ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Track Of Clicks With Shared Object?

Jan 15, 2008

I'm trying to write a function that keeps a running count whenever a button is clicked - and then writes the count to a Shared Object cookie. Here's the code:

function counterVar() {
var elemSharedObject:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("elementChoices", "/");


Everytime it runs the count gets reset to "1", endlessly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Local Shared Object Or Cookie To Track Time

Jan 28, 2010

I need to make a local shared object (or javascript cookie function- below) that I can use to calculate the time since an ad was last loaded. It's an expanding ad, and I only want it to expand once every 2 hours. (Trying to keep the expanding-annoyance to a minimum!) I understand the basics of creating an "lso" but the action script for retrieving the time, placing it as a variable in the lso, and later retrieving it to figure the time is well beyond me. I considered a normal browser cookie, set to delete after the session, bypassing all time calculations... Forcing javascript to create a cookie ONLY when flash tells it to (after the ad has expanded) is tripping me up and creating a function to check for the cookie on the first frame to decide whether or not to continue is also beyond my simple animation skills.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keeping Track Of Pages?

Mar 2, 2011

I have the code that adds a page number to each page. However, when I go backwards or back to the beginning, the numbers overwrite each other, and will not reset back to zero (first frame)Here is what I am using

ActionScript Code:
var pageCount:Number = 0;
var pageTotal:int = 14;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Track Of Which Clip Is Open?

Aug 5, 2004

I have three movie clips which launch three different sections of my flash site when clicked. These clips are tiny images of three products.

When you click them I want another group of 3 clips which contain animations of the products zooming in to play an appropriate frame when they are clicked to zoom in.

Then, once the animation is done... the appropriate section loads.

Here is the problem. I can do the button actions fine. BUT -- When the next product has to zoom up I cannot get the one that is already zoomed up to zoom down and then play the next products zoom up animation.

Anyone know of a way to track and update the states of these? Or determining which of the 3 products was clicked and let them zoom in and out dynamically?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Track Of Loaded Movies?

Mar 26, 2003

how to keep track of loaded MCs? I have a navigation system loading content MCs. The problem is, when I choose another nav button, I want it to (onPress) figure which clip is currently loaded then gotoAndPlay a frame label in that clip, which will play an exit animation and load the content area corresponding to the newly pressed button.

Someone on Flashkit suggested having the loaded content MC send a variable to the main time line to act as a kind of flag to say which section is active but I'm not sure how to go about doing this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Track Of 4 Button Presses

Jan 14, 2009

I'm attempting to create a few very simple flash games, but I haven't been able to figure out the coding. What I am attempting is to have 4 buttons each activated on a different keypress. Each time a user presses one of the keys, a specific animation is triggered, showing that the key was pressed. What I need to know is- how do I have flash trigger a final animation when all four keys have been pressed?

I tried making a set of dynamic text boxes that would change text, one for each button. I figured flash could run a simple string check (like in the basic password tutorial here) and if they all proved true it could goto and play the next scene or another MC. BUT- It seems to only check at the beginning of the movie, and if I attached it to onEnterFrame, Flash would have a cow about my syntax!

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Flash - Keeping Track Of Variables Across App (Syntax Error)

Aug 1, 2011

I wrote a singleton class to keep track of some variables across my application. I am getting a syntax error that I can't figure out, I am sure that I am missing something simple but it's been one of those days. Anyone see something wrong with my code?

The error is 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before resultNumber.
public static function setResult(int resultNumber, int value): void {
switch(resultNumber) {
case 2: { this.result2 = value; break; }
case 3: { this.result3 = value; break; }
case 4: { this.result4 = value; break; }
case 5: { this.result5 = value; break; }
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keeping Track Of Movie Timeline Calls?

Sep 4, 2009

I may be chewed out for my methodology of how I'm developing this application which I am okay with as long as it enables me to be a better developer.That being said, I was wondering: how do all of you track movie timeline calls?I am building a web site for my company similar to 2advanced as there's just A LOT of graphic elements and animation. Because there are so many calls and a lot of the look is based on one element being called simultaneously and/or exactly after another element I'm having a hard time keeping track of all the calls(yes....I'm doing ALL of these calls in the timeline). Right now I have a hand-drawn tree diagram and it just keeps getting larger and larger.

On another note is there a better way of doing playing each graphic element than "gotoAndPlay" commands on the timeline? I realize that I could have done all of this in external files, but if that's the case then I imagine I would be doing the same thing and just creating a bunch of classes.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Track Of Score On A Leader Board?

Jun 10, 2010

I create a password and go to save the password and get an error saying it not in the table.The error was because i had to press generate php code.That was so fustrating. couldnt belive it . Ive just wrote the answer now if any 1 else has the same error. It was annoying .

//__________________________________________________ ___________________________________


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Track Of Button Clicks?

Mar 9, 2011

I am using CS4.What I want to do is gather input from a user, and each time they click on a certain button, in this case the YES button, I would like a number added to the var such as score++. This way, I can use a case statement at the end to direct the user to the right product.However, my code does not work,
var score:Number = 0;
var score_txt:TextField = new TextField();
score_txt.x = 150;


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Actionscript 3 :: Use SharedObject To Track Number Of Clicks?

Aug 4, 2011

How do I use sharedObject to track the number of clicks and store them in a .txt file? My client wants to track the clicks of the user an Im not sure how to make this work with sharedObject.

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Keeping One Object Above Another?

Sep 14, 2009

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Keeping Object On Screen

Aug 12, 2011

I'm making this banner, or FMA if you rather call it that, for a company (school assignment). I have some text fading in and out displaying the message. But I want an interactive FMA.I want to make some buttons, and when you go mouse-over on them, I want a picture to be displayed (different image for each button), WHILE the animation keeps going. Thats not the tough part.However, when the animation repeats (starts from the beginning), and if I'm holding the cursor over the button connected to the picture, the picture disappears and I have to go over the button again. [code]

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because I assume it doesn't work that way.

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Keeping An Object On The Stage After Tweening It?

Oct 18, 2009

Let's say I have an object, and I use a motion tween to animate it around. Great. Now, I want that object to stay at the final location while other stuff happens on the stage. I can't figure out an efficient way to do this. You can't copy individual frames of a tween, and copying and pasting the whole tween and breaking it up into individual frames and then removing all but the last frame is a bit... I might be going about using tweens wrong? I feel like I'm just not doing things the way it was designed.

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Jul 21, 2009

In my attempt to keep a movieclip on the bottom, I used this code: ActionScript Code:setChildIndex(movieclip,0);However, whenever I play an animation over it that is NOT in a movieclip, it will always cover the animation.For example, I have a shape tween that is not a movieclip. Whenever I lay this movieclip over it with the above code, it always covers the non-movie clip. Is there any way to prevent this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keeping Same Instance Name But Changing Object

Apr 30, 2011

I've got a frame of code with two boxes on the stage. If you click on of them, it runs this code:
ActionScript Code:
And if you click on the other box it runs this code:
ActionScript Code:

Now, on my main frame of code, I've got an init() function which runs all the initialise commands. It includes this:
ActionScript Code:
function init() //Loads assets to the stage and starts animations {
if (charSelect == 1) {
} if (charSelect == 2) {

These functions basically let you select which character is loaded to the stage with the instance name 'character'. All my control code is written in relation to the instance name 'character'. However, after I've clicked the box which selects which character to load to the screen, I get this error message:
ActionScript Code:
Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 1', Frame 2, Line 155 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type Class.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping The Data Parameter Of The Object Created With A While Loop

Mar 7, 2004

i've been struggling with the following:

i am creating a list of buttons with an attachMovie. the AS is :

var i = -1;
var user = userlist[i];


okay the problem is this: then i assign an on click function to every button right in the while loop that uses the data parameter of the "ob" object and when i play the movie the data parameter is always the parameter of the last object created for all the buttons. I know why this is happening- it overWrites the old "ob" with the new with every itteration of the loop.

But how would i go differently about creating an individual "ob" for each button created and still be able to have a function with a data parameter like this.onRelease.userClicked(data)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Match / Track Object In Video

Jul 19, 2009

I've got a video with a black rectangle that moves, tilts and there any way flash can match an object to that? (for example, if I want to put an image over the black box?? Is there any way to detect where objects are in a video from flash? I've seen some things with web cams where snow collects on people in the cam, etc. so there's got to be some way to "find" things.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Shareed Object To Keep Track Of A When An AIR App?

Jan 27, 2009

I wanted to create a shareed object to keep track of a when an AIR app was installed and set an expiration date. i was hoping to control where this sharedObject is created.. but it seems that flash will put it somewhere secret.. is it possible to change where the LSO is created? and where it is looked for?

ActionScript Code:
var firstRun:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("/firstRun");
trace("this is the first time you are here");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound Object - Buffering The Next Track?

Sep 16, 2004

I've got the next track to load, when the first one is done, and after that everything works fine.I'm trying to make it so that two tracks will buffer in the same manner - but feel like I'm doing things the hard way.....http:[url]....that is the code


http:[url]....that is the fla, txt, and audio files.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Motion Tween - Animating Object Around Track?

Jul 6, 2011

Right now, I have a car object named car that I want to animate around a track. I did the animation using a motion tween, then used the Copy Motion as AS3 option, the code looks something like this (arrays have been simplified so as not to take up too much room). The code works just fine, the car moves around the track like I wanted it to, but I was wondering is it possible to press a button to stop the animation at a certain point, then resume playing it again when pressing a different button?

ActionScript Code:
var motionGuide:MotionBase;
if(motionGuide == null) {
motionGuide = new Motion();
motionGuide.duration = 20;
[Code] .....

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Jquery :: Track A Click On A Flash Movie (object / Embed)?

Nov 24, 2009

I am making a dynamic banner system which can handle img banners, as well as flash banners done with object/embed. The entire site makes heavy use of jQuery, including handling the 'click' events.

This obviously isn't a problem when it comes to tracking the clicks on the image itself (i track the click on the parent DIV tag. However, it fails when the advert is an SWF, as I suspected it would.Is there a jQuery workaround that would allow me to capture a click on a Flash element with the DOM?

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Actionscript 3 :: Track X And Y Values Of Multiple Object Instances On The Stage?

Oct 27, 2011

I have an arbitrary number of object instances on the stage. At any one given time the number of objects may be between 10 and 50. Each object instance can move, but the movement is gradual, the current coordinates are not predictable and at any given moment I may need to retrieve the coordinates of a specific object instance. Is there a common best-practice method to use in this case to track object instance coordinates? I can think of two approaches:

I write a function within the object class that, upon arbitrary event execution, is called on an object instance and returns that object instances coordinates.
Within the object class I declare global static variables that represent x and y values and, upon arbitrary event execution, the variables are updated with the latest values for that object instance.


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