ActionScript 3.0 :: Reset A Nested MovieClip?

Sep 18, 2011

So I have a system of adding and removing movie clips to the stage. It seems to work fine. Except one of the movieClips has a movieClip inside it that does not seem to reset when addChild puts the parent back on the stage. [code]...

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1.when the swf movie loads with an attachMovie method the remove_btn clears the window_mc


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Actionscript 3 :: Cleaning Nested Dynamic MovieClip(Class) In A MovieClip?

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private var mcHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip()[code].................

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mask Changes Textfield And Movieclip Are Reset?

Dec 10, 2009

1. If you have a dynamic text field and movieclip under a mask layer.

2. through actionscript you set the text of the text field, and set the frame of the movieclip.

3. You want the mask to animate, so you create a new keyframe at frame 10 in the mask layer, and change the shape of the mask. The problem is that when you play the movie and it reaches the keyframe where the mask changes, it resets both the text field and movieclip to it's initial state. I've run into this issue in both AS2 and AS3, and also using an animated movieclip as a mask. Whatever is underneath the mask gets reset. I've created a very simple fla to demonstrate this (attached).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Extending A Movieclip And Calling A Nested Movieclip'

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I'm trying to do somthing like this:

class Timer extends MovieClip
// constructor


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reset The To Original State Of MovieClip When I Addit Again?

Sep 10, 2008

I added a child (addChild(myCllip) ) and then i change properties of other movieClips inside it then i remove it.

My problem is that when i addChild it again i remains the same when i removed it.

Its there a way to reset the to the original state of the movieClip when i addit again?

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What I want to know is how I would go about making them all their default colors when you hit a movieClip instance that acts as a reset button. I can't seem to get it.

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Flash :: Restrict/reset The Scale Proportions Only In Special Case That The StageWidth/Height Are Smaller Than The Movieclip?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm trying to make a movieclip scale proportionally only if the item is being resize smaller than the current.Obviously I can use the ScaleX/Y values like so:

if (cont.scaleX < cont.scaleY ) { cont.scaleY = cont.scaleX; } else { cont.scaleX = cont.scaleY; }

I need to restrict/reset the scale proportions only in special case that the stageWidth/Height are smaller than the movieclip.

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IDE :: How To Control A Nested Movieclip

May 19, 2008

I have a nested movieclip that I need to control.I have searched the net and to this point I have been able to make it gotoAndStop at frame 1 and play().I can't make it stop.I understand that actionscript can be attached to the movieclip instance or placed on the root timeline.what I would like is direction to websites and or tutorials that might teach me how to control a nested movieclip.

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IDE :: TextField Nested In MovieClip?

Aug 3, 2009

var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.text = "abc";
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

Why does the trace statement throw me an error?

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IDE :: Scale 9 On Nested Movieclip?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm trying to build a styled, rounded button movieclip that I can reuse/resize. So inside a movieclip, I have two layers:

Layer 1: A border, which is a shape - a rounded rectangle (or actually the stroke of a rounded-rect).

Layer 2: A nested movieclip which contains a shape for the face of the button. I have added filters to this nested movieclip to give it a beveled-type look - typical rounded button stuff.

So, I've tried applying scale-9 to the parent movieclip: in this case the border scales fine, but the face (with the filters) does not. So, then I tried applying scale-9 to both the parent and the nested face movieclip,I want to be able have the button self contained as a clip which I can pull from the library, drop on the stage, and scale without distortion - and so far, as mentioned,I can't figure out how the get the nested face, the one with the filters applied, to scale appropriately.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Get Nested MovieClip To Play

Aug 31, 2010

I'm having a problem trying to get some nested movie clips to play. I have three movie clips on three different layers all on frame one of the parent layer. each layer has a labIe (well just call it "layer1", "layer2. "layer3") I have a stop command on the parent level (on its own layer). each of the three movie clips has its own animation (the nested animation). The lower two have a stop command in their first frame(nested) so they wont play. Only the top movieclip would play on run. I want to place a gotoandplay command in the nested timeline of the above movie, that will start to play the next lower movie clip nested timeline, as the above one is ending, and repeat this process to cylce back around to the top movieclip. The overall goal is to have one animation move into the other using nested timeline smoothly.

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Professional :: Nested Movieclip Become Smaller ?

Nov 27, 2011

I created a stage size 960 by 640, than i create a movieclip exactly the same size as the stage, but when i double click to get into the movieclip everything get smaller an object with 960 by 640 has reduce to 184by 140??? How do I get it back to the original size?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Targeting Nested MovieClip?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a main swf that loads an external swf (WNC.swf). The external swf (WNC.swf) contains a scrollPane that loads another external swf (WNC_DATA.swf). I'm trying to target the WNC_DATA.swf from the main swf, so I can tell it to go to frame (2). The following code targets the first child swf (WNC.swf), however I'm unable to target WNC_DATA.swf inside the scrollPane.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dragging A Nested MovieClip?

Jul 31, 2010

If -- draggable -- moivieClip_A is created, and then moivieCLip_B is created as a child of movieClip_A, (when movieClip_A is dragged onPress, movieClip_B simultaneously moves with it), is it possible to change a property of movieClip_B with a mouse event? Seems as though movieClip_A's layer position / mouse events are blocking mouse events for movieClip_B.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Swf Into A Nested Movieclip?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a container movieclip within another movieclip (this one being on the stage) and I am wanting to load a swf into that from the timeline on the stage. Is that possible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Nested Movieclip?

Aug 31, 2010

I am trying to control a movieclip nested in a movie clip from the main timeline, but I can't seem to get it to work. I understand the "." dot notation, but it just isn't working.I googled the crap out of it, but nothing really.Attached is just a simple example I'm trying to get to work. The file is CS4 format.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing A Nested Movieclip?

Sep 1, 2010

This is probably a very simple solution, but I can't seem to find it online. Basically, I have a button that need to change a movieclip's frame in it's parent.So I tried:

ActionScript Code:

But it's not working! I know I'm getting to the right locaiton because _parent holds a variable, and I can access that just fine. But I for some reason can't access the movieclip at all.

Note: I can't upgrade to AS3 (What I'm used to) as this isn't my file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access A Nested Movieclip?

Aug 15, 2011

what im trying to do here is to make subcategories to show images like this:

villas ---> villa1--->loadmovie: photo1
villa2--->loadmovie: photo2


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Nested Buttons On A MovieClip?

Jun 2, 2006

i have a movie clip and inside that MC i have a menu with some buttons(they are also MovieClips), my buttons(MC) inside the menu MC are animated by the mx.transitions tweens, all of that works fine.

then i want to put my menu with some transparency by default and restablish the _alpha to 100% when i rollOver the menu, when i do that the change with the _alpha propertie works fine but my buttons inside the MovieClip no longer works?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using AddChild() On A Nested Movieclip?

Jan 30, 2009

Im having a problem adding a child to a nested movieclip.the main movieclip is instanced when the user clicks on the create gallery button.the code then proceeds to create x movieclips(productFrames) with nested movieclips(imageFrame) with instance name:imageFrame1 & dynamic text frames(title & genus) & then add text to those frames & an image to one of the nested mcs

the problem seems to be with
productFrame.genus.text="Loaded "+kbLoaded+" of "+kbTotal+" KB";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Nested MovieClip As Button?

May 14, 2009

I am trying to design a menu system that pops up which I have just about managed. however nested in the menu movie clip are a number of other movie clips which I want to use as buttons but I am having problems getting the movie clips to load a swf once clicked. I tried putting a button in side the menu movie clip and it would not even recognize the mouse over which makes me think you can not nest buttons or movie clips in another movies clip?

Here is the code
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
menuMC.flowerB.onRelease = function() {
loadMovie("test.swf", 1999);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Nested Movieclip For My Navigation?

Aug 15, 2009

I am testing out some gaia framework things, more specific a navigation.Now i have on the nav.fla a movieclip called total_nav, where my buttons i found the tutorial about creating pages & navigation inside gaia but when i make my code like this:


i get errors inside the file. more specific, it seems i can't write total_nav.button1, but then how do i link from the class into the total_nav clip so i can access button1 and button2.The thing is i need to have the navigation in a movieclip(nested) cuz i want to move it, during the project to specific i can use nested movieclip for my navigation like so?

class pages.NavPage extends AbstractPage
private var buttons:Array;[code]....

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