Flash :: Avoid JQuery Autocomplete Dropdown Being Hidden By Underlying Object?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm using jQuery Autocomplete just as in this example: [URL] The problem is, the area where you see the Result box in that example - that's where my flash object is. So, when the autocomplete dropdown appears, most of the text is concealed by the flash object (which I can't move). How can I make the autocomplete text appear over the flash object (concealing its view rather than vice versa)?

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Flex :: Increase Height Of Dropdown Box For AutoComplete

Mar 11, 2010

I am using the AutoComplete component in my Flex website. Everything is fine, but there is one issue. If I type something in the text area, and the items that are searched are alot, i want to increase the height of the dropdown box.

Below is the code to my autocomplete
<auto:AutoComplete borderStyle="none" id="txt_global_search"
textAlign="left" prompt="Search Content"
allowEditingNewValues="true" allowMultipleSelection="true" allowNewValues="true"
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: Autocomplete In Flex 4.0 Not Displaying Items In Dropdown List

Aug 23, 2010

I seem to have is that the Autocomplete component that seems to be part of flex extras is not displaying the list of items in the dropdown list. Basically, I get a list of blank items. I know they are there and they are the right items because as soon as I click on one, I get the right text in the combobox.

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<mx:FormItem label="Company:" width="750" fontSize="20" horizontalAlign="right" color="#000000" required="true">
<ns1:AutoComplete enabled="true" labelField="CompanyName" textAlign="left" dropdownWidth="450" id="txtCompany" width="450" />


Again, when I type "T" in the text box I see a dropdown list with 3 empty items. Clicking on the third item puts "Test3" in the textbox. But the items themselves are not visible.

It almost as if its a font/foreground color thing, but I've played around with some of those settings too with no success.

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Flash :: Css - Type 'AutoComplete' In CSS Selector 'AutoComplete' Must Be Qualified With A Namespace

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Jquery :: Stop Flash Video When Hidden?

Jan 14, 2011

I have 2 divs each containing SWFObjects. Here's the jquery that shows/hides my Divs:

$('#button1').bind('click', function() {


But I need my video in DIV2 to STOP PLAYING when it's hidden, and start from the beginning when you show it again. From what I read, I need to remove it from the DOM...but I don't understand how to re-add it. I've seen suggestions for detach(); but can't figure out where my AppendTo() would go.

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Flash :: Jquery - Hidden Div, Load Only When Div Is Shown?

Jun 26, 2011

I have a flash file that is in a div that is hidden when the page is loaded with the css property display:none. The div with the flash content is then shown at a later stage through javascript.

When will the flash file load? Ideally, I only want it to load when the div is shown.

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Jquery :: Html - Datepicker Hidden Behind Flash Banner

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My problem is that the datepicker is appears hidden behind the flash banner, and I need it to appear on top of the banner.

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Jquery :: Resize A Flash Object Via JQuery Onload Of Page?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm using the HTML5 JW Player. It sizes the HTML5 video correctly, but shrinks the Flash fallback player; here's an example page: Test Page

If you view that page in IE, you'll notice that on panel 5, the video is smaller than the space it's supposed to occupy. On Firefox, it works fine because it's using the OGG video in its HTML5 video player.Is there a way to resize the Flash video via JavaScript/jQuery to fit the same space as the HTML5 video?

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Jquery :: Embedded YouTube Video Not Working With Overflow:hidden

Jun 15, 2011

I'm having issues with a YouTube video breaking a jQuery slider when viewed on an Apple mobile device. The slider uses a set width & height window that uses the overflow:hidden property. It looks great in all browsers except for Apple devices where all of the slides are visible in a row as if the overflow:hidden property did not take effect.

Link to site: [URL]

Embedded video code:


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Jquery :: Embedded Element Hogs Mouse Wheel Scrolling / When Hidden And Displayed Again

Mar 4, 2011

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Object - Dropdown Won't Get On Top Of Flash In IE7

Feb 9, 2012

My problem is, that i have a flash banner, with a menu above it. The menu has a dropdown though, and in internet explorer 7 the dropdown shows behind the flash banner. I've tried everything (what I know of, and what I have found here on stackoverflow), but nothing seems to do the trick.

Here is a link You can find the problem up in the right corner, if you hover over "Select Country: ...".

I've tried to change the wmode to transparent and opaque, but it didn't work. Just to make sure, I did this by adding a <param value="transparent" name="wmode"> in the object tag, and then add the attribute wmode="transparent".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 3D Movement In Flash - Avoid Making The Object Flip?

Jun 23, 2008

3D movement in Flash. Basically what i want is to have 2 or > objecton the stage placed on different z axis and when u click on one object it brings the camera forward to the specific coordinates. Then you can also click on another object and it will bring to the new object that you just clicked on.I can do half of it, but actually when one object's z coordinate reaches 0, it flip around and then go at the back.what i want to achieve but how can avoid making the object flip or just tell him to stay where it is so i can always go back to initial position of the camera and then click again on it.

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Html :: Dropdown Menu Behind Flash Object?

Apr 15, 2010

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Sep 28, 2011

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<object id="myflash"></object>

I've tried making jQuery click the object like so:


But this doesn't work. Is there another way to do this?

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Flash :: Jquery - Read Width & Height Ob An Object?

Nov 24, 2009

Is there any way to read the width and height of a flash object using jQuery?

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Jquery :: Flash - Click Listener On <object> In IE Failing

Apr 23, 2010

$("#listView object.modal").click(function(){
// Get the ID of the clicked link:
var link = $(this).closest("h2").attr("title");


This fires a modal (jQuery UI). It it working in FF, Chrome/Safari but not in IE 7/8. Is there something I'm missing here?

Big Picture: We're using a swf to render custom type and there is a link in the rendered (flash) content. We're hoping to catch the link action in the jQuery listener so we don't have to extend our swf have an optional param to return false on link click.

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Javascript :: Jquery - Detect Flash Object Click?

Jun 8, 2011

Is there a way I can have JavaScript/jQuery know when a Flash object has been clicked (and still have Flash process the click)?

I tried putting a table on top of the object with position: fixed and a z-index and the object set to param name='wmode' value='transparent' so I could have my JavaScript detect which column was clicked using jQuery's click(), but the clicks were never intercepted by JavaScript (Chromium Linux).

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JQuery :: UI Scale Effect Not Working With Flash Object

Jun 29, 2011

I have a div with a flash object in it. That div is going to pop up in a modal triggered when a user clicks a thumbnail of the flash presentation. The problem occurs when I try to use the scale effect to scale in or out, it errors out.

Here is the HTML:
<div id="modal">
<object id="presentation" width="720" height="576" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="movie" value=" video.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
[Code] ......

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JQuery :: Flash - Changing Object Embed Source?

Aug 15, 2011

I need to be able to load up different flash files when users click an image in my gallary. My current solution works perfectly fine in Firefox, but Chrome and IE are not working and it isn't giving any error messages. I use jquery to change the embed source

$('#flash embed').attr('src', msg.d);
<object id="flash">
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="800" height="600">

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Jquery :: Track A Click On A Flash Movie (object / Embed)?

Nov 24, 2009

I am making a dynamic banner system which can handle img banners, as well as flash banners done with object/embed. The entire site makes heavy use of jQuery, including handling the 'click' events.

This obviously isn't a problem when it comes to tracking the clicks on the image itself (i track the click on the parent DIV tag. However, it fails when the advert is an SWF, as I suspected it would.Is there a jQuery workaround that would allow me to capture a click on a Flash element with the DOM?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder 4 Not Finding Classes, Autocomplete Not Working?

Dec 7, 2010

For some reason Flash Builder 4 doesn't autocomplete any more for new projects I create (either pure Actionscript or Flash Pro projects). But for previous projects it still works fine.For instance when I go to create a new actionscript class, when I click browse next to Superclass there are only TWO classes that come up. EventDispatcher & Sprite. Where have the rest of the classes gone?

When I try to type inside the class.. ie var mc:MovieClip... as I'm typing MovieClip nothing comes up any more.. pushing ctrl+space doesn't bring up a list of classes either. Importing classes, no code hinting comes up at all.I haven't changed anything in Flash Builder between now and when my previous projects were created.

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Javascript :: JQuery Flash Object Click Event Not Firing In IE Or Chrome?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm just trying to understand a difference between IE, Chrome and Firefox. I have the following code on a page:

$('object').live('click', function(){

I then populate the page with some Flash controls (in my case, I'm using Uploadify). When I click on the Flash control, I see the alert in Firefox 4. However, I do not see the alert in IE8 or Chrome (I havent tested any other browsers).

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Autocomplete :: Flash Builder Code Completion For Flash Libraries?

Feb 3, 2011

Is it possible to get auto completion for flash libraries in flash builder 4.0?

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Flash :: File Blocks Underlying Html Links

Jun 25, 2009

We have a Flash swf object embedded in an html page. When the user sees the page it's just a small button, but on the rollover state the area of the object expands and covers more of the page. This is how it was designed. The problem seems to be that the maximum size of the swf object, even though it's transparent and "invisible" unless the user rolls over the button, blocks out all the underlying html so you can't access any of the links. It's as if the object is covering that part of the page even when it's not expanded. I've tried every publish setting I can imagine to compensate and make the item truly transparent so the "hidden" underlying links will still be clickable, but just can't get it.

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Jquery :: Html - Display Alternate Content When Flash Is Not Installed With Jquery.swfobject

Jun 2, 2010

How can I display alternate HTML with the jquery.swfobject plugin for browsers without Flash? I'm unable to find any documentation or examples showing how to do this.

Here is a snippet of my code:

<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript" src="jquery.1.4.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"


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Jquery :: Any Gui Visual Editor That Use Javascript/jquery For Creating Animations Like Adobe Flash?

Jan 10, 2012

I am a web designer and I do like to hand code using jquery however, I think it would be much faster to use gui applications like flash to create animations especially on the fly as well as support for writing and editing source code.

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Jquery :: Flash - Pros And Cons To Use Jquery SWF Plugin Over Original Swfobject?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm alreadu using jquery library on site.What are pros and cons to use jQuery SWFObject plugin over origional swfobject

jQuery SWFObject plugin


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Flash :: Forward MouseEvent In Transparent Bitmap To Underlying MovieClip

Mar 24, 2011

So I'm Bitmaping some heavy stuff to try bring down the [pre-render] and [render] which is quite high according to FlashBuilder's profiling. I thought this was going well until I realised that as soon as you change a MovieClip to a Bitmap, you lose the pixel based accuracy of the mouse move events (Over, Out, Move...), all your left with is the entire bounding box of the Bitmap, something which is less than desirable. I've got a game where many Bitmapped assets would be on top of each other in a scene, on the stage, arranged in various ways and need to have that pixel accuracy moving between each one and have exhausted my efforts as to how to achieve the same mouse move results with the Bitmapped guys as normal.

This, [URL], is a FLA which shows this operation, and you can see how it works here, [URL]. When it loads up, both items on stage are drawn Shapes, encapsulated in MovieClips, both that get a glow, if you hover over them. If you click the stage at all, the purple guy gets turned into a Bitmap and now, his 'hit area', when it comes to MouseEvents is his whole bounding box and you can only get through to the back green item at the edge slivers.

I'm also tracing the pixel which the mouse is over, so I can clearly tell when the mouse is over a transparent area, it's 0, but how can I tell the event to forward itself on down the chain to the green MovieClip?

Below is how it's now pretty much working for me,

var bitmap:Bitmap = this['bitmap'];
var shouldMouseOver:Boolean = bitmap.bitmapData.getPixel(event.localX - bitmap.x, event.localY - bitmap.y);


I shut off mouseEnabled for my item, when I know it's wrong, then I search for another item that properly fits the bill and if there is one, send an Event to that and break. If that one's also wrong, it'll do the same again, but each time taking themselves out of the loop.

This does work exactly how I want it to, but I'd always prefer to keep things like globalToLocal and looping, and reading from arrays for not frequently updated methods like listeners to MOUSE_MOVE. Is there a more efficient way to do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Avoid Attacching Code In A Object?

Jul 7, 2005

Macromedia says "...Avoid attaching code in a object...". The question is: how to integrate this code to the code of the main timeline? This is the code inside a the MovieClip named "dot":

removeMe = function () {


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