Actionscript 3 :: Use SharedObject To Track Number Of Clicks?
Aug 4, 2011
How do I use sharedObject to track the number of clicks and store them in a .txt file? My client wants to track the clicks of the user an Im not sure how to make this work with sharedObject.
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Error: Error #2134: Cannot create SharedObject.
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var replay = SharedObject.getLocal("save");
if ( == undefined){
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Jan 25, 2011
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If I were to access the attributes or methods of the shared object, can I use the 'name' instead of the variable, since the name is the 'name of the shared object'?
If the following code were used:
Why am I getting this error, if 'UserName' is the name of the shared object, than why can't I use it to refer to it's methods and other attributes? What is the meaning of it being a 'name' than?
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Jun 22, 2009
I am working on a project that uses SharedObject and I have a question. I've made a button that downloads a flash screensaver and at the same time also creates a SharedObject which stores a specific id for each screensaver being downloaded. When later the screensaver is installed and run, it should get the SharedObject and read the id from it. When tested locally it works perfect since both the buttons´ and the screensavers´Sharedobject are stored in the same localPath. But when the button is online and the screensaver is local the SharedObject paths don't match.
Is there a way to solve this and make the local screensaver swf read the SharedObject from the same path as the online download button has stored it's SharedObject in?
This is the relevant code in both my swfs:
var _mySo:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("name", "/");
If this won't work, does anybody have another solution to my remote to local screensaver thingy??
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Jan 12, 2005
I have a normal XML menu, when I click in an item open the sub-item, my problem is the following one, when I click in an item DVD he goes to open an sub-item, and later I click en adventure, when I click in adventure I go for the next page, my problem is this, in this new page that I will be, my menu come back to normal the sub-item adventure is not selected in the screen, and I need that be selected, I already I tried to read the SharedObject in the F1, already I tried to find some tutorial to try to understand, but nothing,
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May 27, 2005
with the code below, I can change the colour of the movie clip.I need the colour of that movie clip to stay the same also afternext time visiting the page. I think it's made by the action SharedObject.
function changeColor(code, obj) {
var ColorSet = new Color(obj);
ColorSet.setRGB(parseInt(code, 16));
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Jan 21, 2007
got my code working, and all information i enter in to my sharedObjects is working correctly as it should but isn't saving so when I close and then re-open the flash file the data isn't there? Admittedly I'm new to sharedObjects I'm using the [.data.] when entering info and then [.flush()] at the end of the function - is there anything I've missed?
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