ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Loop Sound Board?
Sep 16, 2010
I have spent the last four hours trying to work this out, using a number of different tutorials and always running into roadblocks in one form or another.
I'm using Flash CS3 with Action Script 2.0 enabled.
Essentially, I want to be able to make individual buttons to play in one frame on the main timeline that turn on and off simple loops that I've made.
I have a video of a man dancing, and I want to give the user the ability to press nine buttons and activate each loop to play over the video.
- I need each loop to be able to layer - so, each button controls only it's own loop - giving the user the ability to compose the music that the dancer is moving to.
The way I though I would do this would be to make a single button for each loop, that when clicked played the loop, and then when clicked again muted that single loop, and then when clicked, played it again and so forth.
- I have the nine loops cut up and in the library, but I don't know how to program this.
Additionally, I would really prefer the loops to not be playing, and for the user to have the chance to build the piece of music around the dancer.
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Here's the code that works perfect for the first button:
var sound:Sound = new The_Rloop5();
var soundControl: SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
Now the only thing that i managed to do is to play the same sound on both of the two buttons.
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Feb 14, 2005
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var isNotEndofGame:Boolean = true;
var human:Number; //the user inputs this number.
var aPlayer:Number = getRandomNumber(1,4); //players: 1, 2, 3, 4
while(isNotEndofGame) {
if(aPlayer==human) doHumanMove();
else doCpuMove();
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if(aPlayer==4) aPlayer = 1;
inside function doCpuMove() and doHumanMove() isNotEndofGame will become false when the game objective is met.
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public function rollDie():void
{_dieValue = Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)
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The mc instance for the gameboard is gameBoard. Also, if anyone knows how to trigger a labeled frame depending on which square the circle lands on that would be a plus.
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Apr 30, 2009
I have CS4 but saving doc as CS3 so I hope I am in the right forum. I added a behavior as sound streaming mp3. I want to loop it.. Here is the action code that was generated. How would I change it to looping. I changed the true to false at the end of the code but that didn't work. here it is:
//Load Streaming mp3 behavior if(_global.Behaviors == null)_global.Behaviors = {}; if(_global.Behaviors.Sound == null)_global.Behaviors.Sound = {}; if(typeof this.createEmptyMovieClip == 'undefined'){ this._parent.createEmptyMovieClip('BS_figaro',new Date().getTime()-(Math.floor((new Date().getTime()) /10000)*10000) ); _global.Behaviors.Sound.figaro = new Sound(this._parent.BS_figaro);
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ActionScript Code:
play(song, 100);
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Apr 30, 2009
I added a behavior as sound streaming mp3. I want to loop it.. Here is the action code that was generated. How would I change it to looping. I changed the true to false at the end of the code but that didn't it is:
//Load Streaming mp3 behavior
if(_global.Behaviors == null)_global.Behaviors = {};
if(_global.Behaviors.Sound == null)_global.Behaviors.Sound = {};
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Dec 3, 2009
how to continuously loop a sound, but all I have seen is,1000);Not really a continueous loop. I was looking at watching for one of the COMPLETE dispatches (from the Sound object, or from the SoundChannel object), then start the sound again. The only thing is would this not start another channel?
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Apr 28, 2010
How do I get this sound to loop?
"sonido1" - my mp3
import com.greensock.TweenMax;
import com.greensock.easing.*
function love() {, 1, {volume:1, delay:0.5});
[Code] .....
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Apr 25, 2009
So, I downloaded a simple sound loop from Flash Kit.
I am building a Flash webiste and want the sound to loop once the movie loads. I have added a stop and play button to the movie in case the viewer doesn't want the sound on. I understand sound can be annoying.
I add the following code to the FRAME 1 of the movie. Everything works fine but when the loop finishes, it just stops. How do I get it to continue looping? Also, as I navigate to other sections of the movie.. I want it to continue playing and not restart when I go back to say "Home". Home starts at frame 1 as well.[code]...
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Jun 17, 2010
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Feb 27, 2008
I have created a button which plays an external MP3 file, but the first problem is it only plays once. What script do i have to add so the sound continually loops. Secondly, I have created a button which stops music, but I can't figure out the code which stops the MP3 file playing. I've tried backMusic.close();, but an error message is displayed as the sound is already loaded up.
Heres the ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
[Code] .....
View 4 Replies
Feb 10, 2009
Is there some secret to attaching sound via a loop? I have had to hard code this and write it out 26 times.
Here's what I want:
ActionScript Code:
I've tried it with _root, without, using a variable such as moji = eval("moji"+k) then moji.onPress, but nothing works. It just won't play the sound unless it's hard coded.
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Oct 19, 2003
In the tutorials, there is a sound loop that you start with a button, The fla didn't have a stop script to add to a second button.
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Jan 16, 2004
I don't know why, but my sound dosn't loop, even though I set it to loop, here is the complete code: This is on my 1st frame:
bg_music = new Sound(_root);
bg_music.loadSound("music.mp3", true);
This is on my sound controller clip, shows the progress of the music playing and stuff:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var musicloaded = _root.bg_music.getBytesLoaded();
var musictotal = _root.bg_music.getBytesTotal();
var lprogress = Math.round((musicloaded / musictotal) * 100);
var musicttime = _root.bg_music.duration;
[Code] .....
I tried with "loop" too, but the sound just plays once.
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Sep 20, 2006
can anyone tell me how to loop 5 different sounds, drums, bass, sax etc. When i use :
and play them all, it's ok, looping fine, but what i want to do is to have 5 buttons that control those 5 sounds. turning of and on some of them... i tried with "secondSound.setVolume(0)" to turn off 2nd sound, but that kill them all... CAN i SOMEHOW set volume down just for one sound? OR if thats not possible, i need bass or sax sound to start again, when button is clicked, in the same position where drums sound is...
but when loop start again to start also from "0" i've also tried reading firstsound position:
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Nov 12, 2009
I am trying to add a sound loop to my site and I have managed to get the sound to play and I can make two buttons start and stop. But how can I make 1 button that both starts and stops the sound?
Here What I have got.
var snd:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("dub.mp3"));
var channel:SoundChannel =;
var pausePosition:int = channel.position;
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Jan 16, 2004
I don't know why, but my sound dosn't loop, even though I set it to loop, here is the complete [code]...
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