ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Won't Work. Wrong Path?

Jun 4, 2005

I've got an empty MC called "picture". This MC has the following path:


So, it's an external SWF (photography.swf) loaded in thru the container MC.When I make button at the first frame of photography.swf everything works fine. BUT, when I place the same button inside a MC (called "allphotos") I cannot get this to work.I use he following code for the button:

tb1.onRelease = function() {

It seems to "semi-work", because it loads blank. So at least the current photos disapears.I've used _parent, _level0 etc. Nothing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Making New Image Come Up In Wrong Place

Feb 16, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Book And Target Path Icon Wrong?

Feb 10, 2009

I've now found the code:MovieClip(root).square_mc. rotation= 45;Which has solved the problem fantastically.However my book suggests this format:root. square_ mc.rotation = 45; Also, using the 'insert target path' icon in the AS Window gives a similar syntax. eg for the above it gives this.parent.square_mc.orroot. square_ mc.Neither of which work, and generate the following message 1119:Access of possibly undefined property square_mc through a reference with static type flash display: DisplayObject.Am I doing something wrong, or does this style of controlling multiple time lines just not work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovie/loadclip On Attached MC Giving Wrong Height And Width

Nov 14, 2006

I got this frame i created and gave it a linkage name of : "myframe"

myframe has a picloader mc and a picmask mc..

I loop through attaching "myframe" at proper depths 12 times and once it is attached, i use loadmovie or loadclip to attach an image to myframe.picloader and enforce the mask onthe pic.

once I load the image, i do some tweening effects in AS but the width and height is no longer correct.

myframe is supposed to be 130 x 100 but now im getting 621 by 400.2.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable In Loadmovie Path?

May 15, 2005

I have a variable that is refers to the names of folders, and I need to insert the variable into the pathname when I loadMovie. I cannot seem to get the variable to become part of the pathname

loadMovie('VARIABLE/image.jpg', _root.loadhere);

I've tried parenthesis, [], (), do not know the correct way to call the variable.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: DVD With Image Gallery - LoadMovie Path

Dec 12, 2011

I'm creating a DVD with an image gallery, everything local. But the thing is my loaded images appears within flash, and not outside when I execute the swf. The path of the image is inside an array (from an xml file). If I write the path of my trace(array[x][x]), the image outside flash is shown. But when I write:
loadMovie(array[x][x].toString()) or loadMovie(array[x][x])
It doesn't...
I did a trace of array[x][x] and it shows me the exact path to the image..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Fails When Path Is Passed In Variable

Mar 14, 2009

Oddly if I use a quoted string, like

loadMovie( "" , 1);

it works fine

But if I pass in a variable:

var fullpath:String = ""
loadMovie( fullpath , 1);

it fails ???

Can't find anyone else's comments on such an issue.

Using flash 8, as2 on Mac osx

The example above remote domain example works fine within flash IDE

My actual application using a relative path to a sub directory, for a little obfuscation.

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IDE :: What Is The Path To Get The LoadMovie Command To Jump Back To The 3x3 Grid Page From Movie

Jan 14, 2009

I have a HTML stageholder, this calls a "mainMenu.swf" which essentially controls my site. This "mainMenu.swf" has three buttons: intro, portfolio and contact which are all individual movies. So far, all good... When I have clicked into the portfolio section a 3x3 grid loads with nine buttons, one of these buttons loads a preview page for four movies, when I load one of these movies it plays fine. What is the path to get the loadMovie command to jump back to the 3x3 grid page from this movie? Basically, what is the command to jump up a directory when using loadMovie?


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LoadMovie Won't Work On Second Jpg Load?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a flash movie that loads an external image into a movieclip with the following code:

//Load image


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IDE :: LoadMovie() Doesn't Work When In HTML?

Jul 9, 2009

I have a flash file (main.fla) that contains an empty movie clip which has the action :loadMovie("myMovie.swf");When I test the movie in Flash it works fine.It also works fine when I have Flash closed & just open the (main.swf) file.And, of course, the loaded movie (myMovie.swf) plays fine too.HOWEVER, when I embed the main movie file (main.swf) into an HTML page, it will NOT load "myMovie.swf" like it's supposed to.Note: when I embed "myMovie.swf" into the HTML page, it works fine.

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Professional :: LoadMovie Doesn't Work In Lightbox

Jul 26, 2011

I load multiple SWFs into a single SWF for seamless user navigation and playback. This allows me to have multiple scenes and a single menu from which to jump to them. Now on to the problem...As you can see in my current site, the LoadMovie function works properly when the SWF "loader" sits on an URL>..HTML page opens with an SWF on it, which correctly loads a movie file(s) into it.However, when I put the exact same SWF "loader" file into a prettyPhoto lightbox: URL...(click the Clinical Ink thumbnail to see the lightbox)The first SWF loads fine but it doesn't load the movie into it.I've tried multiple SWFs that also work fine on an HTML page, all with the same result.

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Flash :: LoadMovie Doesn't Work On Server

Apr 30, 2011

I have a flash swf file which I don't want people to be able to download and decompile it . my first solution was to load this swf file in another swf file and put the container swf file in my site . but something's wrong . when I load my swf file in another swf file using : myloader.loadMovie ("myswffile.swf");it works fine in my local computer but when I load these two swf files to my server and try to use them there , it doesn't work .

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Actionscript 2.0 :: In LoadMovie On(release) Failed To Work

Jul 17, 2009

I made one swf with on(release) script working perfectly by itself, but when it is being loaded into another swf with loadMovie script, it failed to work. I tried for a long time but couldn't find a way to due with that,I've made 2 swf's. One is the content consists of a scrollable bar of thumbnails at the bottom, using on(release) going to play particular content on the stage. The other one is navigation with a movieclip named "connn" where the previous swf being loaded into it. [code]which load the content into the movie clip named "connn". It got no problem loading the swf in but I discover that after it is loaded, the thumbnail script of the content failed to work.url...I guess that is the problem of the _root. thing and perhaps changing this I can have it work as perfect as it can be even being called in another swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie() Only Work On A Local System?

Oct 17, 2004

why a loadMovie("movie.swf", "_root.targetMC") would work on a local system, but when put onto a server (with EXACTLY the same file dir setup) would just lock up trying to transfer data? And I am talking about files that just contain one line of text, and nothing more. WTF?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Doesn't Work When Exported

Jan 16, 2007

I did a photo gallery with loadMovie functions and It works fine when I preview it in flash but when I go to export it and publish it on my website the photos don't load into the clip. Is it because I'm in flash MX? do I just need to upgrade or what?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Indesign Created Swf Doesn't Work On Loadmovie

Oct 30, 2010

I am about to eat my keyboard. I created a flash file with some swf's (created in flash) wich are loaded with loadMovie("name.swf", 4); and fscommand to open on fullscreen. No problems everything works 100%! But! When I load swf's that are created with Indesign (the swf's work fine when I open them individually) It doesn't work! It seems it loads the swf every 2 seconds again or something. I sure hope there's anyone who's got a clue for me!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie - Got Movie On Server But Doesn't Work

Apr 2, 2004

In frame I got LoadMovie("", wheretoload); I got movie on server but dont work anymore to mc "wheretoload"!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnEnterFrame Doesn't Work For A Clip Loaded With LoadMovie

Aug 9, 2004

I haven't been able to find documentation on why loaded movies via 'loadMovie' into another movie clip don't seem to obey onEnterFrame commands. The following code represents a movie clip, 'container', which has a loaded external .swf file, 'box.swf'.

I have set the container to begin a decreasing alpha change. I've also added a trace to see if the onEnterFrame is performing at all. What happens is that the box does not appear to have an alpha change. There is, however, a trace that returns an output of '100' only. But no other numbers, suggesting that the command has stopped.

// Start
container.onEnterFrame = function () {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make LoadMovie Work From Both Button And Next / Previous Command?

Feb 13, 2006

I have a photographer's portfolio site in the works. I'm using loadMovie connected to thumbail buttons of each photo to show a larger version of the photo. Here is the script[code]...

Now the photographer would also like to have a next/previous arrow buttons so the user can click through like a slide show. Is there a way to have Flash know what movie is currently loaded and based on that information go to the next or previous?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnEnterFrame Doesn't Work For A Clip Loaded With LoadMovie?

Aug 9, 2004

I haven't been able to find documentation on why loaded movies via'loadMovie' into another movie clip don't seem to obey onEnterFramecommands. The following code represents a movie clip, 'container',which has a loaded external .swf file, 'box.swf'.I have set the container to begin a decreasing alpha change. I've alsoadded a trace to see if the onEnterFrame is performing at all. Whathappens is that the box does not appear to have an alpha change.Thereis, however, a trace that returns an output of '100' only. But noother numbers, suggesting that the command has stopped.

// Start
container.onEnterFrame = function () {


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Professional :: Video Path Doesn't Work?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a flv that is loading from a subdirectory off my flash swf.Everything works fine when I load the video from [url].....However, when i start the video from, the video is not located.What can i do to remedy this?  I'm not using an absolute url in the component parameter inspector.For example
should I use a different path?

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Path Function That Is On A Different Time Line For It To Work

Sep 25, 2009

I am trying to link a button via AS but I need to use a function that is on a different time line for it to work. I have no idea how I am going to do.


I am trying to use the "var flvControl" but that function is located on a different timeline.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Doesn't Work According To Path

Jun 10, 2008

I'm programming a dinamic flash/xml website. up until now I've kept the info for the menus and the one for the gallery (the site has a gallery that displays both text and images) in separate xml files. but I'm trying to make all of it work out of a single xml file. I've managed to make the menus and the gallery all go get the info correctly to the xml (text and images), but then I came up with a problem that jeopardizes the whole show: a path inside the xml's onLoad function refuses to work! the code that bears the function has to be placed into the same clip as the clips that contain the text fields to wich info will be passed or it won't do a thing.

supose this is my actionscript code:

var contentSubMenu = new XML();
contentSubMenu.ignoreWhite = true;


no information is passed to that clip. If the path targets that clip one should expect it to, right? even if all this code is placed on _root, right? well, it doesn't happen...I tried tracing for info that comes from the xml, but nothing is displayed in the output window.

I've attached a zip file that contains a fla file, an xml file, a txt file with the full chunk of actionscript code and the fonts you'll be needing should you decide to take a look (they're only two).

The fla file has been built in the following manner:

_on the right side, the clips that hold the text fields to wich the contentSubMenu.onLoad function will pass info to are directly placed upon _root (so, following the code example from above, it would be like having var buttonList = _root;)

_on the left side, the clips that hold the text fields are down into buttonListSlide_mc and the contentSubMenu.onLoad function is there as well, only commented so it doesn't display anything.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw With Path Class Doesn't Always Work

Mar 29, 2009

So, I'm using this Path Class to make a path and then draw it. I'm having a problem where there are some positions that I draw the path, the entire line does not draw.You can see an example of this here as the dot moves. The line flashes at a few coordinates. Just a small concept example I made. The path is there, it's just not being drawn.

The code :

import com.senocular.drawing.Path;
// create a path instance that draws in _root
var myPath:Path = new Path();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Animation And Loading External Jpg Files Using LoadMovie() - It Is Not Work In Firefox2?

Jan 8, 2007

i created a very simple flash animation and loading external jpg files using loadMovie(). I had test it in IE7 and its works fine but not in Firefox2, it cannot display the jpgs. What is the problem?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Path Branching Game / Choices / How To Make Them Work

Sep 5, 2010

I want to make a simple frame by frame path branching game. The problem is that I know that writing in and filling in EVERY FRAME going all along for EVERY CHOICE PATH would be an insanely tedious amount of work. My basic project is reminiscent of japanese visual novels, and I've been looking for turtorials to help me with this style of role playing games, but all of the tutorials concentrated on the adventure RPGs. : Being a novice at Actionscript, past working buttons to make it go to the next frame and stopping it, I was wondering if its possible to make a choice you make earlier in the game affect it later. Such as, you keep following the game normally afterwards, but depending on your choice you'll go to a different scene later. basically, this way I'd like to eliminate the need to make two duplicate paths with only minor variances to show the changes for some choices. Another thing that I would like to know if its possible to do, though this is less important, as I have yet to look for these things and I'm sure I can find them but a save/load system, easy to find I'm sure. And an unlocking system. Something so that once they hit a certain CG I can unlock it in a 'memories' menu on a main screen.

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Professional :: SWF, HTML Files Only Work When Absolute Path Is Entered Not On Index Page?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a strange problem: When I type the absolute URL to my SWF file it works fine; however, only the background image appears when the SWF is embedded in the home page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Path Movement - Mc To Follow The Path Drawn Out By The Player's Mouse And When The Player Clicks Again, It Erases All Of The Path?

Jul 18, 2010

So I've created a script where a mc is clicked on and the player can draw a path using the mouse. I'm trying to figure out how I can get the mc to follow the path drawn out by the player's mouse and when the player clicks again, it erases all of the code is below

import flash.display.Sprite;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Targetting - Use LoadMovie() To Load Movie Into Main Movie - Buttons No Longer Work

Oct 1, 2003

I have a movie. In it are some buttons and a dynamic text field. When I press the buttons is should load text from a database into the dynamic text field. If I run the movie by itself (ie. not by LoadMovie()-ing it into a different movie) the dynamic text field gets filled with text and all is well and good. However, when I use LoadMovie() to load this very same movie into my main movie, the buttons no longer work; the text field stays empty.


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Get Flash Buttons To Work...'Cannot Find Path' Flash MX 2004?

May 7, 2009

I am trying to get the flash buttons for my website to work, but every time I do the getURL thing it keeps saying 'Cannot find(directory)'. The website is offline and I'm using Macromedia Flash MX 2004, I also might be able to use Flash 8 but these are the only two versions I have access to.The action script for the button is:
on(release){getURL("..********(Website directory)(sub directory)(Website page).html")}
I am making the website in Dreamweaver 8 and this is really holding me back as it's nearly finished but the buttons still don't work.

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