ActionScript 2.0 :: Load An ActivX Control Into Flash?

Feb 18, 2006

Is it possible to load an ActivX control into flash - that makes it possible to have 3D in flash?

Btw, how do I load an ActivX control into flash?

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How To Measure Silverlight Or Flash Control Load Time With Google Analytics

May 22, 2010

I have a simple silverlight page for for finding available domain names. This problem is equaly valid for a flash control as well.

I use Google Analytics for monitoring the traffic. I would like to find out how long it take for users to download and render the Silverlight control.

Once the java script on a page is loaded there should be a way to start a timer and then stop the timer once the Silverlight/flash control is loaded. Key points I would like to measure are:

Time it takes to download the silverlight/flash control Time it takes to initialize the control

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Flash :: Control Movie From JavaScript When Have No Control Over The Source?

Nov 4, 2009

Is it possible to control a Flash movie from JS when you have no control over the source? I have decompiled the movie to see its inner workings, but I know nothing about Flash, so I'm mostly in the dark. I found this resource, Interaction with JavaScript, but it's not working for me (probably because I don't know what message to send to the movie).

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Flash :: Control Flex Application From Embedded Control?

Mar 21, 2010

I have a flex application and have embedded a flash (SWF) file into it using <mx:SWFLoader>. There is an "Exit" button on the Flash file. I want to be able to handle the button click event on the flex application.

So when that button in the flash file is clicked, I want to perform an action in the parent flex application.

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Timeline Control In AS3 On Frame Load?

Sep 10, 2009

What was simple is now documented by 15 pages of chicken scratchesI have searched through the docs and am just lostWhat I want to do was simple enough in AS2: onClipEvent (EnterFrame)_root.gotoAndPlay("2");But can't be done now. It doesn't work as a frame action either without the onClipEvent. All I want to do is go from the last frame of the timeline to frame 2 and skip the preloader. How the heck do I do that in AS3? I've searched online and cannot find the method, and perhaps search terms don't work. Anything I can find applies to AS2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Loader To Load, Then Control A Swf?

Jan 29, 2008

I'm loading a swf with the AS3 Loader class. It's being done from a main.swf that has nothing but a preloader display. The content is all in the swf that I'm loading with the Loader class. It's working. But the swf's playhead seems to be already 40 or so frames down the timeline once it's displayed on the stage. So I want to tell the loaded swf to gotoAndPlay(1) after the preload is complete in the relevant handler. The handler fires, but I don't know how to access the swf in question.loader.content returns a DisplayObject and trying to talk to it with MovieClip properties throws errors. I've tried to cast it as a MovieClip based on various things I've seen via searches here and in the docs, but that's failing, too.How does one do this the "right" way?And for that matter, why has the timeline already started to play before the swf is visible on stage?

ActionScript Code:
private function onLoadComplete(event:Event):void {
// what can I do to take _loader.content and make it accessible for a gotoAndPlay() or some


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Load A Swf And Control Its Timeline?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm trying to load a SWF into a main movie, and then control its time line(nextframe and gotoandsop) with a button in the main movie (parent.)

i'm using this code to load the movie:

Code: Select allvar mcExt:MovieClip;
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, swfLoaded);
ldr.load(new URLRequest("home.swf"));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load An Image And Control It?

Feb 27, 2010

i want to load an image and give it an instance name to control it, i tried the following code

for (var i:int = 1; i < 4; i++) { var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); var fileRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myImage_0" + i + ".gif"); myLoader.load(fileRequest); addChild(myLoader); = "myImage_0" + i; myImage_01.x=100}

the following erroe occured:

1120: Access of undefined property myImage_01.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control The External SWF To Play It's Outro And Then Load The Next SWF?

Sep 20, 2009

It's all about loading and unloading external swf's.My code is working perfectly though I just have some questions about load and unload issues.


I have three buttons on the stage and it should load its external SWF

homeButton_btn - home.swf
page1Button_btn - page1.swf
page2Button_btn - page2.swf

Each of the button should load it's external SWF's intro when click.My problem is that I don't know how to command the button to play the swf's outro and then load the next swf everytime I click a button. Example: When I click homeButton_btn, the external swf should load "home.swf" and then if I am going to click page1Button_btn, the outro of "home.swf' should play and then once it reaches the end of it's timeline, it should load "page1.swf". Same goes with page2Button_btn, whatever swf that is on the stage should play it's outro first and then load "page2.swf"

My questions are: 1. How can I control the external SWF to play it's outro and then load the next SWF.

2. What code should I put at the end of the external SWF's timeline.

3. Where do you think I should put the preloader? Is it better to put it at the external swf timeline? or on my main swf timeline?

4. Does load and unload of external swf also work with movieclips? Like for example I will not use a external swfs, instead I will use movieclips to load and unload its content.My Actionscript 3.0 code

var pageContainer:Loader;
pageContainer = new Loader();
var nextMov:String;[code].........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Movie Clip And Control From Main Timeline?

Jun 30, 2010

Trying to load a movie clip into another movie clip and control the loaded clip timeline from main stage.


var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Transcription-RNAChain.swf");


The movie appears to load, as it appears on the stage, but it throws the following error in the debugger on frame 1:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

Additionally, I'm getting neither the result of function loadingError or function finishedLoadingFunction.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load And Control Swf Files In Main Time Line?

Jun 27, 2011

I need to load an into and exit .swf files into my project. I have the code to load the swf but it is an animation (with sound) and it continues to loop. What I need it to do is play once then move (and stop) on the next frame of the main timeline. [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timeline/load Control From Separate Html Page?

Oct 22, 2009

I am working on a flash piece that is composed of one master swf that has five options/sections within it. Each option loads two separate swfs that operate at the same time. Within those swfs are url links which open in the same window, replacing the page with the flash piece on it. Is it possible to link back from the opened url in a way that will go to the frame in the main swf's timeline that will reload the relevant swfs?

I had suggested just targeting a _blank window but the person I am attempting this for doesn't want that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control The Music In A Base Movie When Different Movies Load Into It?

Feb 6, 2004

i want to know weather it is possible to control the music in a base movie when different movies load into it using load movie. it can done manually by using a volume slider. but is there any way to controll it using action script??Suppose "start.swf" is a base movie with a music (xyz.mp3, event sound, 50 loops) in which different movies load in defferent levels. I want to controll the sound volumes differently when each movie loads & plays.

like when "one.swf" loads the volume = 50,
"two.swf" loads the volume = 0

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Flex :: Load Spark Image Control And Wait For Complete Loading

Sep 16, 2011

how can I load in flex spark Image control and wait for complete loading? MX:image have method load() and listen COMPLETE event this is not in spark there only source?? or how can i listen when image is complete loading??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Loader To Load An External Swf And Control The External Swf?

Nov 17, 2010

as3 is new for me, but i would like to write a script using loader to load an external swf, and control the external swf. But I find I can't control the swf, because there are no fixed instance name. here is my script.


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Flex :: Manipulate Child Control Inside A Panel Control?

Oct 12, 2009

I am trying to manipulate (move up and down, enable/disable and launch a form) child controls inside a panel control. However I am unable to get the id of the child control on which the click event occurs. To illustrate, I am trying to create similar functionality as is available. I am trying to create the up-down buttons that you see in the image at http:[url].......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Music / Sound Control And FX Sounds Control

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im trying to make a music/sound control and FX sounds control,so i have my FX volume level as a variable(FX_vol) and also the Music/sound volume level as a diffrent variable(M_vol),so i set them as sounds that i can use trough coding:


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Flash :: Passing A "control" As Parameter Vs Passing Id Of The Control?

Jan 2, 2012

1) Passing a control itself as parameter into a function 2) Passing an id ( managed manually) of the control as a parameter into a function . Say for an array of controls I have ctrl_Array = [ my_btn, my_mc, my_dtg ] and corresponding id_Array[0,1,2] PS: If my question is difficult to understand, i just wanna know, if it is a good programming practice to pass control references among the classes as function parameters ?

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Jquery :: AJAX .load - Flash Chart Doesnt Load In IE?

Nov 19, 2009

An IE issue has me completely stumped. I have a coldfusion page that uses JQuery's AJAX .load function to load in a new flash file that is generated by coldFusion's cfchart tag. This works completely fine in firefox: the new flash file and new html elements load. However in IE: all of the html elements that are geneated with the flash object are loaded, except the flash object and embed tags do not show up at all after running an ajax call in IE. After looking in Fiddler, the flash application type response data doesnt even show up for IE. It does however for Firefox.I thought maybe it has to do with any kind of media, so i changed the chart type to output as a jpg file instead of flash. And it loads completely fine in IE. So something is preventing IE from receiving the flash response data.Here's what i've done so far - and no luck so far:

Added to the HTML header: <META


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Internet Explorer 8 - IE8 With Loading FLASH. SWF Loads And Renders Correctly On Initial Load, But On Any Subsequent Refresh It Fails To Load

Mar 7, 2011

I need some help? Anyone experience this problem before with IE8 FLASH bug? Can not get this to work on all subsequent refresh to the flash. I have a flash piece which simply renders only on the first initial load. After that, if i refresh or visit the page, it does not load correctly. It seems I am having this problem with the swf only on subsequent loading of the page or whenever a refresh happens.

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Flash Load ALL Scenes Of A Movie Or Does It Load The First Scene And Then Load The Other Scenes?

Jun 2, 2010

I am working with a project that has many scenes. Each scene has a movie clip attached to it. The first scene is simple...just a couple of buttons and that is it. My worry is that when I add all of the videos that correspond with each button and publish the SWF will be a huge file. THE QUESTION: Does flash load ALL scenes of a movie or does it load the first scene and then load the other scenes when the user needs to view them?

My ultimate goal is to just have the first scene load and then when the user clicks on the buttons contained within that scene that only upon release does the corresponding scene load. Maybe I am doing this completely wrong and should look at doing it another way.

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Flash 9 :: Flash Interaction With Windows Volume Control?

Nov 28, 2008

Is it possible for flash to access the windows xp system volume controls?I assume flash can't by it's self, but can flash be used to trigger a function in another language that can access and alter the system volume? At least detect if the audio is muted on the system and give the option to turn it on.The flash movie would be embedded in a browser. The content of the movie has audio that is required. We want the user to be able to control the system volume from within the flash movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can Non-flash Rollovers Control A Flash Movie

Aug 1, 2007

I have been racking my brain trying to come up with the best way to make a flash movie that can interact with html links on a page. Basically there is a list of products (about 20) that are currently just html links. On the home page, the client has asked for a flash movie. When you roll over product items, the flash movie should jump to an animation relating to that product. These animations could all be built on the timeline of one flash movie, or could be multiple .swfs.

So far the best idea I can come up with is to have multiple swfs. I could potentially position each one absolutely so that they stack on top of each other. Then use CSS or javascript to change the stacking order when you rollover the links.

- I have used javascript to make disjointed image rollovers, is it possible to mouseover a link and then swap a swf file?

- if you mouseover the link, can javascript send a variable to flash, and then have actionscript detect that variable and send the movie to the appropriate keyframe?

- Is it possible to achieve the effect I am looking for if you click the links instead of rollover them?

I am using flash cs3, so i can use actionscript 2 or 3. What I am trying to avoid is creating the whole page in flash, as it would be inconsistent with the rest of the site.

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Control Many Flash Objects At Once?

Aug 25, 2009

I have 10 different buttons and I want to toggle their visibility with one command. How do I group them to achieve this?

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Control Flash Movie On PC1 From PC2?

Oct 14, 2010

i have a simple 2 frame movie on pc1, when it starts it goes to and stops at frame 1 , we need to be able to change to frame 2 when a user clicks a button on PC2 (can use php/VB etc). It's all on a closed lan so no security problems .

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Control Different Flash Projector On Same LAN?

May 25, 2010

Does anyone know how to control a projector on a pc, from another projector on another pc, in the same LAN?

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Control A SWF Flash Loop?

Sep 19, 2011

We are going to make a lot of small flash animations with different messages, and put them on a big screen. They will be saved as SWF files.

Is there a framework or anything that enable us to make a easy controller for this, so we can control both a loop, but also play a specific clip when we want?

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Flash :: IDE - Control Of An Html Div Tag

May 25, 2005

Can Flash control the visibility of a html layer <div>? Example: I am building an eyeblaster style banner and would like flash to turn off the visibility of the div containing this banner, either when they click close or the movie reaches a specific frame on the timeline.

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IDE :: How To Control Flash With JavaScript

Jan 14, 2009

I have a music web site that has 20+ song titles per page. I have a small flash mp3 player for each song which works properly.I run into a problem though if you click to play a second song. The first one keeps playing, so they end up playing simultaneouslyI understand there is a way to control Flash using Javascript so that when you click on a new song, the other one will stop.

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IDE :: Control 3D Object In Flash

Feb 24, 2010

how to import 3d on the link above and then left menu choose 3DVR to see the what i'm asking for..i have a few questions about.. how to importing 3d object into flash? which file format they use?..... which software they use to create 3d object for website?

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