ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Score Board?

Aug 3, 2004

in my preloader i made a game, the game plays then has AS that if SPACE is pressed then if will play a winning scene, and if it is not then it will continue on to play the lossing scene, so my AS is like the clip is running then AS<

on (press, keyPress "<Space>") {

so if u press space it will run the good clip if u dont then it will continue running and hit my AS that Gotoandplays (105) which is the lossing squence then it replays this.... So i want to make a counter for this game, a kind of Score board so i made a Dynamic Text Box and i made the var "total" so my new AS is...

on (press, keyPress "<Space>") {
gotoAndPlay(30); =;

So it will add 100 to the score when u succsefully press space in adition to makeing the sucess clip play! But it dosnt work...i dont know why it doesnt, ive tried so many things to make it work...I tested my scrpit with buttons like

On (release) { =;

And the buttons work but not this! why not!

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//__________________________________________________ ___________________________________


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package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
[Code] .....

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Sep 16, 2010

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Additionally, I would really prefer the loops to not be playing, and for the user to have the chance to build the piece of music around the dancer.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Board Stop Draw?

Jun 14, 2004

This code is from a drawing board, the problem is:

1- When you click outside the drawing area, a dot is drawn (thus you cant click anything except inside drawing area because it will result in undesired dots)

2- When you drag outside the drawing area the dot is drawn (bad), the pencil doesn't draw (good), but if you drag until reaching the drawing area draws (undesired, because it should only draw when you started to drag from inside the drawing area) how to tweak the code or simple add a "deselect" tool option ? That's a link to the fla file ziped, and that's the code of the drawing board: [URL]

_root.P = 0;
_root.level = 1000;
_root.tmpx = -1;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Drawing Board Pen Color?

Mar 19, 2005

I'm making a drawing board and i want users to be able to press colors on my swf to be able to change the colour of the pen how can i do this?

if you dont know what i mean just check a paint package out and look at how you chose your colour thats what i want to do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Board Undo Last Pen Line?

Aug 5, 2005

i'm currently devolping a drawing board out of flash but i was wondering instead of erasing all the pen lines drawn just the last pen line drawn,im using kirupa drawing board tut for the all erase just stuck to gewt the last line erase done

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Board How To Add Text, Shapes

Oct 17, 2006

(MX2004)I have made a 'whiteboard', users can draw on it, change width of pen, clear it.

I need to:

1. allow users to add text as well as lines

2. allow them to add a circle or a square

3. clear last stroke/shape

4. save the drawing

5. email it or print it

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Drawing Board Boundaries?

Dec 12, 2006

I used Kirupa's drawing board tutorial, but when I finished making the flash file I wondered if there was a way to limit where the viewer can draw. For example, on his tutorial he shows you how to create an easy erase button. Well, what if I don't want the viewer to be able to draw on the button. Is there a way to specify the area that you want the viewer to be able to draw on? I tried making the space a movie clip and just adding the actionscript to the movieclip, but when I placed the movie clip inside a bigger flash file it wouldn't let me draw at all. I thought making it a movie clip would then limit the drawable area. Did I do a good enough job explaining my problem? I just want to be able to limit where the viewer can draw, so that the viewer can't get wild and draw all over the buttons and controls.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Board - How To Get Color Selector

Jan 16, 2008

I have put a drawing board on my application, but I cannot figure out how to get a colour selector..? Another problem with this, is that when the page is selected I can draw out of the board, and also when I navigate to another page I can continue to draw on other pages (not good!)...

Heres the script:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("drawing_mc",this.getNex tHighestDepth());
this.onMouseDown = function() {
onMouseMove = function() {
}} this.onMouseUp = function() {
onMouseMove = noLine;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Board Stop Draw

Jun 14, 2004

This code is from a drawing board, the problem is:

1- When you click outside the drawing area, a dot is drawn (thus you cant click anything except inside drawing area because it will result in undesired dots)

2- When you drag outside the drawing area the dot is drawn (bad), the pencil doesn't draw (good), but if you drag until reaching the drawing area draws (undesired, because it should only draw when you started to drag from inside the drawing area)[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Drawing Board Pen Colour?

Mar 19, 2005

im making a drawing board and i want users to be able to press colours on my swf to be able to change the colour of the pen how can i do this? if you dont know what i mean just check a paint package out and look at how you chose your colour thats what i want to do?

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