ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadAndSend Losing Some Values From PHP?

Aug 12, 2010

recently tried developing an flash application that would send info to php and php should read a browser cookie and pass back the cookie value as e.g myCookie = $myCookie, where:

$myCookie = $_COOKIE['test'];

Funny enough in Actionscript myCookie is read as blank but the other variables that are hard coded are showing. what could be the problem PLEASE HELP I desperately need the solution. My Code is given below:

PHP Code:

[U]file next.php[/U]
$myCookie = $_COOKIE['test'];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Losing Variable Values Between Functions?

Nov 9, 2009

I'm trying to do something simple in actionscript as simple as this:- Create a variable: var urlVideo:String;- Use that variable inside a function and give it a value: urlVideo = ideoElemento.url.text();- Then create a new variable and give it the urlVideo value: var url:String = urlVideo;

Here's my code:
var idVideo:String = "12";
var urlVideo:String;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Losing/not Assigning Value?

Jul 26, 2010

I followed a dynamic gallery scrolling thumbs tutorial and then changed it quite a bit to fit my needs.

I basically added a previous and next button and image title box.

It all works great apart from one thing.

e.g. I click on thumb 5. I then use the next button and go to say... image15. I then click on thumb 9. When I use the prev or next button again it will resume from image15, but it should then carry on from thumb 9 as that was the last change I made.

I thought this would be as simple as assigning the thumb variable value to the image number variable. i.e myID = id; but it doesn't work. my variable myID actually loses its value when I click the thumb image (I used the trace to clarify).

Here is the code.

PHP Code:

function bttnClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
root.logo.visible = false;
myID = id;


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Flash :: CS4 Losing My Panel Groups

Aug 27, 2010

I've noticed recently (the last week) that when I open Flash CS4, the Tools panel and the Actions/Timeline/Compiler Errors/Output panel group are not automatically open, like they always were before. Does anyone know of anything I could have changed by accident?

At the same time this started happening, I have a file that has a moving hot spot that is set with keyframes (depending where the active button is on the bitmaped screen capture behind the button). Even though the  button's onRelease handlers are advancing the timeline correctly, my button is not in the right place in the runtime version. If's still fine in the development environment. It's like the layers are out of sync with each other.

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Flash :: Session Data Is Losing With It

Jul 13, 2011

I'm using Flash uploader(uploadify, swfupload) with CodeIgniter, want to get the session data. I have found out that the flash does not send the session data, so I have set $config['sess_match_useragent'] = FALSE;

Now for example i have set session value myname in session and I can get it on my backend PHP script using Internet Explorer.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Losing The Path To External JPG?

Mar 1, 2011

I found the problem. I had my container as a guide. I took off the guide and it shows up in my server. But why did it show up on my local computer if it still was on guide then?I have external jpgs that are loading into a flash website. When I run it off my hard drive it works. But when I put it on my server the external jpgs are no longer loading. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong with my paths?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Losing Mouse_up After Reparent

Mar 18, 2009

how to fix it:

public function setupDragDrop(asset:MovieClip) {
asset.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function(e:MouseEvent) {


so basically just a function to add drag and drop functionality to an asset, note that when you mouse_down on the asset it takes it from where-ever it is and moves it to a container that sits at the top level in front of everything else.

This however appears to 'disable' the mouse_up event, which is never called in this case. If i remove the re-parenting then the mouse_up is called fine.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Losing Shared Objects On Update?

May 25, 2009

I just recently made an online game and was asked to implement saving features. Everything works fine but a single detail... When I update the swf (right now I have a new version with corrected bugs) people are gonna lose all their saved data !

Is there a way to use the same shared objects over multiple swf ? Or simply to keep them over the version change ?

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Flash :: Losing Image Quality In Movie

Sep 10, 2009

I have a logo which I have created in photoshop, it is made up of 4 layers, some of which I want to animate. I create my movie, I do so by opening my PSD file and then animating the layers. However I have a problem in that when I view my movie the image quality is poor, and there is what I would describe as noise around some of the image.

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Professional :: Losing Gradients When Importing Swf To Flash?

Mar 1, 2010

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Professional :: Losing Quality While Exporting Clips As MOV Or AVI

Oct 31, 2011

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Professional :: Converting .swf To Video Without Losing Frames

Feb 11, 2012

This question has been asked and incorrectly answered a number of times already. Specifically, on an Apple computer, it seems that there is no way to get a video file (.mov, .mpg or any other) out of Flash Pro without severe loss of quality or complete destruction of frame rate.

My .swf files look fantastic, just like they are supposed to. The play at the correct frame rate and all items work as I have set them up. When I go to export it as an .mov or .mpg, the frame rate speeds up and slows down depending on the objects on the screen. I have played with the settings endlessly, knocking the quality down to almost the lowest settings (something I would rather not do after working very hard on my piece) as well as adjusting the frame rate options all over the place to see if anything changed. Nothing. I have read many a forum where Flash creators have the same problems and are tearing their hair out because their work is essentially useless being stuck in Flash.

I know that there are programs that convert .swf files to video very well, some of them cost about $100. Why buy Flash in the first place if you have to buy another, almost equally priced piece of software just to get your content out of Flash? I also know that there are hundreds of free video converters out there for Apples, none of them seem to be able to handle the .swf format, but can do just about everything else. I further know that for windows, there is the free Iwisoft .swf to video converter that works just fine, but does not handle Apple created .swf files when ported across to a PC. How is it that such software is easy and free on a Windows machine, but not a Mac?

I would love it if an Adobe rep could answer some of these questions because I have been all over the web looking for answer to which no one seems to have the right one. Most people can suggest a good video converter that works for them, but they haven't tried it on a .swf file and when the original user tries it, it does not work and the thread dies there.

View 11 Replies

Flex :: Prevent Variable From Losing State After Being Set?

Nov 4, 2009

I've hit a very strange issue in adobe flex and I'm not sure how to solve it. I have a popup box that is called on creationComplete before startup of my main application. The popup simply asks for an email address and then the application is enabled showing the email address in a label component.

However, when I try to access the email address from the label component called UserID.text in the application, it is always null even though it is visually present in the label box...It seems like it loses state HOW in earth can I keep it from losing state? I need to access the label or some variable throughout the use of the application and everything I try always ends up in a null variable?The main part of the application that sets the label is here:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:controls="com.iwobanas.controls.*" xmlns:local="*" creationComplete="showWindow(true)">
private function showWindow(modal:Boolean):void


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Stage Losing Focus?

Feb 2, 2010

I built this incredibly brilliant scrolling thumbnail image viewer for a client in flash actionscript 3. (Basically it just scrolls up or down depending on the mouse position). It works so so, (I can never get the percentages right so that it shows the top most image) but, that's beside the point. What is REALLY irking me is when I have the browser window open with my .swf loaded and I click on another app on my desktop, the stupid scrolling thumbnail area in the browser window starts to freak out.

"Where is my mouseY?" I assume it is thinking.

Is there a stage.Unfocus event I can tell my scrolling thumbnail area to STFU with?

I'd even consider writing some javascript to call a flash function, if that's a preferred technique.

function checkMousePos(e:Event):void
if(mouseX < 145){


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Flex - Losing Extension When Use FileReference Download

Jul 14, 2010

I need user download JPEG file from my app, however, when user change the file name the saved file will be downloaded without extension.

For Example: I am using and set the default filename as "demoPic.jpg" and user's windows system setting control file extension not being shown. So when the dialog opens a download window, only "demoPic" shown as the filename. If user saved file without changing filename, the saved file will be OK. But if user change file name, the download file will be saved without extension. is it possible to add file extension to filename when user forget it by flex code?

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Html :: Flash Losing Variables On Hide?

Aug 17, 2011

I have a flash file in a div. This div is set to visible (display:block;). The div has two sister divs. All three divs are controlled by custom built jQuery tabs, so when another tab is clicked, the currently visible div turns display:none;. When the tab is reclicked to set the flashes div to display:block, the flash file loses all its values that are stored (for example in a textarea, all the text gets reset, and where a element stores a path to the image, that gets reset).

I have tried other methods like width:0; height:0;, which sort of works, but as the flash file is larger than the other two divs, it is still visible underneath. So then I tried overflow:hidden; but the same issue still occurs as above (losing values).

visibility:hidden isn't applicable as there is a large white space where the flash file should be.

position:absolute; top:-800px; left:-600px; loses variables.

border: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 1px; also loses variables.

Is there any other method I can use? I have wmode=transparent aswell.

Below is the code of my flash embed:

<object wmode="transparent" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="690" height="2047" id="gdh_v3_1" align="middle">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Losing Extensions?

Mar 19, 2007

I need to allow a user to download images from my app, but everytime a user attempts to download, the extension is stripped from the filename I provide.This is only happening in Firefox & IE on Windows. It's working just fine on OSX.

I'm using, and specifying the filename as "imageX.jpg". However, when the file dialog opens on Windows to save the document, only "imageX" is shown as the filename, and the extension is never saved. In the "Save As type..." field, there is only the "*.*" option available.

The majority of our users aren't technically savvy, so a lot of them don't realize that if they put a .jpg extension on the file they just downloaded, they'll be able to view the image.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Escaping Fullscreen Losing Focus

Oct 28, 2008

Does anyone know if there's a workaround to the fact that when you escape fullscreen mode in a browser, the swf seems to lose focus? I'm doing fullscreen video and I have to press the pause button twice when returning from fullscreen. I noticed the same problem with YouTube videos.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage Key Listener Losing Focus?

Nov 3, 2008

I have a class listening for key presses attached to the stage, works fine until...a menu item that when clicked removes the menu from the display list. This seems to cause the stage to lose focus & I need to click the mouse on the SWF to get the keys to register again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Duplicate Bitmap Without Losing Data?

Nov 22, 2010

I'm creating a mosaic application from facebook images and I have all of the coding working, my problem is I'm duplicating (cloning) Bitmap's in the final mosaic because obviously there aren't enough images on everyones facebook to make up the 1000+ images in a mosaic

See in the upperleft how all the images are very well defined, but then as the grid continues to the bottom and right each image gets less and less accurate until it is just one color...The code I am using is just,

ActionScript Code:
var myClone:Bitmap = new Bitmap(arrayBMD[index]);

where arrayBMD is an array that holds each BitmapData for each Image.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Losing Class Scope With SetInterval?

Aug 10, 2006

How do I fix this? With this code in my class:

function moveDelay():Void {
myInterval = setInterval(this.movePoints, delay);

I lose scope when it calls the function. "this" becomes undefined.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize Flash Without Losing Quality?

Apr 10, 2010

I just completed a task for someones website and it is basically an animated banner. Well, I made it at 1350px wide, and they now want it resized to 900px. When I resize it in html, it loses a lot of the quality.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent TextField From Losing Focus?

Dec 4, 2010

i have a button that clears the entire TextField but clicking the button makes me lose focus from the TextField. Right now I'm just putting the focus back with stage.focus = textField; as the event occurs.

Is it possible to somehow not lose focus from a TextField when pressing a button?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Loaded Movie Losing OnRollover Functionality?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a Flash file (call it main.swf) that contains an empty movie clip along with some buttons.In this Flash movie, depending on the button you press, another Flash movie (call it load.swf) is loaded into the empty movie clip.In this loaded swf,I have code to display a tooltip when the user rolls over certain objects within it. The tooltip code works with a movieclip called mcTooltip and changes the background color and text in the text box within mcTooltip.

If I open the load.swf standalone, the tooltips work fine. However, when I roll over the objects from within the main.swf file, they don't work.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic Form (going Back And Forth Without Losing Data)?

Oct 22, 2009

Here's what I'm trying to do: http:[url].....It's basically a form with 6 pages that you can scroll through back and forth, in case you missed some information and want to go back to review.I think the concept is good, but I'm unsure how to actually make it work.Here's a screenshot of the timeline so you get a feel of how I made it (but you probably already know...): http:[url]....

What I did was create a mask and the form scrolls through.... it goes forward until frame 45, then it goes backwards.For example, if we are on the page 2 of 6 and hit back, it plays the "backwards" animation and jumps back to frame 1 (of course not playing backwards, but with a "gotoAndStop(1);" command).The problem is that if I fill up, let's say all the info in the page 1 of 6, and then scroll through.. when I come back to that page, the info is lost.Here's what the form looks like: http:[url].....

I have named every input text and checkbock accordingly but am unsure how to make the input data actually stick to each field so that the "going back and forth" actually works.... how to get this done? The next step is to actually send out the form to a php script.. but first things first .My *guess* is that a script has to be added when I hit the "next" button - so that it sticks the field values (what the user typed) into each field, and stays there. This would also help gather info from each page for when it's ready to be sent.

View 38 Replies

Professional :: Get Object Filled Without Losing The Lines And Shape?

Mar 23, 2010

I need to fill it all with one color and I need to keep all the lines. What the best way to get this object filled without losing the lines and shape?

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Professional :: Resizing Video In Flash Without Losing Quality

Jan 11, 2012

I have a higher resolution .flv file and I'm trying to replace an older version within my Flash file. However once replace (by use of the "swap video" feature when right clicking video), it blows the video up way bigger. When trying to scale down the video, it become fuzzy/pixelated upon output to .swf. Any proper way to resize this higher-res video without loosing picture quality?

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Flex :: Update The Model Without Losing Focus In Datagrid?

Jan 25, 2010

In my Flex Project using Cairngorm, I have a model that stores a bindable ArrayCollection displayed by a DataGrid. My problem occurs when the model is updated by the responder (from a Java service, after an "update" event), because the focus located in a cell of the DataGrid is lost (the scroll position il also lost). So, I retrieve the position before the update, with DataGridEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_IN event :

myModel.focusedCell.rowIndex = e.rowIndex;
myModel.focusedCell.columnIndex = e.columnIndex;

But, from where restore these parameters ? How to trigger this update only when the model is updated ?

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Flex :: Flash Builder Keeps Losing Imported Classes?

Mar 30, 2010

I've been having this really annoying thing happen the past few days, that has happened before but not as frequently. I create a project in Flash Builder, import some classes, and then on occasion it keeps erasing those classes. So then I get errors in a lot of my datatypes, have to go back through my document and retype the datatype so that it reimports the class.

I know flash builder can be a bit buggy at times

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Actionscript 3 :: Losing Leading 0s When String Converts To Array?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a textInput control that sends .txt value to an array collection. The array collection is a collection of US zip codes so I use a regular expression to ensure I only get digits from the textInput.

private function addSingle(stringLoader:ArrayCollection):ArrayCollection {
arrayString += (txtSingle.text) + '';
var re:RegExp = /D/;


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