Jquery :: Track A Click On A Flash Movie (object / Embed)?

Nov 24, 2009

I am making a dynamic banner system which can handle img banners, as well as flash banners done with object/embed. The entire site makes heavy use of jQuery, including handling the 'click' events.

This obviously isn't a problem when it comes to tracking the clicks on the image itself (i track the click on the parent DIV tag. However, it fails when the advert is an SWF, as I suspected it would.Is there a jQuery workaround that would allow me to capture a click on a Flash element with the DOM?

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JQuery :: Flash - Changing Object Embed Source?

Aug 15, 2011

I need to be able to load up different flash files when users click an image in my gallary. My current solution works perfectly fine in Firefox, but Chrome and IE are not working and it isn't giving any error messages. I use jquery to change the embed source

$('#flash embed').attr('src', msg.d);
<object id="flash">
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="800" height="600">

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Jquery :: Embed A Flash Movie In A Facebook Canvas?

Jun 28, 2011

I am trying to embed a flash movie into a facebook (iframe) canvas. When i request the page locally to test the movie is embedded. When I view the same page via the facebook application url - the movie doesn't appear (but other page content does).


Are there any special tricks required to make a flash movie play in a facebook canvas application?

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Javascript :: Click On A Flash Object With JQuery?

Sep 28, 2011

I have something like this:

<object id="myflash"></object>

I've tried making jQuery click the object like so:


But this doesn't work. Is there another way to do this?

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Jquery :: Flash - Click Listener On <object> In IE Failing

Apr 23, 2010

$("#listView object.modal").click(function(){
// Get the ID of the clicked link:
var link = $(this).closest("h2").attr("title");


This fires a modal (jQuery UI). It it working in FF, Chrome/Safari but not in IE 7/8. Is there something I'm missing here?

Big Picture: We're using a swf to render custom type and there is a link in the rendered (flash) content. We're hoping to catch the link action in the jQuery listener so we don't have to extend our swf have an optional param to return false on link click.

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Javascript :: Jquery - Detect Flash Object Click?

Jun 8, 2011

Is there a way I can have JavaScript/jQuery know when a Flash object has been clicked (and still have Flash process the click)?

I tried putting a table on top of the object with position: fixed and a z-index and the object set to param name='wmode' value='transparent' so I could have my JavaScript detect which column was clicked using jQuery's click(), but the clicks were never intercepted by JavaScript (Chromium Linux).

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Javascript :: JQuery Flash Object Click Event Not Firing In IE Or Chrome?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm just trying to understand a difference between IE, Chrome and Firefox. I have the following code on a page:

$('object').live('click', function(){

I then populate the page with some Flash controls (in my case, I'm using Uploadify). When I click on the Flash control, I see the alert in Firefox 4. However, I do not see the alert in IE8 or Chrome (I havent tested any other browsers).

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Jquery :: Click On Flash Movie Embedded In A Webpage And Remove It From DOM?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a flash movie embedded on a webpage, it's an intro of sorts, when the movie has finished it removes itself from the DOM but I also want this functionality on flash movie click.so far to remove it after it's finished playing I'm using[code]but it never gets called. I also tried adding the click event to the body and it worked everywhere but not over the top of the flash movie.

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Flash :: Javascript - Embed Object Won't Catch Click On Internet Explorer (despite The Wmode)

Jul 22, 2011

I would want to catch click with javascript on a embed flash object on my page. I used wmode="opaque" (tried transparent too) and put a low z-index. I tried catching click on a div, on the object element and on the embed element. On FF (5), all three of them work. On IE (7 & 8), none of them work. Here's my code (I removed some attribute for flash like type or classid) :


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Jquery :: Resize A Flash Object Via JQuery Onload Of Page?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm using the HTML5 JW Player. It sizes the HTML5 video correctly, but shrinks the Flash fallback player; here's an example page: Test Page

If you view that page in IE, you'll notice that on panel 5, the video is smaller than the space it's supposed to occupy. On Firefox, it works fine because it's using the OGG video in its HTML5 video player.Is there a way to resize the Flash video via JavaScript/jQuery to fit the same space as the HTML5 video?

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Flash :: Track Video Player Embed On Other Sites?

Feb 19, 2010

Setup: an online tv channel with "youtube" like clips and categories our own flash video player which can be embeded into other remote sites as2 flash player Goal: To track who's embeding my videos, at least with basic statistics per domain.

Since it's AS2, it's harder to do this. My ideea is that I can create a php page which should be opened each time the player loads on any website; than the flash player can do a "geturl" of the php file which has Google Analytics code or some other decent tracker.

The geturl command could contain a variable like the Video Title which already is included in the player; and this title would pass on with GET to the php file and setup a dynamic page title which can be tracked very well. Problem: how to i use the GETURL function without have user's browser open a new tab or window. Is there any hidden way to do it?

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Jquery :: Detect When (flash) Embed Is Ready (available)?

Oct 8, 2011

Is it possible to detect when a flash embed object has loaded completey? Are there events that can be subscribed to that work in all browsers?

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Jquery :: Flash - Embed Breaks Animation-flow?

Aug 15, 2011

I made a little animation for a client. Its a repeating movement of a cat. The flash-file works great and shows an endless animation without interruptions. But after I integrated that animation, it plays the animation wrong. It sticks on some point. Heres the code and the link:

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JQuery :: Dynamically Filled SRC In Embed Tag Not Showing Flash

Dec 6, 2011

This code here works if the src is filled with my videolink
<object width="620" height="348">
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/>
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/>
<embed src="myvideolink...." type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="620" height="348"/>

Now my next step is to fill it via javascript
$('a.videolink, a.videobutton, a.articlevideobutton').click(function(event){
$('.video object embed').attr('src', $(this).attr('href'));

But this isn't working... empty flash is displayed. But the generated source code seems ok. The href of the link is in the src attribute of the ebmed tag. Source code is correct again but still not playing my video
$('a.videolink, a.videobutton, a.articlevideobutton').click(function(event){
$('.video').append('<object width="620" height="348"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/>
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/>
<embed src="'+$(this).attr('href')+'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="620" height="348"/></object>');

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Save The Local Shared Object(.sol) File At A Desired Location Or To Embed It Within The Flash Movie?

Jun 8, 2004

!--Does anyone know if it possible to save the local shared object(.sol) file at a desired location or to embed it within the flash movie?

2--Is it possible to create an image file at runtime from a flash projector file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed (on Click) An .swf Video Inside An Empty Movie Clip?

Dec 8, 2008

I am trying to embed (on click) an .swf video inside an empty movie clip I am using as a "holder". how to call the .swf when a user clicks a button.

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Jquery :: Click Through A Png Overlayed On Top Of A Flash Player

Oct 15, 2010

create a Clickthrough with jQuery on a png file overlayed on top of a Flash (JW) movie player?

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Flash :: Jquery - Invoke A Click When The Page Unloads Using Javascript

Nov 10, 2011

I am having a problem with flash and javascript I wish to to invoke a click on the code below when the page unloads


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Flash :: Jquery Reloading On First Click To Any Link (default Prevented) Only In Firefox?

Nov 12, 2010

I'd been following several answers to similar problems with no luck at all, so i decided to try asking by myself:I have a page with several links that have to load data via Ajax using jquery and put the response inside a div. The main "tab" is a flash wich is inside a layer.Every time a user clicks on any of those links, flash container is resized to 0px and set visibility to hidden (trying to prevent the reload behaviour if display is set to none).

All works just fine EXCEPT the first time you click on any link that hides flash layer. In that particular case (only in Firefox) it resets the flash to initial state. I'm going nuts about this..


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Javascript :: Embed YouTube Video With JQuery In IE6 Without SWFObject?

Feb 22, 2010

Here's my code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

It works with Firefox and Chrome, but something's not quite right in IE6. Sadly, one of the project requirements is supporting this browser, so even if it workis in IE7, I need to work this out.I know there's SWFObject, but I'd rather not use it (we are loading already a bunch of JS files, we don't want more).Even this won't work:

document.write('<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HPPj6viIBmU&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param [code]....

It seems that IE6 ignores the <object> tag, here's the code it embeds.

<EMBED src=http://www.youtube.com/v/HPPj6viIBmU&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp; width=480 height=385 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

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Jquery :: Destroy Flash Object Using Javascript

Apr 6, 2011

I have a flash object that connects to the user's webcam.In Firefox, I can remove the container div of the object (using jQuery) and the camera will turn off.However, in IE8, when I remove the container div, the camera stays on but the flash object appears to be removed from the DOM.Is there a way to sever the connection between IE and the webcam so the light on the webcam will go off when the flash object is removed from the DOM?

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Jquery :: Chrome YouTube Embed Display Errors With LiteAccordion

Jan 31, 2012

In my project at the moment I am using Nicola Hibbert's liteAccordion slider.I have it all set up and it's working nicely but the project needs to have a YouTube video on each of the slides.I have used the classic embed code from YouTube to get the desired result, In Firefox and other browsers it's all good, singing and dancing.In Chrome, tears stream down my face as it has totally broke.

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Flash :: Jquery - Read Width & Height Ob An Object?

Nov 24, 2009

Is there any way to read the width and height of a flash object using jQuery?

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JQuery :: UI Scale Effect Not Working With Flash Object

Jun 29, 2011

I have a div with a flash object in it. That div is going to pop up in a modal triggered when a user clicks a thumbnail of the flash presentation. The problem occurs when I try to use the scale effect to scale in or out, it errors out.

Here is the HTML:
<div id="modal">
<object id="presentation" width="720" height="576" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="movie" value=" video.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
[Code] ......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keep Track Of The MC Buttons Click State?

Aug 17, 2007

So i have this bit of code that triggers a bunch of stuff on a buttons over/out/down etc... I also have a variable on the _root time line that declares a clicked variable so i can keep track of the buttons click state. Ok so now the trouble... Im changing my (working) buttons to movieclip buttons to take advantage of the MC properties (ie. goToPlay - etc.. ). But this screws up my working AS and im not sure why? In particular the "if" statement that keeps track of the clicked variable does not seem to be functioning. Is there a problem putting if statement on a MC button? How do i fix this? Here is the code i'm using on my MC button:


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Javascript :: Prevent One From Being Able To Right Click On Flash Embed?

Feb 29, 2012

I need to suppress the default right click menu for flash embeds.

I've set menu to false, as well as used a stop default function on the right click event, but it still displays the menu.

Also, I don't have access to the .fla's, as the flash objects weren't created by me.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Track In A .csv File What Buttons People Click?

Mar 19, 2012

I'm trying to do something I'm sure which is really basic and hope some wonderful person out their could spare me a few mins of time before I top myself. I have 8 buttons that appear after a very poor animation sequence which all link to different websites. I simply want to track in a .csv file what buttons people click, and if possible to wack a date and time stamp against when each button was clicked. I bet you're thinking this guys a complete fool for posting this but the last time I used Flash was version 4 and that was for basic banner animation. I don't have the foggy-ist about AS 2.0 or 3.0 and I've been reading I need to use .PHP script to pass the data out to the CSV file (SCARY for someone who see's code as gobble-de-gook).

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Flash :: Avoid JQuery Autocomplete Dropdown Being Hidden By Underlying Object?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm using jQuery Autocomplete just as in this example: [URL] The problem is, the area where you see the Result box in that example - that's where my flash object is. So, when the autocomplete dropdown appears, most of the text is concealed by the flash object (which I can't move). How can I make the autocomplete text appear over the flash object (concealing its view rather than vice versa)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Click The Next Button The Current Track Keeps Playing While The Next One Starts

Apr 9, 2009

I'm making a mp3 player using flash. when i test the movie it starts playing fine but when i click the next button the current track keeps playing while the next one starts. plus the stop button it's not working. here is the code.


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Flash :: IDE - Mac - Click And Drag To "spin" The Object Within The Movie (it Cycles A Series Of Photos To Give A 360 View)

May 26, 2009

I recently posted a .swf inside a new window with javascript. everything works fine on a PC, the movie will load on a mac. You should be able to click and drag to "spin" the object within the movie (it cycles a series of photos to give a 360 view), but when on a mac the cursor changes but images are not cycling. i'm sure it could be a number of different things but I'm unsure where to start.

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