have all of the buttons working and are loading an external .swf file on to the screen. The problem I am having is that when I go from one button to the next the loaded .swf stays on the screen and the next .swf gets loaded on top of it. I know that I need to unload the file but I am not sure where to put the code for the unload or what code exactly to use. I would like when the button is pressed to unload the previous loaded .swf and load the new .swf without having a separate button to unload.
I'm trying to unload an external SWF on _root to load a new one instead. I've tried (almost) everything but can't figure it out... I get this error : "Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties."
So i've created an interface for a lobby display. It's running on a 52" LCD (1280x768). I have the computer hard wired to the display (HP Laptop with standalone flash player) and have the same resolution settings set on it. Now, I built the interface on my Mac desktop and have the stage set to 1280x768.
The kicker: When i run it on the display, there's a lot of extra vertical space at the bottom. When i change the resolution to 1280x1024, it fills the screen vertically properly, but then shortens it horizontally.
This was created with frames in dreamweaver and the nav bar and index page movie are swf files. When you click on the pages in the nav bar it redirects to the index page. It does this the majority of the time and every now and again when you click it will go to the actual page.The way it is set up in dreamweaver, it has the nav movie in the top frame and the content in the bottom. All I did was change the old i.p address to the domain name because our host changed. I did nothing else and then this started not working correctly.I have checked and double checked all links in flash and they work from the swf but when it is loaded in the browser it does that weird linking to the index again. This is the code in flash to link to the pages:
I made a swf using a software some softwares allow to create swf...but i want to put in some extra buttons into when i try to import the swf into the fla it wont load fact it wont load correctly into the fla...anyway i can fix it? and get it to load correctly?
The movie will not play the same after I embed it in a pdf. pretty sure all the right selections were made when exporting.
I have a stop in the first frame of the movie and a button to start the movie. But when the movie is opened in the pdf it has skipped that frame and it starts to play automatically.
I created a flash file (I will refer to this a swf.1) that plays correct when published as swf.However when I place it into another flash file the nested animation inside the swf.1 does not run.The nested animation in swf1. that does not run has a mask. Would this have anything to do with it?
I have a Flash movie embedded as shown below. In Firefox, the movie renders beautifully In IE7, the movie is scaled down, pixelated, and looks bad.There is no HTML aside from what you see here - no CSS or anything.
I have tried a million different ways, nothing works.My main website is a .php file, so I am having trouble getting it to work.I embed using[code]...but it just shows up as a white box flash. (with the flash watermark)if i load the flash directly, it works website is [url]...
ok, i have been working on this for a week or so, and yes it has been a week. I don't have the internet where i am from so I resorted to ebooks that I had downloaded. The problem is, is that I have made a very simple math program. You decide which operand you want to use and a randomly generated questions pops up. You answer the question and you are told whether you are right or wrong. This continues 5 times where you are graded based on percentage correct. I am not worried about taht part yet, I want to get my if else statement working correctly first.
The first frame is the frame where you choose your operand. The second frame is where you solve the problem, and the last frame is where you are told whether you are correct and what your percent so far is.I have an ebook teaching me but I have had some success in prior programming. When my program didn't work, I debugged and eventually ripped the program straight from the book. It still isnt working correctly.
I can not generate a working .swf file from my old files. It is either that I have not saved the correct file from 2005 or my cs3 is not compiling it correctly.
I'm trying to build a slideshow, I don't have issue with parsing. But the main problem is I can't make it load correctly to next photo. I go that error message:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null. at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/addChild() at com::handleLoadedEachThumbnail()
Just want to be sure I am broadcasting my p2p stream correctly. I cannot play the stream so I want to make sure I am broadcasting correctly first then I will move on to worrying about playing it.
I created a netconnection. nc.connect("rtmfp://blah/multicast"); onNetStatus I check for connection success. On connection success get my webcam and audio and attach it to my stage for local viewing.
When I click Publish it makes a netgroup with the nc. On netgroup success I create a netstream with the nc.I attach the camera and audio to the netstream. On netstream success I publish. I get publish success.
Does that mean I am publishing correctly? I have no way of conveniently viewing the stream. When I try to make a new netconnection, netstream, and try play it doesn't work. I don't know if it is because it refuses to play my own stream or if I am not publishing correctly. It does say I am publishing.
I have used a scrollpane on my new site, it scrolls but only if you click the arrows or click in the scroll bar, if you actuall try and scroll by dragging (which people would because it's long) it vanishes![URL]
basically in english, i'm trying to say that:if color is equal to purple or orange or brown then do this, else if color is equal to red or pink or green, then do this.the error the above code is having is that, no matter what _root.currentSection is, it always goes to the first if statment, so leads me to believe i'm using the || operator wrong.
basically in english, i'm trying to say that: if color is equal to purple or orange or brown then do this, else if color is equal to red or pink or green, then do this. the error the above code is having is that, no matter what _root.currentSection is, it always goes to the first if statment, so leads me to believe i'm using the || operator wrong.
I am working on a website and I would like it to have a preloader.This website is scripted using Flash CS3 and AS2.There are two scenes, one is "preloader" the other is "tsh".roblem is, the swf file does not display while it loads, then after it loads it displays the preloader for a second and jumps right into the next scene. How can I make it load the preloader scene first, then preload the "tsh" scene? - I have put this code into "preloader"Frame 1:
When I embed a swf it does not function the way it does when not embeded. I don�t no what the problem could be. Here are the links and source code below. The scroll bar on the bottom does not function and the 360 click and drag of the photos does not work.
Code: //******************* Scroll Functions for Large Images ******************************* var maxSpeed:uint=50;
I have tried numerous things but when I insert the FLVplayback Component into flash that is linked to an external video source the fullscreen function will not work but the video plays as needed.
In my flash game the font i choose looks perfectly fine on my computer (being played from a website) but when i use a computer at school or my friends computer, all the font is ALWAYS times new roman.. this happens with every game i make..
I tried switching from tlf text to classic text.... but it didn't change at all.. can someone help please? I have been facing this problem for months now.
I'm building textbox dynamically as i normally do, i'm importing a font to the library and embedding the font to the textfield. However for some reason when the text is White it doesn't antialias correctly. I'm using white, pink and bronze text, when it's bronze or pink it is fine but when it is white or even a colour close to white then it blurs and looks messy.
here are my text box and format settings are attached.
I have a website I created in Flash (CS4 AS2), and on one page, I have a UIScrollBar component. It is linked to a text box, which loads text from an external .txt file. The page has a short pre-loader that plays while the page is loading; the page is not supposed to be shown until it's 100% loaded.
My problem is that when the page loads, the text is there, and there is a box where the scroll bar should go, but no scroll bar. The mouse wheel makes the page scroll as it should, but the bar itself is not visible or functional. If I navagate away and then return to the page, or reload the page, the bar displays as it should.
I've got a function which is constantly running to see if a set of movie clips (ball0_mc, ball1_mc etc.) have been placed in a target zone. Once the ballPlaced[#] value is true for a partiuclar moive clip, the movie clip starts acting in different ways depending on which other balls have been placed in a target zone (i.e. their ballPlaced[#] value is also true).
The 'if' and 'else if' conditional statements are contained within the playVideo() function which is constantly running through the ENTER_FRAME event. [code]...
I have a PC fiash file with static body text that is New Gothic font. The published swf looks great on the PC, though when testing on Mac, none of the text appears. I thought that with static text fields, the font is automatically embedded?
how I can get the font to display properly on a Mac?