ActionScript 2.0 :: Make All Images Dynamic?
Jan 22, 2010
I have a swf that is 6MB and takes for ever to load. No surprise there. It's an animated website. Now what i want to do is go through the whole thing and make it so all the images used in it are loaded dynamicly. is there some command or code i can use. None of the animation is done with actionscript it's all in the time line.
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Nov 11, 2009
I am currently building a flash site which uses dynamic images throughout using loadMovie("picture.jpg", mc_name) to load them into various movie clips. This all works fine and the site is starting to look good, the only problem i have is with preloading. I have the main swf file and everything contained within it preloading with a progress bar at the start which works fine. When the movie loads the main homepage image slowly fades in, however as the loadMovie("home.jpg", homepic) is on the same frame as the homepage, if you don't have the image in your cache then you miss the fade completely in the time it takes the image to load.
As a result i am wanting to preload this (and a few other) images during the initial preloader if possible, that way i can prevent this problem from occurring. Unfortunately from what i understand i can't run loadMovie from within my preloader actions as they're in a different frame so i'm really not sure how to do it, given the image is external
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Mar 17, 2009
My boss wanted me to make scrolling images and captions for each image when you rollover them. I made the images scroll by making each image a button and masking those images. I can't seem to get the captions right though.The dynamic text box I am using is inside the mask (because I cannot figure out how to put it on the main time line and make it work). The rollovers work when the dynamic text box is in the mask, but when I scroll through the images, the text scrolls too and some of the captions you cannot even see. The web site is below if you need to see what I am talking about.http:[url].......
I figured that what I need to do is put the dynamic text box on the main time line and not in the mask. But I can't seem to get that to work.Here is the code I am putting on the actual image buttons. My text box instance name is rOver and yes, I did embed the fonts.
on (rollOver) {
rOver.text ="caption";
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Jul 31, 2009
I want to develop an application as
I have problem in using the uploaded images in my application.Please refer to following 1. Go to 2. Click on "Upload own graphics" 3. A new window will open, upload ur image in that. 4. Click on "Icon" on hexapartners page and select "Uploaded" category from combo box. 5. You will see ur uploaded image in the scrollpane and when u click on that it will be loaded on the right side This is what i actually want to do.
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Sep 2, 2009
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Aug 24, 2011
So I have a function to create images dynamically in as2, telling some parameters, the problem I am facing is that I need to add this function to a file that has as3, so is incompatible, can anyone please help me translate it to as3?
function goGetUrl(dir:String){
getURL(dir, "_blank");
For example the getURL(dir, "_blank"); does not work, I think I can change it by:
navigateToURL(new URLRequest (dir));
also I know that getNextHighestDepth() is not available in as3
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Feb 23, 2009
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Jul 28, 2009
Basically i want to add a dynamic image to scrollpane in order that when i click on it, it is added to one movie clip.So, in order to achieve this i have done as follows :-1) Convert image to button and add on press event in it. In on press event, i add loadMovie(url,mc) so it gets added to movieclip.2) Then i converted this button to movieclip as i wanted to add it to a scrollpane.Upto this there is no problem since i used static images but now i want to add dynamic images (added by users).
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I have found many, many resources to make a dynamic text label, but making the image dynamic and applying the effects on top of the image.
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Jan 2, 2003
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Jul 19, 2004
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May 12, 2006
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import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
import flash.filters.*;
import mx.transitions.Tween;[code].......
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Aug 30, 2006
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Dec 18, 2006
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var xml = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
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Jan 8, 2012
I have written the following to send variables to PHP which searches a MySQL database and returns the results in XML. However for the life of me I cannot get the XML data loaded into the Movie Clips of my Flash site.Is there an obvious problem that I've overlooked?
ActionScript Code:
var imageDir:String = "Images/";
var getImage:XML;
var imageList = new Array();
var newPic:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
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Aug 11, 2002
I have an MS Acces Database, i using flash and asp. My client using a CMS where he can put quicktime movies and images. The client dont have Flash! how i can put this dynamic in flash?
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May 15, 2004
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PHP Code:
loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {
j = 1;
[Code] .....
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May 14, 2010
I need to develop a page that has contents and images dynamic loaded and always follows a pattern that we decide for the page
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Feb 25, 2005
Ok so I'm working on a project at my job and things are going very well. The Flash application is 100% dynamic from text to text field colors, to panel colors, etc..The back end runs off of ASP in case you're curious.
Now we are up to the part where we have to load images into a panel. The images are uploaded by the user and the names are stored in a database. The panel should load 6 images at a time, 3 rows 2 columns.
Our ASP programmers aren't 100% sure on how they should be sending me the images. I started toying around with some code, assuming I have an image count which they will provide.
So as of now I have 6 panels going across my movie, which is fine, but now I need to columnize them into 3 rows 2 columns. So that's my concern as of now. Later on I will need to figure out how to say "if there are 6+ images have next and previous buttons to load the next ones". So if anyone has any good links on that it would be cool.
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Aug 25, 2009
I have a .swf that rotates through dynamically loaded images, like a banner of sorts. It secures the image names by loadVars-ing a text file. All this works fine and dandy on our test site -- everything functions flawlessy.
However, when we move the same set of files (same html page, same directory layout, same text file, same swf, same images) to another site, it doesn't work -- the swf runs, but it fails to load the images.
I'm told that this new site is on the same server, so it shouldn't be an issue of server settings.
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Oct 9, 2009
I currently have a working gallery I made with simple next/prev buttons, that calls external images dynamically from a folder. The images are in an array (obviously). I would LOVE to be able to tween the incoming image from the right, and the outgoing image out to the left, which I know how to do just fine (with either built in tween class or tweenmax)..... but not when the images are loaded dynamically. I've searched and searched and have only come across a mention of having two loaders, or possibly a loader for each image? or possibly using the custom BulkLoader class from google.code.
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Aug 17, 2009
I have a project where I'm loading some HTML into an HTML-enabled dynamic textbox, along with some images, using the img tag. The problem I have is that no matter what I do, the text tries to flow down one side of the image (depending on whether I have the image set to align 'left' or 'right'). I don't want this. I want the text to sit under the image, not flow around the side. I've tried everything I can think of, and I just can't seem to achieve this.
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Sep 26, 2010
I was just wondering what are the pros and cons of using embedded images instead of dynamic loading? Because when making games on pure AS3 (without Flash IDE), its a pain to manually embed all the assets needed... That makes your code sloppy, besides you don't have control to automatically change the hud, for example, by only changing the external file.
But I heard that some sites only let you upload a single swf, so you can't have external images. Also I heard that some are worried about users downloading their art... But as far as I know, they can also download them if they hack the swf with a decompiler. Having it external, you can encrypt the image, and unencrypt it on the code, so if they try to download they will only get encrypted code.
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Jan 19, 2011
I want to add specific images to a datagrid row, depending on the data displayed on that row. These images need to be functional buttons with click handlers and everything.For example, if a row displays status of a certain element, like "Editable" then the image displayed in the cell next to it needs to be a green flag, if it isn't Editable then I red flag should appear.
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Feb 6, 2012
I bought a website template that has a scrolling photo gallery. As it came, the images are static in the fla file itself. I would like to edit the fla and load images dynamically. Ideally from MSSQL. I'm using VS2010, C# webforms, and SQL Server 2008 R2. Are there any code snippets or tutorials or general guidance on how to do this? I do have a CS3 disc with Flash on it I can use for editing.
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