Make Leader Board Banners - Can't Exceeded Beyond 60kb

May 14, 2009

I got make leader board banners but i cant exceeded beyond 60kb i was wondering whats the best approach for this?

size is 728 x 90 animated flash banners AS2

i have Mac

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//__________________________________________________ ___________________________________


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Several Banners For Individual Pages Of A Web Site?

Sep 17, 2009

i need to make several banners for individual pages of a web site. The banners will each contain different images that i want to have fade in the same way. Also, over the images will be the title of the page. I would like to load the images and text by xml.I was using the uiloader (loading images from a url) but could not figure out how use the xml file as source.Also, for the animation,is there anyway to apply a transition to the uiloader? Is the uiloader even the best way to load xml?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make A Flash Banner That Rotates Banners Out Randomly

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At the moment i am trying to make a flash banner that rotates banners out randomly and also when the guest sees the a banner they are intrested in they can click on it and it will take them to the respective link. I followed some tutorials out there on how to use xml and flash together and came up with this for my flash code:

// set random # variables - each must be 0 for first 'while' loop belowvar randomNum = 0;var randomNumLast = 0;
// parent containervar container_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("container",0);// movie clip


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ActionScript 2 :: How To Make 2 Flash Banners Start Playing At Same Time

Jan 13, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Loop Sound Board?

Sep 16, 2010

I have spent the last four hours trying to work this out, using a number of different tutorials and always running into roadblocks in one form or another.

I'm using Flash CS3 with Action Script 2.0 enabled.

Essentially, I want to be able to make individual buttons to play in one frame on the main timeline that turn on and off simple loops that I've made.

I have a video of a man dancing, and I want to give the user the ability to press nine buttons and activate each loop to play over the video.

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public function rollDie():void
{_dieValue = Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)

I have a class for the dice button, die, gameboard, and the main board. I am trying to make the circle move across the board(or go to the frame in the mc) depending on what the value I get with the dice. Here is my code so far:


The mc instance for the gameboard is gameBoard. Also, if anyone knows how to trigger a labeled frame depending on which square the circle lands on that would be a plus.

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where to get classes to putting together a board game, free of course.I do not want to use them actually but get the idea of how mine would incorporate into the classes.I have a board game where I want each square on the board to know if it is occupied or not, to change its color, and to keep track of what is actually happening with it.

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May 7, 2010

find weather one movieclips area on stage is equal or more than the other.. I mean, ok here it goes, I have some movieclips on stage, circle shaped exactly speaking. Any of these Mcs.onMouseDown event adds another circle to the stage which is a very small circle , and as long as the mousedown event continues it grows in size from the center.The idea is to fill the onstage circle mc with exactly he same size circle.This i could do if the mouse had been clicked exactly in the center of the onstage circle by comparing the width and height of both (I guess havent started doing it yet).

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scratch scratch

Here's the code. 'tester' is an MC instance

Math.easeInOutExpo = function (t, b, c, d) {
if (t==0) return b;
if (t==d) return b+c;


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Dec 4, 2005

Why I am getting:
256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list.
This is probably an infinite loop.
Further execution of actions has been disabled in this movie.

onClipEvent(load) {
this._alpha = 0;
function fadeIn()
{ // add this line somewhere when the fadeIn is finished...
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
[Code] .....

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Media Server :: Failed To Record Livestream (disk Quota Exceeded)

Sep 22, 2011

I'm running the development edition of FMS 4.5 and am trying to get HLS working. Whenever I attempt to publish a stream from FMLE, I receive the message:
f4f:livestream - NetStream.Record.DiskQuotaExceeded
in the livepkgr application instance and Failed to record livestream (disk quota exceeded).in the server log.I realize there are limitations on the development edition (10 minutes of iOS streaming), however usually these limitations restart when the server is reset.  I've restarted the application instance and the server itself, manually starting and stopping the service, and I still receive that error when I first connect and try to publish the stream right after a server restart. I've reset the server multiple times to no avail.
The recording settings in the application.xml are all set to the defaults (-1 for no maximums).Unfortunately I've never been able to get this to work yet so I'm not ambitious enough to start testing it on any production servers.

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Dec 6, 2011

FMS is crashing with the following errors:
2011-12-06  10:24:02    12461   (w)2581227  Shared memory heap (__FCS__) has exceeded 90 usage. Consider increasing the heap size to prevent future memory allocation failures. -2011-12-06  10:24:02    12461   (w)2581227  Shared memory heap (__FCS__) has exceeded 90 usage. Consider increasing the heap size to prevent future memory allocation failures. -2011-12-06  10:24:02    12461   (w)2581227  Shared memory heap (__FCS__) has exceeded 90 usage. Consider increasing the heap size to prevent future memory allocation failures. - 
When I try to restart I get:
2011-12-06  17:33:27    7933(e)2781340  Process 7933 failed to create IPC queue __FCS__ : Failed to allocate shared memory. - I've noticed the problem resolves when I restart fmsadmin. I think fmsadmin is using up all the shared memory, not sure. There are HTTP requests periodically being sent to fmsadmin, could this be a source of memory leak?
The server has 6 GB RAM and there are only about 100-200 connections being used. Runs without issues most of the time, crashes once every few days.What is the shared memory heap and how do I increase it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: From Banners To Different Startpages?

Aug 31, 2009

Lets say I have three different banners: A, B and C I have a main site in flash. Here I want to show a different startpage depending on which banner you have clicked.

So if I click banner A I want to got to startpage A If I click banner B I want to got to startpage B.Is this possible to do with actionscript or is this javascript related or perhaps php/serverside.

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Link Ad Banners To Have Flowing Animation?

Nov 3, 2009

I have seen this done before but cant find any tuts on how to do it. Or even any knowledge on how to program it. What I want to do is use streaming video ini 3 flash banners that are linked together as the background of a site. Also I would like to take the standard banner size 728x69, 250x300 and 160x200 and have the animation run between them all.

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CS3 Two Banners Sync To Start At Same Time

Jun 29, 2011

I have been trying to synch two different banners on a HTML page.

I have checked this link :: [URL]

But I am not sure if the localconnection is needed for what I am trying to achieve.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Banners On Site

Jan 31, 2010

I have 3 banners on a website.Each of them rotate to different "ads" with different urls.When they are viewed at the direct url file location everything works perfect.They click to the correct place.However when they are viewed together on the main site they will not click through.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Sync Two Flash Banners?

Feb 3, 2010

I was wondering of any methods to sync two flash banners? What I mean is  that when the page loads neither banner starts until both are ready? I will have two flash banners like this: |Banner 1| (something else between them, html css) |Banner 2| Both banners will contain video, that needs to be played in sync. Any ideas? I would prefer AS2, because the site I will run these two  banners on prefers AS2. I read something about LocalConnection in AS3, anything similiar in AS2?  And does it work on all OS / browsers? Can it be done with Javascript?

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Professional :: Creating Flash Cs4 Banners

Mar 1, 2010

I'm starting to get pretty good with flash cs4 creating banners. Is there a website with tutorials that I can get some more ideas on creating banners?

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Oct 14, 2010

I just wanted to confirm whether or not webkit can show flash banners.

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Actionscript 2 :: Get 2 Banners To Wait Until Both Are Loaded?

Jul 21, 2011

I have two Flash banner ads, built in CS5.5, using AS2, that will be placed on a page together and appear to interact with each other when played at the same time. Similar to this: [URL]..

The problem is that they might not load at the same time. How can I get each banner to check that the other has finished loading before playing?

I had read that LocalConnection was the way to do this, but I haven't been able to find anything that explains it well.

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Jul 2, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Two Ad Banners To Show On Same Page?

Mar 15, 2010

I am new to actionscript but use Flash to produce banner advertising. I have to produce 2 banner ads for the same page. Its quite simple there is a bouncing ball that bounces from one banner to another. I need a simple script so one one .swf finishes another will start. Obviously I need onload an stop so they work correctly in sync with page loads.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Banners 728X90px?

Aug 24, 2005

if anyone knows of any nice flash banner designs or would like to share some?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Automate The Process Of Building Banners?

Oct 27, 2009

I have a project on which is going to involve me building thousands of flash banners.Which means I want to automate the process as much as possible. Each flash ad, is going to be exactly the same, apart from one word. So, what I want to do is the following:

- list 1,000 different words in my database
- Have flash pull one word from the database (php)
- Change the default text in the fla to the new word.
- then publish the swf, but naming the swf the word from the batabase.
- then repeat the process for the 2nd word in the list.

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