ActionScript 3.0 :: Reset The To Original State Of MovieClip When I Addit Again?

Sep 10, 2008

I added a child (addChild(myCllip) ) and then i change properties of other movieClips inside it then i remove it.

My problem is that when i addChild it again i remains the same when i removed it.

Its there a way to reset the to the original state of the movieClip when i addit again?

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Jul 5, 2011

I have an animation of a boat. It's a TweenMax bezier path and the boat is following this path. The text is loaded separately and at the moment I'm just doing this in an Update event,

title_mc.x = binnenvaartboat_mc.x;
title_mc.y = binnenvaartboat_mc.y;

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if (binnenvaartboat_mc.rotation >= -30) {, 2,{x:-5, y:30})
} else {, 2,{x:20, y:0})

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I'm thinking maybe if I clear the existing image from the MovieClip, it will reset itself back to regular size and proportions. But I don't know how to go about it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reset A Nested MovieClip?

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So I have a system of adding and removing movie clips to the stage. It seems to work fine. Except one of the movieClips has a movieClip inside it that does not seem to reset when addChild puts the parent back on the stage. [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mask Changes Textfield And Movieclip Are Reset?

Dec 10, 2009

1. If you have a dynamic text field and movieclip under a mask layer.

2. through actionscript you set the text of the text field, and set the frame of the movieclip.

3. You want the mask to animate, so you create a new keyframe at frame 10 in the mask layer, and change the shape of the mask. The problem is that when you play the movie and it reaches the keyframe where the mask changes, it resets both the text field and movieclip to it's initial state. I've run into this issue in both AS2 and AS3, and also using an animated movieclip as a mask. Whatever is underneath the mask gets reset. I've created a very simple fla to demonstrate this (attached).

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Jul 5, 2010

I see a number of cool sites and examples using Senocular's TransformTool. Most of them look and function really well. I've downloaded and reviewed the code for a number of different examples.I can see how everyone else's works.I'm having difficulty with 2 points:

1. When I select a movieClip, the TransformTool appears in the correct spot and in the correct dimensions. But the movieClip itself is relocated much above the TransformTool and is MUCH smaller than its original size and the current (and correct) dimensions of the TransformTool. Selecting one of the handles and dragging stretches the movieClip but does not make it the same dimensions as the TransformTool

2. Releasing one of the handles seems to cause the handle to behave in the same way the movieClip did -- you can resize and move the handle.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bg.reset() Can Only Find Reset Used For Timers?

Dec 28, 2010

reset in google yields only its use for timers.However I have code bg.reset() which I suppose puts the background back to the beginning of its timeline.

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Flash :: Check And Reset Variable On Main Timeline From Inside A Movieclip?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm converting an old AS2 file into AS3 (and trying to learn AS3 at the same time).A movie clip contains a number of different animated sequences and buttons within the application trigger these different sequences.The buttons are functional only when an animation has completed playing.

In AS2, I achieved this with a var called _root.animating which was initially set to "false" and switched to true when the animation played and switched back to false at the end of the anim sequence. The buttons checked this var when clicked. Here is some of the AS2.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking The State Of Another Movieclip?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a series of movieclips placed on the stage, that I have all given the same base class. When a movieclip is clicked, they scale up to 100%, and when clicked again, they scale back to their initial scale.What I would like, is to make it so that if another movieclip has already been scaled up previously, that movieclip will scale back down to it's original size, before the other movieclip that has just been clicked on, scales up. This is the basic code I currently have for all my movieclips:

private function fullImage(event:MouseEvent):void
parentX = MovieClip(parent).x;[code].............

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Button MovieClip - Roll On / Off State

Mar 11, 2011

I have a button (movieclip button) that expands and displays extra things like a box next to it with pictures in. I have roll on and roll off code for the button so it glows and then returns to normal.

intelbtn.onRollOver = function(){
This is the code for the roll on state.^

When I click it goes to and plays 'click' which is an animation that expands and such. If I take my mouse off the area which expands out of the button or the button it removes the information and plays the roll off state, if I put it back in the area it plays the roll on state and flickers alot. How do I stop this (with out disabling the mouse completely because I have a close button which I want to click to close and return to original button state)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array - Making All Default Colors When Hit A MovieClip Instance That Acts As A Reset Button

Apr 13, 2007

I have an array of movie clip instance names:


What I want to know is how I would go about making them all their default colors when you hit a movieClip instance that acts as a reset button. I can't seem to get it.

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Php :: Save A Toggle State That Is Created Using A MovieClip In Flash?

Aug 23, 2010

I have MovieClips on my Flash Stage that when clicked on--they toggle ON/OFF. My goal is that when a user clicks either ON/OFF--then leaves the flash website--another user can visit the site--and see that state of that MovieClip was either left ON/OFF.

I would need a way that when a user toggles ON/OFF--that state is saved in a variable--passed onto PHP--saved in an XML file--and then when that is done--Flash calls a function to update--to read the XML file--see if it needs to update the ON/OFF state of the MovieClip toggle button.

Multiple people would be able to go to this flash site--and toggle (ON/OFF) the objects on the stage. When more than one person is toggling--those people should instantly see objects being toggled (ON/OFF).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Button With Smaller Hover State?

Mar 23, 2010

anyone who takes the time to read and answer this post. I'm having an issue on a file that I'm working on at work. The basis of the project is that its an image of a map, with windmills on certain cities. When you rollover the windmill various things happen. The turbine starts to spin, information about the project in that city shows up in dynamic text boxes, etc.

Anyway, I have one movie clip for the windmill with actionscript (that makes the things mentioned above happen) on the actual symbol, so I do not have to create different movieclips for each city. However, due the way this works, when your mouse touches one of the blades of the windmill turbines, the turbine spinning animation stutters. This happens because when the turbine moves it causes your mouse to rollOut of and rollOn to the windmill rapidly.

It seems that I need to create a hit state for the windmill that is smaller than the bounding box for the entire movieclip. I'm unsure how to do this since the on(rollOver) and on(rollOut) states of the movieclip prevent me from being able to place that type of actionscript on the actual hit state (which would be inside of the movieclip). I could easily just take the actionscript on the main movieclip symbol and put it on JUST the hit state inside, however, I would need 60 different movieclips of the windmill for each city if I did it this way.

Is there any way that I can define a hit state that is smaller than the bounding box of my movieclip button, so that I do not have to create 60 different movieclips? I forgot to mention: Unfortunately since I'm doing this for a client at work, I can not post my file up anywhere to show. So if you need any more information or I was not specific enough please let me know. Also, I can post my code if need be.

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