Cs5 :: Flash Animation And Sound Loop

Jun 17, 2010

ok so im having an issue with Flash CS5.I have a sound looping, and my animation is only 13 frames long, while the song is like a minute long, so each time the animation loops threw the default "Loop Playback" a new sound audio is played which os overlapping the previous over and over causing a massive echo effect.Whats the best way to loop both of them insync, or atleast copy and paste the animations frames and make it the length of the song?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Animation Playback-sound Keeps True?

Dec 2, 2011

I am making a little flash animation, and for this one scene, I need an animation to loop over and over, while a soundtrack plays underneath.
My sound file is 867 frames long. My animation is 20. I want the animation to loop every 20 frames, and the sound to loop every 867. I tried with making the animation loop by itself, and it started the sound from the beginning every 20 frames. While the sound beneath it was still playing.

In other words, is there a way so that a sound layer is not affected by the looping of the animation?

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Actionscript 3 :: Creating A Complex Flash Rollover In Stages (loop > Rollover Animation > Timed Animation)

Jan 24, 2012

Okay, now things are getting a little complicated. I need to build a Flash object that can sit over the corner of an image to serve extra content. It's way beyond my Flash skill level, my work is usually limited to print work in Photoshop and Illustrator so please excuse me if any of the following isn't clear. I am trying to learn though, So this is how it's all supposed to work, along with my issues; When the image & Flash item load a small looping animation will play to draw the eye/show the item as interactive.

When the user rolls over this the corner will peelback. I have a working peelback animation for the rollover, that reacts to mouse over/mouse off, and a looping animation for the initial, but I cannot work out how to make the initial loop until mouseover, then play the peelback when the mouse is over. And go back to the initial animation loop if the user rolls off. (Each of these animations is stored as a movie clip in the Library)
Then it gets more complicated... if the user stays on the corner until it is fully peeled back I need to make a small countdown (sort of a 3, 2, 1 situation) show, before launching a lightbox (would this have to be jQuery, or could it be done in Flash?) in the browser to serve the content.


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Professional :: If You Create An Animation Can You Loop The Last Frames Of That Animation If A Button Is Held Down?

Dec 6, 2011

ok lets say you create a button that when held down play an animation of 20 frames if realsed it goes to frame one and stops if held down it plays out this animation. for the topic lets say you have a fire animation and you want the fire to apear and if the user hold its down the animation reaches the end of the time line and loops back and plays the last 5 frames of the animation and as soon as it is let go it goes to and stops at frame one. Well i know how to make a button that when held down plays out an animation. And i know how to say when released goes to and stops at frame one. What i dont know how to do is to loop the fire at the last 5 or 6 frames so the user can hold it down all day long and play out that animation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Transition - First Animation To Goto The Last Frame In The Loop Before Starting The Next Animation?

Nov 4, 2003

so I have a looping animation that is several frames long. Inside the animation is a button, when pressed I want to go to another part of the timeline, where another animation is waiting. Simple, I got that working no problem. But... I need the first animation to go to the last frame in the loop before starting the next animation. The way I have it now makes an ugly cut, and the transition between animations isn't seamless.


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FLV In CS5 - Flash Animation To Pause And Not Loop

Dec 31, 2010

Im an Industrial Design student that has never really used any Flash before but need to use it now to mock up an interface design for a product/service I'm developing for my major project.

So far, in ActionScript 2.0, I have a picture of a TV and remote control and intend to design the interface over the top of the television picture and highlight buttons on the remote beside it, that the moderator can click to navigate around it.

To get across the idea that the interface pops up over the existing moving television picture I have imported an FLV of some television ads. My problem is that I want the Flash animation (everything but the FLV if you like) to pause and not loop, and the FLV to continue playing (and looping) in the background, but can't figure out how to do it. Ideally the FLV needs to continue playing, seamlessly behind the interface after the next button is clicked etc.

Wherever I seem to put a stop(); action it'll stop everything, including the FLV, and if I just extend the timeframe to the length of the video, it'll still stop at the end or just loop to the beginning of the entire SWF.

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Flash Pro CS5 :: Make An Animation Loop Continuously?

Jul 13, 2010

I played around quite a bit and came up with exactly the effect I was looking for. Basically a movie clip with floating icons that come in and out of the stage. All was done in actionScript 3.0 and Code Snippets. There is no timeline per se, using the classic timeline view it is only one keyframe, the animation lasts for about 45 seconds.

I want the animation to loop continueously. Even in the HTML output I did click Loop Cont. under Publish settings. That does not work either.

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Php :: Test If A Flash Animation Plays Sound With PHP?

Oct 25, 2011

I'm developing a web app with PHP and I need to test if a page of a website has background music. As many of you already know, this is the list of the tag (I miss someone?) where the background sound can be inserted in a webpage:[code]While checking if there's background audio because of the presence of the tag bgsound or audio is easy to do, testing if a flash animation has the sound is not so easy (at least for me).I know that I can check if a tag embed has in the src attribute something like sound.mp3 but how can I test if the sound is totally embedded in the flash animation?I searched a lot to find an answer but unfortunately I've not found one.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Animation With Sound Not Playing In Mac?

Jul 29, 2011

I have made a 5 min animation with stream sound. Its playing perfectly in PC. But in mac,its not playing. Stream sound starts from frame 60. So mac plays the swf plays till 60 frame, after that it pauses. I tried importing different sound format (wav, aif, mp3) and tried with all sound export setting but the problem remain same; its playing only till 60. When i removed the sound, it played till end. Even with event sound, it plays till end. But with stream sound, the problem. The problem is only in mac; in pc its perfect.I am using VMware Mac OS x leopard in window xp for testing purpose. I tested it in laptop with mac; but the problem is same. What could be the solution?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Creating A Sound Loop In Flash?

Jun 16, 2011

I found an issue when I was creating a sound loop in Flash. I'm using similar code (here is a short version):


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Actionscript 3 :: Loop A Sound In Flash When It Ends?

Mar 26, 2011

What AS3 code is used to loop a sound using AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop Flash Video - Animation Stutters

Apr 4, 2009

Check out the beginning of my site [URL]. Look closely at the flowing dress... it stutters when it tries to loop. However, look at the ripple animation behind the hexagon; it loops just fine. I recall when I worked on the ripple animation that I had a hard time getting it to loop, and that I had to add some action script to it. However, when I look at it, I don't see any action script at all.

I was thinking what I used was
on (complete) {
this.autorewind =true;
but that doesn't work.

Here is how my files are organized:
FlowingCloth << Movie Symbol, contains a .FLV of the flowing cloth
FlowingDress << Contains FlowingCloth and the Bride graphic
Then FlowingDress is placed on the main stage. Using CS3

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Professional :: Flash - Animation With Stream Sound Not Playing In Mac?

Jul 29, 2011

I have made a 5 min animation with stream sound. Its playing perfectly in PC. But in mac, its not playing. Stream sound starts from frame 60. So mac plays the swf plays till 60 frame, after that it pauses. I tried importing different sound format (wav, aif, mp3) and tried with all sound export setting but the problem remain same; its playing only till 60.When i removed the sound, it played till end. Even with event sound, it plays till end. But with stream sound, the problem. The problem is only in mac; in pc its perfect.I am using VMware Mac OS x leopard in window xp for testing purpose.

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Flash :: AS3 Using Sound.extract In A Loop To Analyse A Soundfile?

Aug 27, 2011

From this AS3 code I expect 500 lines of trace outputs that contain "2048". But instead I get only some lines containing "2048". The rest of the traces print a "0" which shows me that the extract() method did not return any data.

Why is this the case? I would like to iterate through the soundfile with a specific amount of steps to extract 2048 bytes of the sound at the respective position. Extracting the entire soundfile at once would freeze the flashplayer for seconds and is therefore not a good solution for me.This behaviour can be found as long steps is smaller than samplesInSound/2048.The closer it comes to that value, the more lines with a "0" are printed compared to those with a 2048 in it.

var sound:Sound = new Sound();
sound.load(new URLRequest("soundfile.mp3"));
sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, soundLoaded);[code].....

I had the idea that the extracted part of the soundfile is cut out of the rest of the soundfile after extracting it (like at Actionscript 3 - Sound.extract method empties sound object data), so I tried out another for loop:

for(var i=0; i<samplesInSound - steps * 2048; i += Math.floor(samplesInSound/steps) - 2048) but this didn't work out either.

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Professional :: Flash: CS Pro. Make An Animation Loop Continuously- Revisited?

Jul 17, 2010

In my original thread my answer was given and I only needed to take the information and tweak it to make it apply throughout other instances in the code.This is marked as answered. The way I constructed the code heBecause each Movie Clip is individually handled, I was explained by Ned Murphy on this forum that I need to insert code for each individual clip to send it back to start when it comes off the stage because it is structured to go to infinity with the movie symbols continuing on their path.I get that. ittle code to add was provided for an example clip that started at the top of the stage  and went down, then when it goes off the stage, go back. In this case it was for MovieClip_1  (Out of 15) The red was the additional code (Provided by Ned Murphy who is IMHO a Guru here) that was added :

/* Animate Vertically*/
movieClip_15.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_AnimateVertically_13);
movieClip_15.startY = movieClip_15.y;


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Flash Animation Loop - Use The ColorMatrix Class But It Does Not Adjust The Colors?

Feb 19, 2009

I have been doing some heavy flash animations recently and my current project is making me frustrated. Here is the situation and what I am trying to accomplish:

- 15 second looping animation of a game character that loops continuously. Just breathes in and out while bending down a lil. (I created already)

- Game character has two parts of clothing that need to change color. (I created already)

- Each piece of clothing (2 parts shirt and pants) may have 5 colors each. (I created already)

- Users can change the color by using one of the two picker that has all 5 colors. (I created already)

Problems. - I tried to use the colorMatrix class but it does not adjust the colors the way I need them since the character has highlights and shadows.It tints to much of the overall Color. So I built the character animation 5 times with each with a color from the 5 original colors. All animations are 15 sec. Total of 10 animations, 5 for the shirt and 5 for the pants.

Ex. Top Shirt = Blue
Bottom Pants = Red

User clicks on the color picker for the shirt and wants to change the color to green(green being one of the 5 colors). So with some code I changed out the blue shirt animation with the green animation. But I don't know how to start the green animation where the blue one left of?

Better Example: Blue shirt active and currently on frame 10. While on the blue shirt is on frame 10, user selects the color green from the color picker at the same time. How do i get the green t-shirt to start at frame 11 continuing from where the blue color left off?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Information That Can Be Pulled From Currently Playing Sound In Flash To Base Animation Off?

Nov 24, 2004

I wanted to make a visulisation based on sound, like a winamp plug in.The only thing that even remotely looks like it uses sound information is the sound players on FlashKit. (although they might be faking it)url...Is there any information that can be pulled from a currently playing sound in Flash to base a animation off ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Loop The Animation

Jan 12, 2009

I need to loop the animation, its a simple loop but i have confused me in this code and cant solve it.

ActionScript Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


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AS3 :: Can't Make Sound Loop

Jun 8, 2008

I'm using this code to play/stop a sound in my flash movie, but I can't figure out how to make it loop. What do I need to do?[code]

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How To Loop Streaming Sound/mp3

Apr 30, 2009

I have CS4 but saving doc as CS3 so I hope I am in the right forum. I added a behavior as sound streaming mp3. I want to loop it.. Here is the action code that was generated. How would I change it to looping. I changed the true to false at the end of the code but that didn't work. here it is:

//Load Streaming mp3 behavior if(_global.Behaviors == null)_global.Behaviors = {}; if(_global.Behaviors.Sound == null)_global.Behaviors.Sound = {}; if(typeof this.createEmptyMovieClip == 'undefined'){ this._parent.createEmptyMovieClip('BS_figaro',new Date().getTime()-(Math.floor((new Date().getTime()) /10000)*10000) ); _global.Behaviors.Sound.figaro = new Sound(this._parent.BS_figaro);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Sound Without Gap?

Jan 14, 2010

How can I loop a sound without the gap? If i try

ActionScript Code:
play(song, 100);

it will have a gap everytime it loops, how can i fix that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Sound In It?

Jan 5, 2011

I have managed to get my sound playing from the library but would like to know what the simplest way to loop the sound in as3 would be, (using the smallest amount of code as possible preferably!)

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IDE :: How To Loop Streaming Sound/mp3

Apr 30, 2009

I added a behavior as sound streaming mp3. I want to loop it.. Here is the action code that was generated. How would I change it to looping. I changed the true to false at the end of the code but that didn't work.here it is:

//Load Streaming mp3 behavior
if(_global.Behaviors == null)_global.Behaviors = {};
if(_global.Behaviors.Sound == null)_global.Behaviors.Sound = {};


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IDE :: How To Continuously Loop A Sound

Dec 3, 2009

how to continuously loop a sound, but all I have seen is aSound.play(0,1000);Not really a continueous loop. I was looking at watching for one of the COMPLETE dispatches (from the Sound object, or from the SoundChannel object), then start the sound again. The only thing is would this not start another channel?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Get MP3 Sound To Loop

Apr 28, 2010

How do I get this sound to loop?
"sonido1" - my mp3
import com.greensock.TweenMax;
import com.greensock.easing.*
function love() {
TweenMax.to(sonido1, 1, {volume:1, delay:0.5});
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get An Animation To Loop With A Delay In Between Using It?

Oct 18, 2010

How would you get an animation to loop with a delay in between using AS3?

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Professional :: Animation To Loop Every 5 Sec. Interval?

Jun 20, 2010

I have a logo which animates one time and stops. What I would like is, it should loop every 5 seconds interval. The following is the action scipt 3 written in the flash document.
var l:Loader=new Loader();addChild(l);
l.load(new URLRequest("MyLogo.swf"));l.x = 100;l.y = 100;
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, growLoader);


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ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Do Animation With Movement Loop

Oct 4, 2010

I'm new to flash and this is my first animation... I'm making it in CS5 using AS2 and it features a snail with a movement loop. The loop is in the library as a movie clip, it has 3 layers and is 19 frames long. Because it is a snail in the loop it ends in a different place then it started. The snail has to move along 97 frames after each movement. I thought I could do this within the movie clip using some actionscript on frame 1 but I haven't really got to grips with actionscript so I was wondering how I should go about moving it every time the loop restarts.

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Professional :: Loop Animation 2x Then Stop?

Nov 18, 2010

I am producing a banner ad and I need to have this 15 second animation loop two times (for a total of 30 seconds) and then stop. If this does call for AS?

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Professional :: Loop An Animation, But Only From A Certain Point?

Apr 5, 2011

I've been using the Adobe CS5 collection for nearly a year now but today is the first day I've decided to give Flash Professional a go.I'd tried creating a looping animation in Flash Catalyst but have had no luck at all (I'd followed a couple of suggestions such as using an flv movie as a timer but nothing seems to work for some reason), so I thought I would do it the proper way in Flash Professional.So far I have figured out how to import images, convert them to symbols,create a motion tween with key frames and do the animation. All this is good, but now I want the animation to jump back to a few seconds after the movie begins and play until the end,then jump back to that point again.Basically when the animation first starts it fades in for a half second or so,and went I want it to loop around I want this fade in missed out.

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