ActionScript 2.0 :: Mask Changes Textfield And Movieclip Are Reset?

Dec 10, 2009

1. If you have a dynamic text field and movieclip under a mask layer.

2. through actionscript you set the text of the text field, and set the frame of the movieclip.

3. You want the mask to animate, so you create a new keyframe at frame 10 in the mask layer, and change the shape of the mask. The problem is that when you play the movie and it reaches the keyframe where the mask changes, it resets both the text field and movieclip to it's initial state. I've run into this issue in both AS2 and AS3, and also using an animated movieclip as a mask. Whatever is underneath the mask gets reset. I've created a very simple fla to demonstrate this (attached).

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ActionScript Code:
public function flashDisplay(alert:String):void
tempText = textField.text;


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for (var i:int = 1; i <= _size; i++) {
var pl_artist:TextField = new TextField;
//all embedFont = true and antiAlias commands no workie

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effect_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
mask_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
// Apply Mask


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Actionscript 3 :: MovieClip Higher Than Set Mask?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a movieclip with a prefilled content (some simple vector graphic in a movieclip), with the height of 40. I then apply a mask to it, with the height of 30. Now i would think that the MovieClip is 30 pixel high, but it turns out to be 40 pixel high. Is there some property im not setting or does the movieclip always assume the height of ALL the content within it? or what?

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var a:BitmapData = new BitmapData(640,480);
var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap(a);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Blurfilter On Movieclip Mask?

Jun 19, 2008

I have a movieclip, "clip1", that is being masked by "mask1". the mask starts as a small circle and grows into a big one, gradually showing the screen. However, the sharp corners on the mask are bugging me and I want it to have soft corners as it goes across the screen. I've read around, and it seems like a blurfilter may be able to do the trick. However, I can't seem to tell any difference; the corners are not softened whatsoever. I can't post the actual code, but here's what the important snippet of code looks like:

ActionScript Code:
var clip1:MovieClip=new MovieClip1();
var mask1:MovieClip=new MaskClip1();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Mask For Inner Movieclip?

Sep 2, 2009

I have 2 main movieclips (mask_mc, draw_mc)I have masked these movieclip..

draw_mc.mask = mask_mc;

inside draw_mc there is a movieclip called item_mc, the above mask must not be applied to this inner movieclip item_mc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mask A Blurred Movieclip?

Sep 9, 2009

Have you ever tried to mask a blurred movieclip? If the mask is made manually and set on stage it works ok, if we use:mc.mask = mask;it seems like the mask is also blurred and it doesn't work as expected! Do you have any idea on how to solve this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Mask Animation On A Movieclip?

Apr 28, 2010

I'm trying to add a mask animation on a movieclip that i have in the library. The problem is that my code add the image to the movieclip that i have created to contain the image but his mask doesn't animate.

So i have:

- the mask layer

-- a layer for the image

- a layer for the movielip background

in this order. With greensock i add a scale animation to the mask layer on the mouseover event but it doesn't animate.

import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
var columns:Number;
var my_x:Number;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Attached MovieClip Under Mask Disappears

Jan 23, 2010

I posted this in Kirupa but unfortunately i did not receive any response from the community for 4 days now. I'm thinking perhaps somebody here can answer my long awaited explanation for this bug or phenomenon. I have a shape animation on the timeline from one keyframe to the next (3 keyframes). There is an orange movieclip under that mask with instance name "container". Now if i attempt to attach a movieclip to it at runtime, it will automatically get removed when it reaches the 2nd shape tween keyframe. All my code is in frame 1. Isn't that illogical? I know it works if i place it into a movieclip. I need an explanation to this (if its a bug) and a workaround other than repetitively attaching it from frame to frame.

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Flash :: Using Actionscript 3 To Mask Text Thats In A Movieclip

Apr 5, 2011

I am dynamicly adding xml data into three text fields buy looping and then adding the text_info movieclip to a scroll_box movie clip then adding the scroll_box to the _myCanvas movieClip. I want to mask the data but am not getting the results I though I should.


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Actionscript 3 :: Mask Changes The Color Of Masked Movieclip?

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to mask a movieclip using a mask created with AS3 but it changes the color of the movieclip being masked. I would like the mask to not change the color of the masked movieclip. Here is my code:

function drawMask():void {


The masked movieclip becomes the same color as the color defined in beginFill. In the example above, masked_mc turns black (as defined in beginFill). Removing beginFill masked everything and revealed nothing. masking with AS3 without changing the color of the movieclips being masked.

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