ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Track Of Score On A Leader Board?
Jun 10, 2010
I create a password and go to save the password and get an error saying it not in the table.The error was because i had to press generate php code.That was so fustrating. couldnt belive it . Ive just wrote the answer now if any 1 else has the same error. It was annoying .
//__________________________________________________ ___________________________________
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May 14, 2009
I got make leader board banners but i cant exceeded beyond 60kb i was wondering whats the best approach for this?
size is 728 x 90 animated flash banners AS2
i have Mac
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Aug 3, 2004
in my preloader i made a game, the game plays then has AS that if SPACE is pressed then if will play a winning scene, and if it is not then it will continue on to play the lossing scene, so my AS is like the clip is running then AS<
on (press, keyPress "<Space>") {
so if u press space it will run the good clip if u dont then it will continue running and hit my AS that Gotoandplays (105) which is the lossing squence then it replays this.... So i want to make a counter for this game, a kind of Score board so i made a Dynamic Text Box and i made the var "total" so my new AS is...
on (press, keyPress "<Space>") {
gotoAndPlay(30); =;
So it will add 100 to the score when u succsefully press space in adition to makeing the sucess clip play! But it dosnt work...i dont know why it doesnt, ive tried so many things to make it work...I tested my scrpit with buttons like
On (release) { =;
And the buttons work but not this! why not!
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Jun 7, 2011
I need to create a score board for a game show at work for staff. The score board must keep score on the left and right parts of the screen. score must start as default on 0. Then every time I press for example the left arrow key the left score must increase by the value of 1 and when I press the right arrow key the left score must decrease by 1.Same goes for the right score only with differant keys example up and down keys. This sounds very simple and I managed to get it to work when I tested with only 1 score, but failed when adding the second score to the picture.
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Oct 25, 2011
I am creating a blackjack game and almost have it all figured out besides the scoreboard. When I win the game it adds the 25 points and when I loose it subtracts the 25 points from the starting score = 200. The problem is that if you win multiple times in a row or lose multiple times in a row the score doesn't keep adding up. It only adds or subtracts the score once. I tried using a boolean code but can't get it to work right. Now I am using this set up.
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Dec 15, 2010
I'm having an actionscript 2.0 problem with keeping score. I have a dynamic text box with a variable called score. I have the following action code for that variable:
_root.score = 0;
For the correct answer button I have this action:
_root.score = Number (score) +10;
This works fine to increase the score by 10 for each correct answer. The problem is that I can't get an if statement to work for when the score reaches 150 to gotoAndPlay a certain frame. I've tried various syntax, I've tried it on the action for a button and an action for the timeline with:
onRelease = function () {
(My learning game is set up to allow for users to answer up to four extra questions to reach the score of 150). Nothing has worked so far.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have the code that adds a page number to each page. However, when I go backwards or back to the beginning, the numbers overwrite each other, and will not reset back to zero (first frame)Here is what I am using
ActionScript Code:
var pageCount:Number = 0;
var pageTotal:int = 14;
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Mar 1, 2007
I recently did the tutorial on here called "Keeping Score" - where you can click on one button and it will add score to a dynamic text field. Press another and it will subtract. I wanted to take this one step further - although have run into some problems.I have set my stage up so that the MCcontainer loads up a random movie clip each time.. from external SWF's. The idea was to have you click on the random swf's when the pop up and add points.. to the dynamic movie clip on the main stage. Although I end up getting a NaN in the score box.However if I click on a button with the same script in the main movie (not externally) it will add to the score.. and then if I click on the external movie it will add points correctly.[code]I have made sure that it relates to the root - and it only works once a button has been pressed with the same code in the main timeline of the movie, but messes up if you click on the external SWF first.
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Aug 5, 2004
I have three movie clips which launch three different sections of my flash site when clicked. These clips are tiny images of three products.
When you click them I want another group of 3 clips which contain animations of the products zooming in to play an appropriate frame when they are clicked to zoom in.
Then, once the animation is done... the appropriate section loads.
Here is the problem. I can do the button actions fine. BUT -- When the next product has to zoom up I cannot get the one that is already zoomed up to zoom down and then play the next products zoom up animation.
Anyone know of a way to track and update the states of these? Or determining which of the 3 products was clicked and let them zoom in and out dynamically?
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Mar 26, 2003
how to keep track of loaded MCs? I have a navigation system loading content MCs. The problem is, when I choose another nav button, I want it to (onPress) figure which clip is currently loaded then gotoAndPlay a frame label in that clip, which will play an exit animation and load the content area corresponding to the newly pressed button.
Someone on Flashkit suggested having the loaded content MC send a variable to the main time line to act as a kind of flag to say which section is active but I'm not sure how to go about doing this.
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Jan 14, 2009
I'm attempting to create a few very simple flash games, but I haven't been able to figure out the coding. What I am attempting is to have 4 buttons each activated on a different keypress. Each time a user presses one of the keys, a specific animation is triggered, showing that the key was pressed. What I need to know is- how do I have flash trigger a final animation when all four keys have been pressed?
I tried making a set of dynamic text boxes that would change text, one for each button. I figured flash could run a simple string check (like in the basic password tutorial here) and if they all proved true it could goto and play the next scene or another MC. BUT- It seems to only check at the beginning of the movie, and if I attached it to onEnterFrame, Flash would have a cow about my syntax!
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Oct 1, 2002
I am trying to do a string compare over 2 levels.As you will see when you run the game, When you select the radio buttons and click continue the values are passed to the next movie under the You selected column. I want to compare these with the values in the Correct Answer column.
I have a count that is supposed to be incremented if a string compare is successful (in actions in answers_train.fla), the final value of count is placed in the dynamic text field _level1.score and then it checks the value of count and places a statement in _level1. statement.However my string compare doesnt seem to be working?
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Aug 1, 2011
I wrote a singleton class to keep track of some variables across my application. I am getting a syntax error that I can't figure out, I am sure that I am missing something simple but it's been one of those days. Anyone see something wrong with my code?
The error is 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before resultNumber.
public static function setResult(int resultNumber, int value): void {
switch(resultNumber) {
case 2: { this.result2 = value; break; }
case 3: { this.result3 = value; break; }
case 4: { this.result4 = value; break; }
case 5: { this.result5 = value; break; }
[Code] .....
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Sep 4, 2009
I may be chewed out for my methodology of how I'm developing this application which I am okay with as long as it enables me to be a better developer.That being said, I was wondering: how do all of you track movie timeline calls?I am building a web site for my company similar to 2advanced as there's just A LOT of graphic elements and animation. Because there are so many calls and a lot of the look is based on one element being called simultaneously and/or exactly after another element I'm having a hard time keeping track of all the calls(yes....I'm doing ALL of these calls in the timeline). Right now I have a hand-drawn tree diagram and it just keeps getting larger and larger.
On another note is there a better way of doing playing each graphic element than "gotoAndPlay" commands on the timeline? I realize that I could have done all of this in external files, but if that's the case then I imagine I would be doing the same thing and just creating a bunch of classes.
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Jan 15, 2008
I'm trying to write a function that keeps a running count whenever a button is clicked - and then writes the count to a Shared Object cookie. Here's the code:
function counterVar() {
var elemSharedObject:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("elementChoices", "/");
Everytime it runs the count gets reset to "1", endlessly.
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Oct 8, 2010
I want to create a very simple game for school. The user chooses answers based on questions, at the end the software presents some choices to the player based upon what they said. They have to choose food they like to eat, and the game tells them about the diet, they have 9 choices.
I wonder how I should keep track of what they player chose, and how to come up with the result based upon those choices. I made it with a score, so each answer had a value, but various arrangements of answers had the same score.
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Oct 8, 2010
I want to create a very simple game for school. The user chooses answers based on questions, at the end the software presents some choices to the player based upon what they said. They have to choose food they like to eat, and the game tells them about the diet, they have 9 choices.I wonder how I should keep track of what they player chose, and how to come up with the result based upon those choices. I made it with a score, so each answer had a value, but various arrangements of answers had the same score. I'm new to Flash and Actionscript 3, I understand conditionals and variables but am unable to piece the logic together for this in my head.
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Aug 10, 2004
Im designing my own game in flash, iv set up a score text box and it works fine. Except i just cant seem to get it to gotoandplay another frame,scene, when it hits a certain score??
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Dec 9, 2002
anyone have a hint how to create with AS, leader dots? Meaning, I need to connect two points with growing leader dots that may change direction at right angles.
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Mar 22, 2010
where to get classes to putting together a board game, free of course.I do not want to use them actually but get the idea of how mine would incorporate into the classes.I have a board game where I want each square on the board to know if it is occupied or not, to change its color, and to keep track of what is actually happening with it.
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Feb 17, 2004
i am building a shooting game and i was wondering if it is possible to have the movie go to frame 3 if the score = 500.I.E Score is displayed in a dynamic text box and everytime the enemy is hit the:
_root.score +=50
on the first frame of the film i have the code
if (_root.score == 500) {
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a result screen that shows bonus points and such. I want each text field to increment one after another and also have it increment by a certain amount each frame. Result Screen pops up. First is the player score check the player score, is it more than the score we want to display if the player score is greater than the player display score by 100 increase the player display score by 100 if the player score is greater than the player display score by 10 increase the player display score by 10 else increase the player display score by 1 when finished move to the next score...and so on. I have thought of using timers to move from one score to the next, but not being in an Event.ENTER_FRAME it only does one if then moves to the next one.
Also the if statement for incrementing the score looks ridiculous and I'm thinking there has to be a better way to do it. I was thinking of making it a separate function but then I wouldn't know what to return, or how to return it so it looks like its increasing and not just showing the total number instantly. I'll try to expand on it a little more.
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Aug 29, 2009
I am building an ambitious site especially for someone new to the Flash.I want to create a fully functional Flash Forum.Only problem is I have not found 1 site with information on how to build one and the only thing I did find was something called the Flash Forum Engine. It is a 3rd party software suite that allows you to build a Flash Forum BUT! it costs 1000 Euro's or $2000.
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Feb 5, 2011
I am working on a project where I need to show a wooden board and have the user pick a place on the board and somewhat realistically (at least believable) simulate the board breaking and shattering at that point. The final product will need to run on a mobile platform so performance is an issue.I have already experimented a bit and have a movie clip board which is composed of predetermined pieces and I used a tween to move the pieces apart. The main problem is that the way the board breaks and where it breaks are predetermined
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Oct 21, 2004
i want to make a editable board, that i can drag and drop activites into,i'm having difficulty doing it, the instructions are provided in the attached fla
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Nov 19, 2005
I found this tut http:[url]...and wat i want to do is have thing like Flash.I know how to make the lines thicker but i need when you click the button the lines turn thicker like the As changes.
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Sep 25, 2006
how to make a basic message board in flash... I just basically want people to be able to leave a quick note on my website if possible.
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Mar 10, 2012
Upon hoping to the frame with the drawing board actionscript on it, i've successfully created the erase button to remove all the drawings made, but then i also have a 'HOME' button that takes me back home. BUT the drawing board actionscript is still active even on the HOME frame. +On the home button i've added in the clear(); function to also remove the drawing. Either way this still does not remove the drawing board actionscript. How do I completely disable the drawing board actionscript upon clicking home? but still be able to reactivate it when I'm on the frame again.
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Oct 21, 2004
i want to make a editable board, that i can drag and drop activites into,i'm having difficulty doing it, the instructions are provided in the attached fla.
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Oct 31, 2009
I need to create a sound select board. There are 6 buttons; 5 which contain music, and one which will silence the music. Each time you push each button, the previous music will stop. The first button's music will start automatically.
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