ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Doesn't Work When Exported
Jan 16, 2007
I did a photo gallery with loadMovie functions and It works fine when I preview it in flash but when I go to export it and publish it on my website the photos don't load into the clip. Is it because I'm in flash MX? do I just need to upgrade or what?
I have a flash file (main.fla) that contains an empty movie clip which has the action :loadMovie("myMovie.swf");When I test the movie in Flash it works fine.It also works fine when I have Flash closed & just open the (main.swf) file.And, of course, the loaded movie (myMovie.swf) plays fine too.HOWEVER, when I embed the main movie file (main.swf) into an HTML page, it will NOT load "myMovie.swf" like it's supposed to.Note: when I embed "myMovie.swf" into the HTML page, it works fine.
I load multiple SWFs into a single SWF for seamless user navigation and playback. This allows me to have multiple scenes and a single menu from which to jump to them. Now on to the problem...As you can see in my current site, the LoadMovie function works properly when the SWF "loader" sits on an URL>..HTML page opens with an SWF on it, which correctly loads a movie file(s) into it.However, when I put the exact same SWF "loader" file into a prettyPhoto lightbox: URL...(click the Clinical Ink thumbnail to see the lightbox)The first SWF loads fine but it doesn't load the movie into it.I've tried multiple SWFs that also work fine on an HTML page, all with the same result.
I have a flash swf file which I don't want people to be able to download and decompile it . my first solution was to load this swf file in another swf file and put the container swf file in my site . but something's wrong . when I load my swf file in another swf file using : myloader.loadMovie ("myswffile.swf");it works fine in my local computer but when I load these two swf files to my server and try to use them there , it doesn't work .
I am about to eat my keyboard. I created a flash file with some swf's (created in flash) wich are loaded with loadMovie("name.swf", 4); and fscommand to open on fullscreen. No problems everything works 100%! But! When I load swf's that are created with Indesign (the swf's work fine when I open them individually) It doesn't work! It seems it loads the swf every 2 seconds again or something. I sure hope there's anyone who's got a clue for me!
I haven't been able to find documentation on why loaded movies via 'loadMovie' into another movie clip don't seem to obey onEnterFrame commands. The following code represents a movie clip, 'container', which has a loaded external .swf file, 'box.swf'.
I have set the container to begin a decreasing alpha change. I've also added a trace to see if the onEnterFrame is performing at all. What happens is that the box does not appear to have an alpha change. There is, however, a trace that returns an output of '100' only. But no other numbers, suggesting that the command has stopped.
// Start container.loadMovie("box.swf"); container.onEnterFrame = function () {
I haven't been able to find documentation on why loaded movies via'loadMovie' into another movie clip don't seem to obey onEnterFramecommands. The following code represents a movie clip, 'container',which has a loaded external .swf file, 'box.swf'.I have set the container to begin a decreasing alpha change. I've alsoadded a trace to see if the onEnterFrame is performing at all. Whathappens is that the box does not appear to have an alpha change.Thereis, however, a trace that returns an output of '100' only. But noother numbers, suggesting that the command has stopped.
// Start container.loadMovie("box.swf"); container.onEnterFrame = function () {
In any case I had a question about exporting. You see I imported a flv file (which was converted from a wmv) into Flash Prof CS5, when I did this I got a nice interface to choose a player control skin for the movie. However when I export the movie the player controls are no longer present.I'm doing this simply so I can embed the swf on a website and wish the user to have some control over it.
I am using Flash CS5 and I have created a large, rarely changing framework that I don't want to be recompiled every time I use it in my projects.I must be doing something wrong because the "auto-complete" functionality doesn't show the names of the parameters of the functions.For example, I have a function:
public class Hey { public function show(name:String, num:Number, data:Array):void {...} }
I decided to try to use setInterval for myanimation, which is just a mouse trail.However, I'm trying to get teh mouse trail to be a dynamic mask.In my previous swf this was achieved by using a holder mc with the animation inside and then using this as the mask. But this time I just canpt seem to hit on the right way to get it to work. The code I am using for the mouse trail is:
Code: var i:Number = 0; var myInt:Number; var t:MovieClip;[code].....
in the function, but now the trail doesn't resize and the mask still doesn't work.
I have a button object that I need to scale to align with the variable width of an array of images.However, when I set the width in code, the button does not actually become that width. Tracing out the width gives me the correct value, but on screen.. it's off.
I've proved it to myself by scaling the same button object manually in the properties pane and visually comparing. Both of the buttons below have a width of 410.
I made one swf with on(release) script working perfectly by itself, but when it is being loaded into another swf with loadMovie script, it failed to work. I tried for a long time but couldn't find a way to due with that,I've made 2 swf's. One is the content consists of a scrollable bar of thumbnails at the bottom, using on(release) going to play particular content on the stage. The other one is navigation with a movieclip named "connn" where the previous swf being loaded into it. [code]which load the content into the movie clip named "connn". It got no problem loading the swf in but I discover that after it is loaded, the thumbnail script of the content failed to work.url...I guess that is the problem of the _root. thing and perhaps changing this I can have it work as perfect as it can be even being called in another swf.
why a loadMovie("movie.swf", "_root.targetMC") would work on a local system, but when put onto a server (with EXACTLY the same file dir setup) would just lock up trying to transfer data? And I am talking about files that just contain one line of text, and nothing more. WTF?
I've got an empty MC called "picture". This MC has the following path:
Code: _root.container.picture
So, it's an external SWF (photography.swf) loaded in thru the container MC.When I make button at the first frame of photography.swf everything works fine. BUT, when I place the same button inside a MC (called "allphotos") I cannot get this to work.I use he following code for the button:
I have a photographer's portfolio site in the works. I'm using loadMovie connected to thumbail buttons of each photo to show a larger version of the photo. Here is the script[code]...
Now the photographer would also like to have a next/previous arrow buttons so the user can click through like a slide show. Is there a way to have Flash know what movie is currently loaded and based on that information go to the next or previous?
i created a very simple flash animation and loading external jpg files using loadMovie(). I had test it in IE7 and its works fine but not in Firefox2, it cannot display the jpgs. What is the problem?
I have a swf that is pretty complicated, you can interact with the page and go to different keyframes and it stops and/or starts depending on buttons, but I want to put it in a fla or something so I can put other swfs next to it and build it up and put several of them together as one.
I don't care about making it too complicated, I just want one interactive swf to go to the next compiled swf when that movie ends, but when I try importing it or loading it it just runs straight through without stopping or paying any attention to the scripting.
I am trying to more between frames using the data returned from a node n_EventID in an xml, when the node returns "1408" I want to move to frame 1 but if it returns anything else I want to move to frame 2. The part where the code moves to frame 2 seems to work perfectly but I can't seem to move to frame 1 when "1408" is returned.
xmlResultFinish = new XML(); xmlResultFinish.ignoreWhite = true xmlResultFinish.onLoad = loadXmlResultFinish;
I'm having a problem, where random IE's are not able to display my .swf file. All the IE's are IE8 with the latest flash pluggins and all security's are set at Medium, however some IE's get just a grey box and other's get the full flash file. What's going on? It works fine in Safari and Firefox of course, but why so much difficulty with AS3 Flash9 in IE? here is a link to the site, and it's the big image changer at the bottom of the front page.
But my proublem is that I have a flash presentation.The defalt for moving the slide screens back and forth are left and right arrows.It works fine when tested or even the .swf fileBut then the left and right buttons don't respond when I go to fullscreen.
Is it common for AS3 apps to not work in IE? Is there a way to make them work? I have a movie clip in my library linked to a custom class Main and I have nothing on stage. Just one frame. Everything is built inside that movie clip. I add that movie clip to stage through a document class and everything works perfectly in Firefox and Chrome but when I open it in IE, it's just a blank page.
i followed the instructions oh how to make a centered pop up window here :i'm using a mac..nd it works in Safari... but when i try to use explore to open it, the pop up window doesn't come up...why is that.......? did i do something wrong?here is my website:and please click on 'message' to see for yourself.
this is what i have on the maintimeline:[code]I have 4 moveiclips called: redhex, bluehex, greenhex, and yellowhex.what the above code should do is make a 15x15 grid of hexes (yes i wanted all 4 hex mc's overlapping each other at each space on the grid.).Before i added the lines to dupllicate the blue, green, and yellow hexes also... the redhex movieclip duplicated exactly as it should.But after adding the lines to duplicate the blue, green, and yellow hexes also, in the same locations... Nothing at all showed up when i tested the movie (not even the redhex's)
I've made a rounded rectangle with a gradient fill and another rounded rectangle over it with a transparency to create kind of a glossy effect. Both objects are part of a symbol in the library of the FLA file. Then, I activated the checkbox to create a scale-9 grid, and the Export for Actionscript checkbox in order to add this symbol from AS3. Next I made sure that every rounded corner was completely included in the slices on the edges of the grid. Well, no matter what, the object is scaled as a normal graph: the rounded corners appear bigger and deformed.